IELTS Speaking Sample Question # Cheating

Cheating is when you act dishonestly  or unfairly to get an advantage. So, there are people who cheat on exams, some cheat on their partners others cheat themselves on their life. It is something so common, that it often becomes no big deal. Let us today have a look at some questions related to cheating and find out if it is a big deal!

What is your definition of cheating?

I think cheating is when you lie for an advantage. Like, people lie to themselves when they are cheating in a exam for some extra marks. Or, some cheat on their partners because they get fun some where else.

Have you ever cheated?

Sadly yes. I have cheated in different exams of my college. But, at that time neither those exams were important, nor the degree so I was mostly not affected. However, when a company came for our placements, although everyone was cheating, I chose not to.

Why do you think that people cheat?

I think the main reason for people cheating is because they don’t find it a big deal. There are people for whom lying is not a very bad thing which cannot be done. So, they think of the profit and do things that take them there, letting nothing come between.

Have you ever been caught cheating on an exam?

No, as far as I can remember, no. But, there was a friend of mine who was caught cheating and I remember he was asked to leave the examination hall at the very moment.

If you had a chance to cheat now, would you take it?

No, I think I have come to a stage in my life,where I understand that cheating is not done to others. When you cheat, you are actually cheating with your life, giving false hopes and you are not free. Because, deep inside you know that whatever you have achieved in your life is a result of cheating, a lie.

In what situations do people usually cheat?

There are two types of people. One of them, cheat just for fun and they can do it always, in any situation. Because, for them cheating is no big deal. But, then there are those ethical people, who do sometime cheat, but I think it is only when it is desperate or urgent. Like, my college topper she cheated in an exam of placement because she wanted to get job in a company and losing was not what she could afford.

Have you ever been cheated on by somebody else?

Not very strictly, but yes there was a friend of mine and I thought he would be there for me, in times of need. But, when I was in a real trouble and I asked for help, he preferred going on a date with a girl. And I felt bad because I was in a real need of help. And what affected me the most was he said he would help and I was left standing alone, waiting for the help.

Describe a time when you cheated and it helped you?

Lot of times I would say, to be very frank. But, this one time I remember. I was preparing for an exam and by mistake prepared for the wrong one. It was so frustrating because I did not knew anything about it. The girl sitting ahead of me, told me in that practical exam and I was able to pass it. I think it was the time I couldn’t have done anything without cheating.

Do you think if people stopped cheating the world would be a better place?

Definitely yes, because no matter how much we deny it, honesty surely is the best thing to do and may be people will achieve a little less but I am sure they will be happy about whatever they achieve in their lives.

What do you think of people who cheat in their relationships?

I don’t think anything of them, neither there is any respect for them in my heart nor any hatred. For me, people like these deserve no attention and should be directly ignored. Because, if a human cannot understand the emotions of others and chooses to play with it, there is nothing much you can say about it. However, yes if the relation is damaging, either mentally or physically and someone finds solace in other person, it is fine. But, that is in rare conditions.

What do you think can be done to prevent cheating?

I think cheating can be prevented if right from the beginning we are taught the importance of being honest. When children are not punished often, I think it is when children start getting punishments, they learn how to cheat. Because, that is their way of molding things and saving themselves. Also, awarding anyone who is honest can help reduce people who cheat.


IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Understanding Internet

Internet is everywhere and with the entire world being on Internet, it has become the most important thing after electricity. With so many people and households using Internet, let us today have a look at some of the questions related to Internet in order to understand it better.

Does your family have wireless Internet access in your home?

No, we don’t have wireless Internet access. Primarily because, my brother is doing Bachelors in Technology from a different city and I am doing a job somewhere else. It is only once or twice in a year that we go back home. So, having a wireless Internet has no point in it. However, I do have it in my house at the place where I work.

Do you access the Internet from your mobile phone?

Yes, I do access Internet from phone but I prefer using a laptop or a desktop for accessing Internet. It is only for whats app or may be when I need to emergently see something online that I use mobile phone.

What type of pages do you access with your phone?

On my phone, I mostly access my bank website or facebook and sometimes the general questions that pop up during the day.

Do you have many e-mail addresses?

I have got two e-mail addresses, one is for my personal work while the other is for my professional job. It helps me to segregate the two and enjoy the best of both worlds.

Why do you need more than one e-mail address?

Having more than one email address helps in making the data secure. So, like the work email that I have will never contain any private or personal information and vice versa. If in case any one of them gets hacked then I am not losing everything.
understanding the internet

Have you ever chatted on the Internet?

Yes, I have. I have had Facebook account for a very long time, before I finally chose to shut it down. Now, I use whatsapp when I want to talk to people.

Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet?

I think there is surely some risk involved when you meet a person using Internet because it might be possible that the person that you meet online has faked a lot of things. There have been cases when people met someone online and when they met in real life,things got better. Often the relationship went on to getting married. So, anything can happen but I think apart from the rare cases involved, it is always better to meet people offline and get to know them there.

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

I think I might go out on a date but that would be along with a friend. I don’t think there would ever be something like a romantic first date with someone I met on Internet.

Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet?

Too an extent yes. Because, there are so many ill forces that are acting continuously, that might harm the people. But, then I believe that there should be certain level of freedom associated with it as well. So, it should be free largely with strict laws only at certain places or some websites.

Do you think that the Internet is safe for children? Why?

I believe, No. Internet is not something children should do extensively. Primarily because it is the time when they can make real time friends, go out and play games and get to know each other physically. There is nothing better than playing cricket with a bunch of friends in a field or fighting over some silly point and these things cannot be found in Internet. Also, children don’t know how to use it properly so there are more chances of them getting struck into those malware present in Internet.

Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why?

I think definitely yes. A school should provide Internet access but then it should be more of restricted. So, that children are able to use it but only for their own betterment, like allowing them to see the education sites or knowledge related videos. Because, there are still people who cannot afford quality Internet and if a school can provide it there is nothing better than that. But, it should be strictly monitored and made sure that children are watching what they should watch.

I think there is no need of Internet in schools. Children only go there for some time and in that period, there is so much that can be done, you can read books, make friends, play games that I don’t think there is any time left. But, yes, if a child wants to see something online, they can be provided access but it should be completely monitored.


Blood Effect # IELTS Listening Sample Questions

Blood Effect

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. The audio talks all about blood effect.

You can even download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which word describes the moment when you lose consciousness?
  2. What are people who get angry quickly called?
  3. What are people who lack passion called?
  4. If you laid out all the blood vessels in an adult body end to end how long would they be?
  5. Which word describes to giving new life?
  6. What is the meaning of accelerate?
  7. The speaker uses a word to refer to something that has changed or transformed. What is it?
  8. What are people who give their blood called?
  9. Who thought that blood came out of a part of our body and was burnt away?
  10. The speaker uses a word for the tubes which carry blood to our body. What is it?
  11. What is the hardening of blood called?
  12. The speaker uses a word for the cells that repair various organs in the body. What is it?


  1. faint
  2. hot bloodied
  3. cold-blooded
  4. 10000 miles
  5. rejuvenate
  6. make faster
  7. treated
  8. blood donors
  9. Romans
  10. veins and arteries
  11. clotting
  12. stem cells
1 10 11 12