CUE CARD – Talk about your favourite book or movie.

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

You should say:

  • what is the title of the book/movie?
  • What is genre and the storyline?
  • Why is it your favourite?
  • Would you recommend it to others? Why?
Sample Answer

I will not call myself a bibliophile, but I also won’t deny that I like to read. Due to my busy schedule, I don’t get much free time for myself, but I still manage to finish a book in a month. Today I will be describing one of the books that I read that has become my favourite. The book was given to me by my best friend on my 20th birthday. To be honest, I started reading it a month ago. I had been procrastinating it until my friend asked me about its review. I felt extremely awkward, so I decided to at least start. I had no information regarding its content or about the author as soon as I finished the first page. I couldn’t resist finishing the book. To my surprise, I finished it within a span of 15 days. It was my first book that I completed so quickly. The book is The Power of a Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, who is an Irish-based author famous for his excellent self-help books. The book revolves around the undiscovered and highly underestimated power of our subconscious mind. The books talk about techniques to harness the power of your subconscious mind for personal growth and success. It helped me a lot to overcome all my insecurities due to my lower thinking level. I will highly recommend this book to everyone who is finding it difficult to face their mental changes.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)


Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘TALK ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK OR MOVIE’

Q1. Do people in your country like to read?

Ans. Indeed, people in my country like to read they are fond of reading. In fact, there are many prominent authors whose work has inspired people across the globe

Q2. What is the first book you remember like reading?

Ans. The first book I read was “The immortals of Melhua” by Amish Trivedi. It is a fictional mythological book. It was my first book purchase and I was way too excited to begin my reading experience.

Q3. What is your favourite book of all time?

Ans. I have read many books but my all-time favourite is The POWER OF A SUBCONSCIOUS MIND because it is a self-help book. It inspired me to be open minded, creative and be disciplined.


Meaning Example
bibliophile who is fond of reading books My sister is a bibliophile.
procrastinating To delay any work Radha’s habit of procrastinating has caused her great trouble.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop.

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

You should say:

  • When and where it happened
  • What happened
  • How it was solved
  • And Explain how you felt about the experience
Sample Answer

Several months ago, I opted to dine at a recently inaugurated restaurant in the city center, garnering considerable attention. Nestled in a charming nook, its external appearance promised a delightful experience, yet the reality was starkly dissimilar. Upon entry, I observed that, despite the restaurant being only partially occupied, no staff member approached us for seating. After what seemed like an extended interval, approximately ten minutes, we succeeded in capturing the attention of a waiter more absorbed in his mobile phone than in tending to patrons. Once situated, an additional fifteen minutes lapsed before our order was taken. Throughout the meal, the service proved lackluster; water glasses remained unattended, and our appeal for condiments went unanswered.

Realizing that the management might be oblivious to these deficiencies, I chose to converse with the manager. After attentively receiving my feedback, the manager extended sincere apologies, elucidating that some staff members were still in the training phase. As a goodwill gesture, he presented us with a complimentary dessert and pledged an enhancement in service moving forward.

Although the manager’s resolution was acceptable, the overall encounter left an unfavorable impression. Dining out encompasses more than just the culinary dimension; it encapsulates the entire experience, which, in this instance, was overshadowed by substandard service. While I acknowledge the manager’s endeavor to rectify the situation, it underscores the significance for well-established establishments to ensure their staff undergoes comprehensive training before customer interaction. The evening underscored the pivotal role of attentive service in the hospitality sector. The discontent faced serves as a prompt for businesses in the service industry to prioritize exhaustive training to ensure customers receive the anticipated level of service and holistic contentment.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)

Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3)related to cue card ‘DESCRIBE A BAD SERVICE YOU RECEIVED IN A RESTAURANT/SHOP.’

Q1.What is the typical reaction of individuals to poor services?

The response of individuals to inadequate services varies widely. A significant portion tends to openly communicate their dissatisfaction, addressing the problem directly. On the other hand, some individuals, opting to avoid direct confrontation, may choose to share their negative experiences either with friends or through online reviews.

Q2.What characterizes services as being of poor quality?
Services are deemed subpar when they exhibit traits such as inefficiency, unresponsiveness, and a deficiency in professionalism. In other words, bad services occur when service providers fall short of meeting the expectations established by their roles or the commitments made by their business.

Q3.In your opinion, do you believe that services have improved compared to the past?

Certainly, advancements in technology and increased competition have undeniably elevated the quality of services across various sectors in the present day. Earlier, service providers such as restaurants and hotels were limited which ensured top-tier services; however, today there are numerous such services giving no room for mistakes and also the services are standardized.

Word Meaning Example
Lackluster lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring

The team’s performance was lackluster, and they lost the game.

Oblivious not aware of or concerned about what is happening around one. The child was oblivious to the danger around her.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD – Describe a positive change in your life

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

You should say:

  • What the change was about?
  • When it happened?
  • Describe details of the change happened.
Sample Answer

Change is the law of nature. While a portion of these changes might slip through the cracks, others can get a few positives and transform us wholly as a human. Today, I would like to talk about one such upswing I inculcated in myself. The major positive change I developed was punctuality, as I can recall of my old school days when I was always behind time and would stand in the defaulter line followed by a long remark on my diary. But I didn’t pay much attention to it because of my casual attitude and careless behavior.
I always knew that I was capable of change, but I never realized that punctuality would be one of the positive evolutions I would be going through until a few years ago, when I first started going to college. I can still think of the time, when it was my first day at college and, being my usual casual self, was almost fifteen minutes late as always for the class. But to my astonishment, professor Banerjee did not expel me from the class but rather punished me to take the lecture for the next day on a given topic, while everyone else would just listen carefully. This cycle continued for some days, until I finally realized that it was high time I changed the narrative, and so, finally on the fourth day of my college for the very first time, I was on schedule.
To be honest, I felt weirdly amazing and decided that no matter what, I need to instill this positive development as part of my hobby or routine maybe. The greatest self-realization I had after ingraining this change was, in order to have one’s time respected, one needed to respect others time as well, and ever since then, this has been the only constant change I have followed. I staunchly reckon that this has been a favorable evolution, as I have grown to become a more responsible and sincere person, who takes her work seriously and has created a good work life balance. Had it not been for this change, I would not be where I am today, both in my career and on a personal level. Thus, punctuality has now become an integral part of my existence, and I love to be prompt.
So, this was an affirmative change I had in my life.

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)

Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3)related to cue card ‘DESCRIBE A POSITIVE CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE.’

Q1. Is your country changing rapidly?
The world has been transformed into a compact space, and there are colossal changes occurring in my nation as well. In this cutting-edge time, there are various developments which make our life easier and convenient to live. It is quite evident that, from the past few years India has somehow managed to make a name for itself among one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is heading towards the list of developed nations. For instance, the smart city initiative by the government of India is one positive step towards a technologically advanced country. The establishment of more and more metropolitan cities is also part of the same initiative. Furthermore, after surpassing the pandemic, the healthcare system has tremendously flourished as the number of hospitals and the quality of medicines has significantly improved. Thus, I can proudly say that my country, India, is changing rapidly.

Q2. Do you think change is good?
That is quite an amazing question. I think change is an integral part of human existence and in order to live a fulfilling life, one needs to constantly bring about some positives in one self. So, in order to stand out from the crowd and not feel left out, change is essential, as it forces us to become better. It is also important, because it makes us realize our potential, the strengths and weaknesses, our non-negotiable values and ethics, followed by things that make us happy or miserable. Thus, change is good.

Word Meaning Example
Punctuality the quality of being on time or ready
He insists on regular attendance and punctuality.
Astonishment a feeling of being very surprised The garden’s beauty filled me with astonishment

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

CUE CARD -Describe a movie that you felt strongly.

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

You should say:

  • What it was?
  • When you watched it?
  • What it was about?
Sample Answer

Well, I am a cinephile. I enjoy binge-watching movies of all types. Movies can fulfill
several purposes such as education ,entertainment ,inspiration and culture exchange.
Movies serve as a medium to unite people .So far ,I have watched many movies,however
the movie which i felt strongly is The Wolf of Wall street. I watched the movie couple of years ago after the recommendation of one of my closest friends. The movie is based on the true story of Jordan belfort .It shows the rise and fall which an entrepreneur has to tackle and how his company was engaged in stock trading scams
The movie is directed by Martin Scorsese. The cast of this movie consists of Leonardo
DiCaprio ,Jonah Hill , Margot Robbie, and Mathew McConaughey. The character of Jordan
Belfort depicts what an entrepreneur shouldn’t be . He was driven by greed in the movie ,his urge to become rich forced him to choose the wrong path which ultimately led to his
downfall.The main theme behind the movie is to tell viewers that overindulgence in
materialism results to greed ,addiction and corruption

Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)

Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3)related to cue card ‘DESCRIBE A MOVIE THAT YOU FELT STRONGLY.’

Q1. Should children be stopped from watching movies?

Ans. In my opinion, we should not stop children from watching movies as they can
learn various complex topics such as science, entrepreneurship, etc. easily just by watching and it also teaches various moral values.

Q2. Should there be age restrictions on movies?

Ans.YES , should be age restriction on movies as there are some movies which
promotes violence, open use to drugs and alcohol which may have adverse effects on young minds and it can be detrimental.

Word Meaning Example
Binge To do a lot of something.
Cookie tend to binge on
popcorns while watching
Overindulgence Act of having too much of
Overindulgence in fast food and beverages leads to obesity.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur


IELTS online simulator

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