Talk about a person who wears unusual clothes

Talk about a person who wears unusual clothes
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• What kind of clothes he/she wears
• What do you feel about his/her clothing choice

Sample Answer

Fashion and clothing has always been an important part of the society. We have different dress codes for different occasions. It brings out people differently. Today I’m going to talk about one of my friend who dresses in an unusual manner. Her name is Mansi and she is a fashion blogger. She started fashion blogging with one of the most offbeat dressing sense. Her peculiar dressing sense has actually made her one of the most popular fashion model of the town.

She wears saree with jeans and long boots. Sometimes she wears a scarf as a top. She usually wears different types of hats and caps with Indian outfits which gives her a different look. She has never failed to surprise me with her eccentric appearance. Once I saw her wearing a dress made out of newspaper, she wore it for her shoot. Moreover, I have never seen her repeating her outfits. She can literally prepare an outfit from whatever is available, be it newspapers, pieces of old clothes, pillow covers, bedsheets and even towels. She has also started a small business of fashion clothing and named it “Cranky Couture”. Her fashion store is gaining popularity among townspeople.

I believe her clothing choice is quite strange yet impressive. In a short span of two years, she has gained a lot of fan following in social media due to her unique dressing style. Going offbeat always makes an individual remarkable. I’ve have never seen someone with such unusual clothing before. Her outfits are sure to turn heads. Whenever I go out with her, people look at her with eyes wide open which actually makes me proud of her and the fact how she is normalising such kind of fashion.

(288 Words)

Follow up questions:

Q1. Do you like shopping for new clothes?
Answer: Yes Of course! I love shopping for new clothes. Buying clothes makes me happy and it is the only kind of shopping that I enjoy. I often go for shopping when I do some remarkable work and reward myself with new clothes.

Q2. About how much money do you spend on clothes a year?
Answer: I don’t remember the exact amount, but I think I usually spend around 10,000 to 15,000 Indian Rupees in a year on clothes and I believe that is the minimum amount that an Indian girl spends on her clothing.

Q3. Do people dress the same when they are depressed as they do when they are very happy?
Answer: I feel people dress up differently when they are in different moods. Such as when people are happy they wear bright and colourful clothes, and they actually try to look better than usual. For instance people are most happy when it’s their birthday or some family function, so they try to look best. On the other hand, when people are depressed, they don’t make many efforts to look good.

Q4. What do you think about men who wear earrings?
Answer: I think it is completely their personal choice to wear earrings. Fashion is all about comfort and if men are comfortable with that, we should not judge them. Fashion has no gender. Wearing earrings is their way of expressing their sense of fashion.


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IELTS CUE CARD #Describe a book that had a major influence on you

Describe a book that had a major influence on you.

You should say:

  • what the book was
  • how you first heard of the book
  • what is the main story of the book

and why it plays such an important role in your life.

Sample Answer:

Reading has been a very integral part of my life. I try to read books as and when I can find time and my interests vary vividly, from philosophy to fantasy, horror to religions, non-fiction to autobiography. The book that has changed my perspectives and helped me become a better person is Autobiography of a Yogi written by the celebrated philosopher guru Paramahansa Yogananda.

I found that most of the religious societies and philosophers highly recommend it due to the values it helps inculcate in the young minds. Fans have recommended this book all over the internet.‘ Some people even commented that this is the best book ever written in the century. I decided in my head that this  should be on number 1 of my reading list. I ordered the book immediately from amazon and it was delivered to me in  a week. I started reading it the same day.

The book was first published in 1946  in New York, USA and archived in the philosophers library. The book was an international success and reached No. 1 position on the New York Times best-selling book list. Autobiography of a Yogi talks about the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and his numerous encounters with spiritual figures of both the East and West. The book begins with his childhood, to finding his guru, to becoming a rebellious monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book further talks about 1920 when Yogananda accepts an invitation to speak in a religious congress in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He then travels across America lecturing and establishing his teachings in Los Angeles, California. In 1935 he revisits  India for a year. When he returns to America, he continues to establish his teachings, including writing this book. The book is an enchanting source for understanding  the methods of attaining God-realization .The author also announces that the writing of the book was prophesied long ago by the nineteenth-century master Lahiri Mahasaya.

The story telling of author is magical and brief. With Every passing page the urge to read more increased which further tempted me gather more knowledge about the same man. Not for a single moment, I could have stopped thinking about the events and characters of the books and that had a breath-taking influence on me. The characters have their own charismatic powers and followed their own paths and that was such a huge inspiration.

The story was told like a good story teller should and I thought it was a wonderful read. It surely left a powerful lasting impression on me. (427 words)


Part 3 Follow Up Questions.

Q1. Why do you think reading books is important?
I think reading books is the cheapest and simplest way of acquiring knowledge. It is one of the best forms of entertainment and books help build our personality. A lot of research has shown that people who are in the habit of reading books tend to be more successful in life. In my opinion, it is one of those habits which every person should try to inculcate in them.
Q.2 What kinds of books are popular in your country?
People read all kinds of books in my country. Since my country is very religious, spiritual books are most common here. It also depends on the age of the readers. Young people have significantly different tastes when it comes to books compared to older people. Many children of my generation used to read comic books when we were in school. However, I don’t see many children doing it these days. They are busy on their mobile phones chatting with friends. It is sad that students, nowadays, are under a lot of pressure to perform in exams, and never get the time to read for pleasure, thus losing the idea of reading for fun.
Q.3 How is rapidly growing technology affecting our reading habits?
This is another of my pet peeves. People are so immersed in their gadgets and devices that they have forgotten the art of reading. A book, a cup of coffee, a comfortable chair- this used to be the idea of happiness for many people. Good authors were celebrated and felicitated by the readers. But now with the internet and social media, people have lost the pleasure that reading brings, and are more into things which probably are not good for their mental and physical health over the long run. No wonder mental problems are going through the roof in today’s society.
Pet peeve: something that a particular person finds especially annoying.
Felicitate: to congratulate

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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe an important journey that was delayed

Describe an important journey that was delayed
  • Why was it important
  • What caused the delay
  • What happened at the end

IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe an important journey that was delayed? Why was it important? What caused the delay? What happened at the end?


I travel often and have had wonderful experience mostly. But there was one particular journey recently which I can recall was delayed and turned into an adventure. I always try to be punctual but on this particular journey when although I was on time, my journey was delayed. It was due to my own error and carelessness. I was supposed to travel from Delhi to Jaipur on a Sunday evening so that I could attend my cousin’s wedding.

Since I wanted to be on time to attend the ceremony I booked a flight for Sunday 4:30 pm and reached the airport accordingly. But, to my horror I was stopped by the security personnel at the entrance and on scrutinizing my ticket was denied permission to enter the airport.

I was informed that I’d missed my flight. For a minute I couldn’t understand how I could miss my flight as I h’d reached the airport 2 hours before the scheduled departure. When I pleaded with the security personnel explaining the urgency of my visit he allowed me to go to the airline counter situated adjacent to the entry gates.

The executive at the desk inspected my ticket. He told me that I h’d booked the morning 4:30 am flight instead of the evening one. I was completely shocked to realise my mistake and at the same time got worried how I would reach Jaipur.

I requested the airline staff to help me out. All of them were very cooperative and they informed me that only one seat was available in the last flight to Jaipur at 7 pm. I could either buy that ticket which was exorbitantly priced or wait for an hour before boarding.

In case no traveler bought  that ticket then the airline had a policy that as a goodwill gesture to its customers it would adjust the price of the ticket for the missed flight and on payment of additional nominal fee I would be allowed to board this last flight.

I was kept waiting for about 45 minutes which were like a nightmare for me. I kept praying to God to help me tide over this crisis. Eventually, the airline staff beckoned me and after completing the formalities I was handed over the boarding pass. I quickly made way back towards the security area and reached the boarding gate on time.

As I sat in the aircraft I sighed with relief, looking forward to attending and enjoying the wedding celebrations.

Exorbitantly unreasonably high
Gesture something said or done to indicate intention
Beckoned (past tense) to summon
Sighed (past tense) a long deep audible exhalation expressing sadness or relief
Part 3 Follow Up Questions.
Q1. Which mode of travel in the most convenient in your country.
In my country people usually choose the mode of journey according to distance and importance. If they want their travel time to be less they would prefer an airplane but if they want it to be pocket friendly the would go by train or a bus.
Q2. What do people prefer more in your country A bus or A train?
I think People in my country prefer Buses more in case the distance is short. If the journey is long people would go by a train. The number of buses available for a short distance journey are more and also with availability of more luxury buses people now take long journeys by bus also.
Q3. How do people enjoy their journey?
Well, people enjoy their journey by taking a more comfortable ride. A private vehicle with just family and friends in it always makes the journey more delightful. Some people prefer to read a novel of their choice to relish their time. These days, People like to watch a movie on their mobile screens as a source of entertainment.
Q4. Do you believe in the saying ‘Journey matters more than the destination’?
Yes, i do believe that the journey is more important than the destination as the journey provides us with the opportunity to explore our potential, expand our horizons, and pursue new opportunities. By focusing on the journey, we can find joy in the process and savor every moment along the way. We remember our achievements by appreciating the hurdles we faced along the way.

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Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else

IELTS Cue Card,

Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else

You should say:

  • What the activity was
  • Who you were with
  • When and where it happened

Sample Answer

I am fond of adventure, and I believe it ignites the hidden adventurist in me. I had thalassophobia since childhood until I tried rafting at Rishikesh. Whenever I visit Rishikesh in the summer, I make sure to try rafting. It is a thrilling water sport that intrigues many people these days. Today, I will be sharing my first rafting experience, which I had with my best friend. My best friend is a native of Rishikesh; he has been asking me to give rafting a try for a long time, but I couldn’t go. In 2021, on the occasion of his birthday, we decided to give it a final short. We straightaway went to the person who conducts this activity. After signing the contract, the instructor guided us about the safety measures we needed to follow. To be honest, I was frightened to see the Maa Ganga River. She looked calm from outside but was extremely fugitive inside. Before starting the ride, I greeted Maa Ganga, as she is the most worshipped goddess in our culture, who nurtures this planet and is said to remove everyone’s sin. When the ride started, I was very nervous, but as it went on, I gained confidence and got extremely excited. It was indeed a thrilling experience to face the real power of water. It feels absolutely magnificent to be swimming in the middle of Ganga Ji. Since then, I have tried this activity more than five times; it was a surreal experience I have had in my life.

Word Meaning Sentence
Intrigues Fascinating The story really intrigued me.
magnificent Truly beautiful, breathtaking She looked extremely magnificent at the party.

Part 3 Follow Up
Questions 1. What kinds of activities do young people like to do?
Answer. Young people like to keep up with adventure sports like bungee jumping, river rafting, scuba diving, and many more. While some prefer to stay connected to upcoming trends, like starting a YouTube channel or becoming a social media influencer.
2. Why do some young people like adventurous activities?
Answer. The major reasons are undoubtedly thrills and excitement. However, I also believe one of the best parts of completing an adventure is reminiscing about the old memories that were created. Trying adventure adds colors to life that will never fade away.
3. How do exciting activities relieve people’s stress?
Answer. Thrilling activities act as fuel to burn stress. It diverts a puzzled mind to a happy and cheerful one. It allows us to experience the wonders that life holds for us. These activities are far more than just a momentary action; they give us a zest that will stick with us forever.


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