Describe your favourite childhood activity.

You should say:

  • What type of activity it was?
  • How you used to do it?
  • Who did you do it with?

Sample Answer

Childhood is the most cherished facet of everyone’s life. I have several favorite moments of my childhood, but the days spent with my maternal grandmother hold a special place in my heart. She was my best friend, and I loved her the most. Together, we would engage in a variety of enjoyable activities such as cooking, gardening, and field work. Any activity I engaged in with her would naturally become enjoyable. Worship was one of my favorite things to do. As a devout person, I would like to thank my grandmother for always encouraging me to perform prayers and adhere to rites. Every time, I would go with her to the temple and she would show me how to offer it properly. In the evening, we would sit together and sing devotional songs and prayers. My grandmother would always a narrate story before going to bed. My thirst for her stories was uncontrollable and often end up troubling her to narrate two stories in a day. The best part was the lesson and moral values her stories would lead to. My grandmother has always imparted to me her finest wisdom. I believe one must spend time with their grandparents as they are the store house of abundance love and knowledge. I think my grandmother’s lessons are what make me the nice person I am.

(224 Words)

Word Meaning Sentance
adhere To stick firmly to something or to follow a rule. The mud adhered to his shoes.
imparted To pass information or to add certain quality the chemicals imparted a bluish color to the paper.

Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

Q.1 What activities do kids like to do in school apart from studying?

Well, I believe kids love to engage themselves in playful activities with their friends in school. They enjoy participating in other co-curricular activities like dance, debate, and quizzes, which would give them a paradigm shift from academics.

Q.2 With whom do kids like to play, old people or persons of their age group, and why?

I believe both. When they are at home, they make their grandparents their best friends and learn various things from them; however, when they move out of the house, they enjoy games with kids of their age.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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IELTS Cue Card 2024: Talk about a time when you gave advice to someone

Talk about a time when you gave advice to someone

You should say:

  • who did you give advice to?
  • what advice did you give?
  • why did you give advice?
  • How was it helpful and how did he/she feel about it?


Sample Answer

Advice is information that has the potential to positively impact life. Many relate it to finance and education. However, it has broader concepts like managing life, fixing relationships, and many more. However, one must be mindful before seeking advice and putting it to use. Today, I will be sharing a situation where my advice helped my friend Maya get back on the right track in life.

Six months ago, I received a call from my school friend, Maya. I got to know that she had moved to Australia for her further studies. When I inquired about her life in Australia, she started crying. I didn’t know what to do, but somehow, I calmed her down and requested that she share her agony. Maya broke down and mentioned that she feels home-sick and wants to head back to India. She further added that buying groceries was the only reason for her to step out of home; Maya had stopped attending her classes, which resulted in low marks in all her subjects. She explained that her health was declining too. After listening to her, I first asked her to relax and consoled her. I added that moving and settling in another country is indeed an onerous task; however, a lot of people manage it with ease, and she is not less than anyone. She was constantly asking me to help her. Looking after her health must be her first priority. I firmly told her to stop skipping meals and start mediating to attain peace and calm. Secondly, she should attend her classes at least five days a week and try to make friends with her classmates. Lastly, she should keep herself engaged by doing part-time work. Maya and I made a deal that she would follow this for a month, and if it didn’t help, she would return.

After a month, she called me, and this time she sounded better. She started attending her classes daily, taking good care of her health, and soon will start her part-time job at a library. Maya added that she has decided to continue this routine further and thanked me for guiding her in the right direction. I was happy that I was able to help her.

Word Meaning Sentence
Onerous difficult It was onerous to handle toddlers at the party.
Offspring child Lions offspring are the cutest.

Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

Q1. What kind of advice do parents give to their children?

Parents usually guide their children about studies and expect their children to perform better in life. Choosing wise friends and making good decisions in life are the most important pieces of advice that every child gets from his or her parents. Parents always wish the best for their offspring, so they want the best for their kids.

Q2. What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

Parents want their kids to be able to recognize those who genuinely care about their interests. Parents want their kids to develop friendships with somebody they can rely on and be open and honest with.

Q3. How helpful is it to ask for advice before making a decision? 

I believe it is one of the wisest things one can do, as it is always prudent to consider or take opinions before concluding any action. After all, ultimately, it’s on us to choose, so having a variety of perspectives should make it simpler for us to pick wisely.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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IELTS Cue Card 2024: Describe a successful person with whom you once studied or worked.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

A successful person with whom you once studied or worked

  • Who this person is?
  • When you studied or worked with this person?
  • What this person did to become successful?
  • And explain how you felt about studying or working with this person?

Sample Answer

To become successful has become a struggle for all, and everyone is in the race to strive and succeed. However, regular efforts and consistent hard work can ease the process. Today I will be describing a person who faced several hardships and turned out to be an ultimate achiever. Kritika, my best friend since childhood, and I have completed our studies together at the same colleges. She didn’t have a very affluent family background; instead, her family was dealing with multiple problems, and this would distress her a lot. Kritika was determined to change her family’s poor state. She started working just after clearing her 12th and completed her further studies through distance learning. Initially, she started by giving home tuition; later, she joined a firm as a sales executive. Seeing her dedication and performance, she got promoted to sales manager. I guess that was the turning point in her life. Now that she has become Section Head of the company, she has a good salary package. Earlier, she was living in a rented house; recently, she bought a home for her family. She invited me to the inauguration ceremony. Kritika has proved that firm determination and perseverance have the ultimate power to change destiny. I feel extremely proud and happy for Kritika, as she has become a driving source of inspiration for many people around her.

(227 words)

Word Meaning Sentence
Affluent wealthy He is an affluent man.
Perseverance The quality of being determined to do or achieve something I would like to thank the police for their support and perseverance with the investigation.

Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

Q1. Is money the only measure of success in your country?
Absolutely not, there are multiple ways to measure success and everyone has different parameters to examine it. For some it could be earning money whereas for others it could be serving others or getting married.

Q2. How do you define whether a person is successful or not?
Well, I believe when a person’s achieve or fulfil his goals he can call himself successful. However, goals could be different some may define success by gaining status and accomplishments while for others it can be leading a simple and happy life

Q3. Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?
Many believe that success and happiness mean the same thing; some even consider happiness to revolve around success. But according to my opinion, I believe success is tangled with certain tasks and goals, whereas happiness, on the other side, is free and doesn’t specifically need to be achieved; it is felt. One may feel happy by listening to his favourite songs, but success can’t be achieved in the same manner. Success requires regular hard- work and effort.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS BAND 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else

IELTS Cue Card,

Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else

You should say:

  • What the activity was
  • Who you were with
  • When and where it happened

Sample Answer

I am fond of adventure, and I believe it ignites the hidden adventurist in me. I had thalassophobia since childhood until I tried rafting at Rishikesh. Whenever I visit Rishikesh in the summer, I make sure to try rafting. It is a thrilling water sport that intrigues many people these days. Today, I will be sharing my first rafting experience, which I had with my best friend. My best friend is a native of Rishikesh; he has been asking me to give rafting a try for a long time, but I couldn’t go. In 2021, on the occasion of his birthday, we decided to give it a final short. We straightaway went to the person who conducts this activity. After signing the contract, the instructor guided us about the safety measures we needed to follow. To be honest, I was frightened to see the Maa Ganga River. She looked calm from outside but was extremely fugitive inside. Before starting the ride, I greeted Maa Ganga, as she is the most worshipped goddess in our culture, who nurtures this planet and is said to remove everyone’s sin. When the ride started, I was very nervous, but as it went on, I gained confidence and got extremely excited. It was indeed a thrilling experience to face the real power of water. It feels absolutely magnificent to be swimming in the middle of Ganga Ji. Since then, I have tried this activity more than five times; it was a surreal experience I have had in my life.

Word Meaning Sentence
Intrigues Fascinating The story really intrigued me.
magnificent Truly beautiful, breathtaking She looked extremely magnificent at the party.

Part 3 Follow Up
Questions 1. What kinds of activities do young people like to do?
Answer. Young people like to keep up with adventure sports like bungee jumping, river rafting, scuba diving, and many more. While some prefer to stay connected to upcoming trends, like starting a YouTube channel or becoming a social media influencer.
2. Why do some young people like adventurous activities?
Answer. The major reasons are undoubtedly thrills and excitement. However, I also believe one of the best parts of completing an adventure is reminiscing about the old memories that were created. Trying adventure adds colors to life that will never fade away.
3. How do exciting activities relieve people’s stress?
Answer. Thrilling activities act as fuel to burn stress. It diverts a puzzled mind to a happy and cheerful one. It allows us to experience the wonders that life holds for us. These activities are far more than just a momentary action; they give us a zest that will stick with us forever.


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