CUE CARD – Describe A Historic Place You Know

Speaking – Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a historic place you know

  • What kind of place it is?
  • What does it look like?
  • Where it is?
  • And explain how the place is related to history
Sample Answer

Historic structures serve as a reminder of our rich history and former splendour. Since I was little, I have always been fascinated by history. I used to read a lot and study the history of ancient times. I never pass up the opportunity to tour historical sites. It’s an intriguing encounter. I paid my aunt, who resides in Delhi, a visit last year. I had the chance to explore the Red Fort, one of India’s most popular tourist destinations, there. It is among the world’s seven wonders. It’s a massive red-painted palace. It was our first visit there.

The enormous gate that welcomed us was a stunning work of art. Many notable historical buildings remain, including Hira Mahal, Mumtaz Mahal, Rang Mahal, Meena Bazaar, and many more, despite the fact that the majority of buildings are either shattered or severely damaged. With a long history, Meena Bazaar is a well regarded destination for retrophiliac and antiquarian enthusiasts. In the past, it was mostly exclusive to women—royal ladies and noblemen’s wives, to start. It used to happen exclusively on designated days of the week or on significant occasions.

Nowadays, Meena Bazar is held every day from the afternoon till the evening, which has somewhat modified the situation. In addition to the massive garden’s doubled attractiveness due to its abundance of seasonal flowers and plants, I also saw a few peacocks. Overall, the Red Fort is a symbol of great Mughal architecture and prowess in the past.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)

Here are some examples of follow up questions that the examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3)related to the cue card ‘DESCRIBE A HISTORIC PLACE YOU KNOW.’
Q1. How do you feel about the preservation of historic structures in your country?
Since it exposes historical events and helps us comprehend who we are, where we’ve come from, and perhaps even where we’re going, Second, they are one of the prominent tourist attractions that generate a considerable amount of GDP and are a source of livelihood for the natives.

Q2. Do you think people should learn about history?
Certainly, studying history allows us to observe and understand our past better so that we can learn from mistakes and figure out rational steps for the future. Learning history will allow us to understand how our ancestors lived and behaved, as well as the similarities we have.

Word Meaning Example
Antiquarian A person who studies or collects antiques or rare books Antiquarian booksellers are usually old
Splendour Magnificence Due to high tourism, this place has lost much of its original splendour.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
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Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)


You should say:

  • What is the job?
  • How you heard about it?
  • Why you don’t want to do it?
  • How you feel about the job?
Sample Answer

There are extremely few jobs available due to increased competition and growing employment crisis. No task is simple to complete; all tasks demand arduous work.

While some individuals have a dream job, others may not prioritize that. One such job role that I would never do is customer executive. But I find it too challenging. It appears simple, but I don’t think so. These experts handle a variety of tasks, such as taking phone calls, responding to inquiries from clients, and helping with problems that clients may be having. They seem to be under a lot of pressure to respond quickly, have nice conversations, show empathy, and figure out the right answers when they need them. Most importantly, most employers seek out workers who can work nights because of the nature of the jobs.

Another gap is that working at night becomes risky, especially for girls. The day is more exhausting when headphones are worn. A cousin of mine works as a customer service representative. One of my cousins works up to 10 or 11 hours a day as a customer service executive. Sundays are not his off days. They actually don’t get many holidays in a given year. He reveals that they have daily goals to meet and that their pay will be withheld if they don’t. One cannot ultimately look up to this profession for future growth because only a small number of employees in this sector get promotions. I would prefer working as a web developer.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a job you would not like to do in the future .”

Q1. What kind of jobs do young people prefer?

Answer. The employment market in India is changing quickly, and there are a number of new career possibilities that are being developed to meet the interests and skill needs of young professionals. Young Indians can pursue a number of profitable and exciting professional pathways, ranging from cybersecurity and renewable energy to digital marketing and data analytics

Q2. Some people will lose their jobs because of technology, how to deal with it?

Answer. Since we are the ones creating the technology, I don’t think we can blame it. If someone feels that technology has replaced them in their line of work, they should enhance their skill set and investigate alternative career platforms.

Q3. Will you settle down in another country?

Answer. Yes, I will, given that I land a decent job in a developed nation. I would seize the chance with both hands.

Meaning Sentence
Arduous Difficult and tiring The task was more arduous than we imagined.
Crisis Time of intense difficulty or danger Employment crisis increased during lockdown.

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IELTS BAND7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know him/her?
  • What he/she likes to talk about?
  • And explain how you feel about this person?
Sample Answer

I know a lot of people who are gregarious and can talk to people all day long. Among them is Naina, my cousin. She enjoys interacting with others and is an extrovert. Naina is the younger daughter of my maternal aunt; she is eleven years old and enrolled in the eighth grade. Naina has curly short hair, a gorgeous grin, and a fair complexion.

What I really like about her are her adorable, plump hands. She’s always talking, so everyone calls her a chatterbox. Naina can speak for hours on end about anything. She is an animal lover, particularly of dogs. I once witnessed her outside her home bandaging an injured dog.

Naina is a generous girl who always help people in need. She has a happy disposition that lifts everyone’s spirits. She enjoys viewing movies, and when she gives me the tale, I get the impression that I’ve watched the film. Naina can put a smile on anyone’s face and make any circumstance seem less stressful. She aspires to be a teacher and is an excellent student. She is an outgoing person who enjoys making new friends. Her parents and instructors have reprimanded her for this practice, but nothing has changed. When she’s around, nobody can get bored. She walks every morning since she is highly aware of her health. Her tendency to talk a lot has occasionally gotten her into a lot of trouble. I adore this adorable talkative person, therefore when she is silent, I sense a problem and find it bothersome.


Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe a person who likes to talk a lot.”

Q1. In your opinion, what makes a conversation enjoyable?

Answer. The most interesting conversations aren’t about news, or politics, or sports: they are about emotions. Listening to the other person’s opinion and sharing your views. The feeling of carefree exchange of information. Mutually sharing things that are potentially enriching.

Q2. How do you usually respond when someone talks a lot during a conversation?

Answer. I occasionally find it difficult to interrupt or voice my own opinions when someone is talking too much. In certain situations, I could find it difficult to find opportunities to add to the conversation, but I might still nod or occasionally offer affirmations to show that I’m present.

Q3. Do you think being a good listener is as important as being a good talker?

Answer. Of course it is important to be a good listener, I believe in order to be a good speaker one has to be a good listener. It makes it possible for people to interact more effectively, value differences in viewpoints, and support peaceful relationships.

Word Meaning Sentence
Gregarious talkative Radha is a gregarious girl
Disposition Nature Shika’s disposition is to always think negatively.

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IELTS BAND7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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CUE CARD -Describe something you picked up after someone else threw it

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe something you picked up after someone else threw it

You should say:

  • Where was it?
  • What was it?
  • Why did you pick up?
  • How did you feel to pick it up?
Sample Answer

In our warehouse, I came across an old ceramic pot. The scrapper comes every last Sunday of the month, and my father was selling some scraps to him. I was assisting my dad in clearing out the unwanted items from our storage area. From there, we were removing a number of damaged and useless objects. As I was clearing, I noticed a pot that was in horrible state resting amid the garbage.

I took it to my father after picking it up. He informed me that his grandfather purchased it, to store pickles, but it is now useless. I asked to keep it with me, and he granted my request. I had to clean it a lot because it was in the worst possible state. I succeeded after giving it succeeded after giving it multiple soap and water washes. The pot was a stunning specimen of old art, with its dark tone and finely painted designs.

My father looked at it for a long time and grinned when I showed it to him. He claimed it brought back memories of his granddad. In my room, I utilized it as a flower planter. The family’s collective gasp at the exquisite conversion of a shred into a gorgeous pot was shared by all. It’s my favourite pot out of all of them, and I still have it in my room. It’s really family oriented, thus I will always keep it in my room.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)

Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card “Describe something you picked up after someone else threw it.”

Q1. Do you think a small action contributed to building a positive environment?

Answer. Of course, every little step leads to a change.  Just by substituting plastic with jute bags, switching to eco- friendly products all these small actions can help to sustain a healthy life, eventually leading to a better environment.

Q2. Why people throw things intentionally?

Answer. Well, it has now become a common habit among people to litter everywhere they might not do it intentionally but I personally, believe some people have become habitual of doing it.

Word Meaning Example
Exquisite Beautiful The party had exquisite decoration which captivated everyone.
Amid In the middle of, among It was hard to hear amid all the cheering.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


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