There are so many people we meet every day, so many we meet again and again and then some we meet only for one time. No matter whether the people we meet become our friends or just acquaintances, there is some time when we meet for the first time. It is awkward for some to interact with new people, while others can meet confidently. Let us today have a look at some of the questions related to interacting with people.
What kind of people do you like to meet?
I love meeting people who have got sense of humor because it is amazing to spend time with them. There is so much of light air when you are around with them. No worries, no tensions, nothing that can stop you, nothing that binds you.
Who was the last new person you met and where did you meet them?
The newest person who has come into my life is Ankit. He has been amazing person to be with. There are times when we laugh together, when we fight together, irritate each other, pin point things to each other and after work, it is always exciting to be with him.
Have you ever experienced being completely wrong in your first impression?
Mostly, I don’t form any first impressions. There are times however, that after some time, I do form some sort of impressions. There was a boy I met, I thought would be very light hearted with no baggage, always laughing. He was someone I thought, who would have always succeeded in life. But, later when I came to know him, I realized how much he had struggled in his life, to be able to smile at it all.
Do you usually shake hands with when you meet a new person?
Yes, I do. I think it is one of the best thing to do because there is a lot of confidence that gets build up when you shake hands and introduce each other.
If you want to get to know people at a party would you go first to people of your own age or people of your own sex?
I would prefer going to people of my own sex, because no matter how many friends of opposite sex I have made. I am still not very comfortable interacting with them. There does comes some sort of road blockage that stops me to interact with them.
What is the favorite topic for new acquaintances in your country?
The most common topic that people have to talk about in my country is either some television serial or may be the general politics. With men, you would find them talking about the world affairs. Like event or something happen or what are the implications of the actions taken by the government. Other than this, people like to talk about sports, especially cricket.
If you are looking for a shallow relationship, where do you usually go to meet people?
If you are looking for shallow relationships, I think the best place to find is in work. Because, when it comes to work, people are more career oriented and are less bothered about the personal life of other individual. In cases like these, there are more chances of finding shallow relationships.
If you are looking for a good friend, where do you usually go to meet people?
I think the best place to find new friends is either in a group or a club. In places like these, you find people who are like minded, the ones who tend to observe things the way you do. And it becomes so much more easier to become friends with them.
In your country, how do you know if you can trust a person that you meet?
Trust is a very big thing and you can never tell for sure that you can trust the other person. However, with time it is something that comes very naturally. You just feel it, feel like trusting the other person.
Do you feel you are outgoing or shy around people? How do you usually act?
I think I am more of both. There are times when I am outgoing and get lot of excited when meeting new people. There are times when I tend to get shy. Mostly it depends on what is going on my head or the kind of person I am meeting. So, if the person is of our age group, I am more likely to interact easily. If perosn is elder to me, I tend to be shy.
How could a shy person overcome their fear of meeting new people?
I think the best way to overcome this fear is by meeting more and more people. When you start interacting with lot of people, then there are surely remove hesitation. If you make mistakes, after some time, you tend to overcome them. You realize how to interact with people and when that happens it is more easier for you to talk with lot of people.