Fight Anxiety

If English is a second language to you, you may feel anxious, especially when the person you are talking to is a native speaker. How to remove this anxiety? But what is anxiety? The feelings that you get when your heart starts beating faster or you start to shake. You may feel nervous. This is anxiety. So, what should you do to get rid of this? Well, you can always follow the tips given below, but remember; just knowing what you should do is not enough. You need to actually inculcate them in your daily life to fight anxiety.

    1. Breathe-: Take a deep breath whenever you feel anxious. There are times when you are surrounded by people and you won’t like to do it. But, even in those times, try taking deep breathe; just make sure they don’t see you doing this. The heart that is beating fast calms down when you breathe. So, breathe when you feel anxious.

Walk-: Whenever you feel anxious, may be before a presentation or a meeting, take small walk. May be around your room. It can actually calm you down. By walking I don’t mean that you need to take hours of walk just to improve your speaking.

  • Automate Language-: You must have heard the old adage,” practice makes perfect”. Automate language means exactly that. When you practice something again and again, your brain starts doing it automatically for you. So, practice English. Practice the expressions, practice more till you start doing it automatically.
  • You need not to be perfect-: When you hear a native speaker, some of you may say wow, they speak so well. But the fact is they make a lot of mistakes. Mistakes in terms of grammar or vocabulary. No one is there to judge you harshly. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you are ready to rectify them or learn from them. Remember, you cannot be perfect on day 1.
  • Mantras-: Mantras are the words you say to yourself. For example, you could have a mantra like;” I am a good speaker”. So whenever you make mistake, say it to yourself. Repeat it again. Language is a powerful tool. You become what you say to yourself, because after all that is what you think. Speak positive to you, even in the times of negativity. Speak positive. Keep the flame of hope burning.


Anxiety is just a problem, and like all other problems it also has a solution. Solve it and live your dream.

Numbers Don’t Define Destiny

While preparing for study abroad, it sometimes so happens that we start thinking that scores of IELTS or TOEFL and GRE or GMAT or any other exam are sufficient to get admission into a college. The truth is they are not. Getting a good score obviously increases your chances of getting admission. But then getting a low score does not mean you have no chance of getting into the college.

There are other things that have a role to play. You statement of purpose, a letter of recommendation, the cir-cum vitae, your essay sample. This does not mean that you should stop preparing for these exams. The point is you really need to get good marks in them but even if you don’t and you have a very strong hold on the other things, you may get admission. remember, you need to have a good strong over the other things, if you don’t get good marks. In the end, you as a whole matter.

So, anyone out there, who thinks that may be I will not get admission, because I am poor in English, remember they accept people who are talented. English proficiency is required so that you could communicate well. so, if you think that you have the x-factor, that you have it in you, don’t shy away, thinking you may not get good marks in these exams. They are just part of the application proses, not the entire application process. Work hard and remember, If there is a will, there is a way.


First Step Towards Abroad

The moment you decide you are going to study abroad, the inevitable questions just pop up. What college, which country, which course? Answering all these questions is not the end. It is the real beginning. so, what do you do once you have decided on the country and the course. You have got to fill the application form, provide scores of exams like GRE or GMAT and then the language proficiency exams like IELTS or TOEFL. Some universities require a statement of purpose, recommendation letters or may be a writing sample.

Let’s begin with the first step. Filling the application form. Universities these days have a link to the application form once you visit their website.although some schools still accept paper applications, but it normally has a higher processing fee. Fill out all the sections of the application form. Once you have filled the form, you could either pay using credit cards or the different modes available. In the latter case, you need to download the application form. when sending offline, be sure to send the copies two weeks prior to the deadline. Remember, to keep a copy of the application form with you as well, for the records.
You must get two emails from them. First, that the application has received by them and the next one confirming that the application form is completely filled. Make sure to fill all the components of your application form, in case they get lost in transit, you may send them again.

It is not tough to get into a university abroad, but you need to be focused and not take things as trivial or for granted.

Finding Accommodation Abroad

One major question that comes to mind after finding a university abroad is accommodation. Although there are some universities that provide accommodation, there are even some who don’t. This makes finding accommodation abroad lot more more tougher. The three things you need to keep in mind before deciding on an accommodation are-:

  • Distance between the accommodation and the university
  • What is the type of accommodation?
  • rent

Also remember, that while making arrangements for accommodation, make them for the short period of time. Once you start living in a place, you may well yourself find a better accommodation.
What are the kinds of the accommodation?

Apart from the one the college provides, home rent is a kind of accommodation quite prevalent these days. In this kind, you live with a family of that country in their house. You are also offered food in home rent. Even more, you will rarely feel homesickness, because after all you are living in a home away from home. The other kind of accommodation is taking a rented apartment. It is usually preferred if you are a group of people. Taking such an accommodation if you are alone, may often cause you to feel more alone than you really are. You need to pay for the food separately in this kind.

Choose wisely. Remember, you are living in a different country with new people and new environment. There is no need to be skeptical but being too easy going, could lead you to trouble.

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