IELTS CUE CARD – Describe an important journey that was delayed

Describe an important journey that was delayed
  • Why was it important
  • What caused the delay
  • What happened at the end

IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe an important journey that was delayed? Why was it important? What caused the delay? What happened at the end?


I travel often and have had wonderful experience mostly. But there was one particular journey recently which I can recall was delayed and turned into an adventure. I always try to be punctual but on this particular journey when although I was on time, my journey was delayed. It was due to my own error and carelessness. I was supposed to travel from Delhi to Jaipur on a Sunday evening so that I could attend my cousin’s wedding.

Since I wanted to be on time to attend the ceremony I booked a flight for Sunday 4:30 pm and reached the airport accordingly. But, to my horror I was stopped by the security personnel at the entrance and on scrutinizing my ticket was denied permission to enter the airport.

I was informed that I’d missed my flight. For a minute I couldn’t understand how I could miss my flight as I h’d reached the airport 2 hours before the scheduled departure. When I pleaded with the security personnel explaining the urgency of my visit he allowed me to go to the airline counter situated adjacent to the entry gates.

The executive at the desk inspected my ticket. He told me that I h’d booked the morning 4:30 am flight instead of the evening one. I was completely shocked to realise my mistake and at the same time got worried how I would reach Jaipur.

I requested the airline staff to help me out. All of them were very cooperative and they informed me that only one seat was available in the last flight to Jaipur at 7 pm. I could either buy that ticket which was exorbitantly priced or wait for an hour before boarding.

In case no traveler bought  that ticket then the airline had a policy that as a goodwill gesture to its customers it would adjust the price of the ticket for the missed flight and on payment of additional nominal fee I would be allowed to board this last flight.

I was kept waiting for about 45 minutes which were like a nightmare for me. I kept praying to God to help me tide over this crisis. Eventually, the airline staff beckoned me and after completing the formalities I was handed over the boarding pass. I quickly made way back towards the security area and reached the boarding gate on time.

As I sat in the aircraft I sighed with relief, looking forward to attending and enjoying the wedding celebrations.

Exorbitantly unreasonably high
Gesture something said or done to indicate intention
Beckoned (past tense) to summon
Sighed (past tense) a long deep audible exhalation expressing sadness or relief
Part 3 Follow Up Questions.
Q1. Which mode of travel in the most convenient in your country.
In my country people usually choose the mode of journey according to distance and importance. If they want their travel time to be less they would prefer an airplane but if they want it to be pocket friendly the would go by train or a bus.
Q2. What do people prefer more in your country A bus or A train?
I think People in my country prefer Buses more in case the distance is short. If the journey is long people would go by a train. The number of buses available for a short distance journey are more and also with availability of more luxury buses people now take long journeys by bus also.
Q3. How do people enjoy their journey?
Well, people enjoy their journey by taking a more comfortable ride. A private vehicle with just family and friends in it always makes the journey more delightful. Some people prefer to read a novel of their choice to relish their time. These days, People like to watch a movie on their mobile screens as a source of entertainment.
Q4. Do you believe in the saying ‘Journey matters more than the destination’?
Yes, i do believe that the journey is more important than the destination as the journey provides us with the opportunity to explore our potential, expand our horizons, and pursue new opportunities. By focusing on the journey, we can find joy in the process and savor every moment along the way. We remember our achievements by appreciating the hurdles we faced along the way.

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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a place where you want to read and write apart from your home

IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a place where you want to read and write apart from your home


Describe a place where you want to read and write apart from your home

  • what is it
  • where is it
  • why do you go there to read and write

IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe a place where you want to read and write apart from your home? Best BAND7 IELTS Dehradun IELTS online simulator IELTS BAND 7 Coaching Classes


There are many places apart from my home where I read and write. One such place is my college library. It’s a new library that has been recently built in the college premises. The building is a beautiful structure with three floors. Each floor is dedicated to different genre of books. On the third floor there is a cafeteria and books for children to pass their leisure time. The students can bring their children as well.

I believe it’s a great initiative to inculcate reading habits in them. The furniture provided there is also very comfortable. This library provides several dedicated work stations with computers and internet connection. Besides that it also has online resources which the students can access and also save the relevant data on their laptops and other devices. All these features make it different from traditional libraries. In fact many students are attracted to visit this library for reference work.

I am studying a course in Travel and Tourism which requires a lot of research on other countries. The library has the latest collection of books on tourism industry. Some books are for reference only and can’t be borrowed so I often visit here to make notes. During my exams I go there every day as it helps me concentrate better than home. I love the ambience of the library. The librarian is also very helpful. He is always ready to search the required books for the students who come here.

Many of my friends also visit this library for making notes and consulting books for their research work. I believe it is one of the best places in the campus of the college to read and study peacefully.

Genre a style or category of art, music or literature
Traditional existing in or as part of a tradition, long established
Ambience the character and atmosphere of a place


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IELTS Cue Card #visited as a tourist

Describe an interesting place you have visited as a tourist.
You should say:

  • where this place is
  • why you went there
  • what you did there
  • and explain why you thought this place was so interesting.
Sample Answer:

During my stay in London, I went out with my friends to the city of Bath. Bath is a city in the county of Somerset, England. It is 97 miles (156 km) west of London.
I had always read about the city and its hot water springs, which was discovered in 836 BC by the British king Bladud. The city is famous for Roman Bath, a well preserved Roman site for public bathing, which was built in c AD 60 and for its Georgian architecture….. Royal Crescent, Circus, Pump Room and Assembly Room. Around the 18th century the city became fashion capital of England. Jane Austen the famous English novelist lived there in the early 19th century.
On our first day, we went around the city on foot saw the Royal Crescent, Victoria Garden The Circus, Bath Abbey, went to the Saracens Head a local pub (where Charles Dicken reputedly lived) had a few Guinness talked to the locals, went to Club XL. The following day, we saw the museum, the Pump House and tour the guided bus tour of the city of bath and the spectacular skyline tour and then around the evening we saw the rugby match between the teams of Bath and Bristol.
I really liked the city for its history, which was largely influenced by Roman’s, hot springs, Georgian architecture, natural beauty and for its stint with Jane Austin and Charles Dickens. (236 Words.)


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IELTS Cue Card # Important Letter

There are so many times when instead of choosing a direct face to face conversation, we choose letter or emails to express ourselves. Some of them are the

Describe an important letter you wrote to someone.

You should say:

  • When you wrote it
  • Whom you wrote it to
  • What it was about

And explain why it was an important letter.

Sample Answer One

There have been many letters that I have written which too an extent have shaped my life but I remember writing a letter to a friend I drifted apart after some misunderstandings. For a very long time, I wanted to know the reasons behind the things that happened in between us and why we tried to do the things that we did.
It was almost frustrating and annoying and after three years I gathered all the courage and wrote to him.

I told him about how I felt about our relation and what irritated me and how I felt after it all was over. The entire journey of three years, I penned it down, hoping for some explanation on his behalf as to why he did what he did. But, for my shock or surprise, he simply told me that he has forgotten everything and even if something had happen in the past, it is all over and there is no specific reason behind it.

I was shattered in the beginning because I truly had to think a lot before I could just pen down everything and instead of giving me any explanation he simply sided away. The reason the letter was very important for me because I could finally move on with my life and there were so many things that I learnt. One of them being that there is no point being silent in a relation and then you have to make sure that the first person to respect you and love you is you and you are responsible for whatever happens to you.

I believe had I not written the letter, I wont have ever gathered the will power to move on with my life and make something good out of it.

Sample Answer Two

There have been so many letters that I have written in my life, both at personal and professional level. But, the one letter that I regard as truly important for me and the one which actually helped me shape my career is my resignation letter.

I remember working for a multi national company for about a year and it was during that time that I realized that this job is not giving me any fun and excitement to live about. There is a fixed salary that I get and there is nothing much more than that. No targets to meet and nothing exciting.

There is no work pressure and the feeling of getting things done, because you are working as a team and it is more about collective, so neither the praise nor the punishment comes to individual and I think in some ways it takes away the individuality from the person.

The reason the letter is very important for me is because I had to think lot of times and it was after I had written around 3 resignation letters that I finally decided that I want to do something else with my life. It was a great experience in that company but what was great was to be able to end the journey at the right time. So, I had to fight with my friends and family and the people who care for me the most and then do something that is best for me.

It was after that letter that I realized that I do have lot of courage and can do whatever I want to in my life.



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