IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: Describe a party that you enjoyed.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

Describe a party that you enjoyed.

  • What was it about?
  • Where was it held?
  • What did people do at the party?
  • Explain what you enjoyed at this party?

birthday Best IELTS Band 7 coaching in Dehradun

Sample Answer

Life has given me a lot of happiness and moments to celebrate with my near and dear ones. I have celebrated many happy moments by hosting parties for someone and attending other people’s parties as well.

I have attended many parties on different occasions in my life but the most enjoyable one was a party that I held to mark my elder sisters twenty-fifth birthday. It was a surprise party that I planned with the help of my mother. It was on the twenty-fifth of September last year, and I had started to plan it two days before. After my sister left for work in the morning I started decorating our garden and installing the setup including the tables and chairs. My mother started baking her favourite chocolate cake while I called all her friends and our relatives to the party in the evening. I then proceeded to order snacks and appetizers along with the beverages for the evening. The celebrations finally commenced and all the guests had arrived before she came. We welcomed her with the birthday song and hugs from everyone.

We all had an amazing time at the party. Everybody socialized, we played party games, danced and had a lot of fun throughout the evening. The best part was the fact that everyone was happy with the celebration and there were smiles all around me. My sister got gifts from everyone and was all smiles when I gifted her a necklace. She was spellbound and thanked me profusely for organizing such an amazing party.

(267 words)

Sample Answer 2: 

Frankly speaking, I am not a party buff and usually attend only those parties wherein I know some people or there is something exciting going on. The party that I am going to talk about is the one I went to last year. It was my friend’s friend birthday bash and she invited all of us. Initially, I was fine with going there but later on my friend told me she could not come along and I almost cancelled my plan, when my friend’s friend actually called and invited me again to come.

Hesitantly, I said a yes and I would say that was the best yes I had ever said. The party was in Rishikesh, a tourist spot in Uttarakhand, India. It was a night party and there were campfires, music, dance, games and a lot of interesting people. To my surprise, Anusha i.e. my friend’s friend knew a lot of people and had invited them all. And I met and talked to many interesting people that I might otherwise never have come across! This included the self-employed interior designers; marathon runners; entrepreneurs, and writers. It was exciting to talk to them and find out how they are connected with the host.

Not only were the people great, but the food and other services were also fantastic. There were stalls of different kinds and one could eat whatever they wished. And it was really tasty food too!!

What’s more, I discovered that actually, I did know quite a few people there after all. I am almost won over. Next time she offers to host a party, I might even find myself looking forward to it, you never know.





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CUE CARD – Describe an interesting song

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an interesting song
You should say:

    • Who the song is ?
    • What story does the song tell ? / What it is about ?
    • Whether the song is popular ?
    • And, explain why you think it is interesting ?
Sample Answer

Music is one of the most beautiful forms of art, and I listen to it whenever I am feeling the blues. Today, I am going to talk about a motivational song that I love listening to, whenever I am thrown by failures in life. The song’s name is believers, by the worldwide famous band Imagine Dragons.

The song really helps me get through the impossible days when it is really hard for me to get out of bed and kick off my day. It gives a very inspirational message about the failures of life and urges one to push one’s limits and go beyond them. It empowers me to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and keeps me going even at my worst. This song put forth the never give up attitude in life even when everything appears to be the end of the world.

The song is quite popular across the globe and definitely forms a part of every individual’s playlist, especially the young blood. Like many other youngsters, I also listen to this song to work my way out through the hurtful days of life. Thanks to one of my close friends Niya, who suggested I listen to this song when I was going through some personal mid-life crisis.

I was emotionally tormented by the loss of a family member and felt emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. At the time I also was not able to cope with the work and thus, my work-life balance was not very good as there was a lot on my plate. It was at that time, that I started listening to this song and overcame my demons. This song is meaningful in a lot of ways, as it is inspired by the band’s own personal struggles that they went through before actually gaining popularity in the mainstream.

Thus, this is a song that I found particularly interesting.

 Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

Q1. Why are many music competitions popular in India ?

There is a myriad of music competitions that are widely popular as they are really enjoyed by people from across the remotest corners of the country. Singing shows such as the Voice, Indian idol, and Voice Global are some of the very popular music competitions that people like to watch. It is because of these public platforms that a lot of talented individuals are getting an opportunity to display their singing talent.

Q2. What kinds of music do young people like ?

I think young people like listening to a lot of pop and hip-hop music followed by some rap music as well, which is slowly taking over the music industry. Young bloods these days want to listen to something they can relate to and not something that is superficial and fake. Thus, these are the kinds of songs that young people like listening to.

Q3. What kinds of people like to listen to traditional music?

I believe with the advent of western music, we have somehow managed to suppress our traditional music forms, and thus, a very handful of individuals enjoy traditional songs and these are generally the locals of a particular community who are true to their roots and promote their traditional music.

Q4. Why do you think old people like old songs ?

I believe that old person like old songs because they do not relate to the songs that are presently in trend. Moreover, the old songs remind them of their era and their time when life was supposed to be very simple, unlike the modern competitive world. The old songs have slow beats and are full of life with a deep sense of meaning to it. They feel very connected to it. Therefore, old people like to listen to old songs.


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CUE CARD – Describe something that helps you concentrate

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something that helps you concentrate
You should say:

    • What it is ?
    • When you do it ?
    • How did you learn about it
    • How it helps you concentrate ?

Sample Answer

In a physical growing world, It is quite impossible to concentrate, as, there is too much to achieve and too little time. Here, I would like to talk about meditation which is the key to my good concentration.

I do meditation on my terrace, whenever I feel there is a lot on my plate, and to achieve all my tasks with a calm mind before the deadline hits. I think it is one of the best ways to clear my stress out and feel relaxed. I generally start my day at five in the morning with meditating for at least half an hour everyday. It rejuvenates me for the day, and, prepares me better to achieve my daily targets.

I was very young when my mother told me about the merits of practicing it regularly. So, I was just a kid when I first started following my mother. It really does help me to concentrate on the work that I have to do. In fact, the huge corporate sectors are adapting to the necessary once a week meditation session now a days, in order to make sure the well being of their employees. According to the recent studies, it has been found that, the principal advantages of meditation rests in upgraded memory, better cognitive skills making me feel more joyful and grounded, and immunes me to everyday stresses of life.

Therefore, meditation is something which helps me in maintaining better work-life balance by enhancing my concentration.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘describe something that helps you concentrate’.

Q1. Is it important for children to concentrate ?
I think definitely yes, because children at very young age are suffering from stress, and, as a result they are not able to lay emphasis on their studies. So, in order to help them out it is important that we must include important sessions on improving concentration regularly. For instance, it has often been observed that young minds who are indulged in some yogic practices have better concentration power.

Q2. What kind of jobs require higher concentration?
Well, to be honest, almost every field now a days require high concentration, for the world is becoming more competitive everyday, and so, in order be the best, one needs to be well focused towards his goals. But, some precision jobs like that of a surgeon needs greater attention to the patient, as , it is a matter of life and death.

Q3. Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate ?
Definitely I have. I think as humans, sometimes or the other, we all find it difficult to concentrate on our work and so did I. It was a day before yesterday, when I could not complete my office work as my attention was distributed to a lot of other stressful things going in my life, and I was emotionally drained, thus, resulting in poor concentration. So, yes, I have felt difficult to concentrate a lot of times in my life.



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CUE CARD – Describe a place where you go to do outdoor activities or play sports

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a place where you go to do outdoor activities or play sports.


You should say:

    • Where is it located?
    • What activities can you do at this place?
    • How often do you go there?
Sample Answer 

Health is wealth, an adage that I follow religiously, especially in this contemporary period where health is often neglected due to increased workload and indolence. To keep up with my health, I perform various activities like swimming, yoga, and running; among these, my favourite is yoga. Doing yoga fills me with vitality and invigorates me both physically and mentally. I perform it in an open place that is 100 meters away from my home. One can perform numerous activities since it has a large space that can accommodate many people without any inconvenience, but since it is away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it doesn’t have many visitors; only those who live nearby are seen. The place has a calm and verdant environment. I regularly visit that place with my friends and sometimes even independently. The place is completely safe, as it is guarded by the army. The place is much cleaner than any other place in my town.

Word Meaning Sentence
Invigorates To make somebody feel healthy, fresh and full of energy I felt invigorated after working out for half an hour
Vitality Energy Her performance lacked vitality

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a place where you go to do outdoor activities or play sports’.

Q1. Are outdoor activities better than indoor activities?

Well, I believe both have their own advantages. Engaging in both indoor and outdoor activities can considerably stimulate a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Q2. What outdoor activities do young people like to do?

Young people usually don’t get much time for outdoor activities due to their hectic schedules. However, some still manage to get some free time to keep themselves fit by going for a walk or playing their favourite sports.



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