Idioms For May 9 #10

If you really want to achieve high score in IELTS, hit the nail on the head.

Break a leg-:
Sentence-: As I was going for the interview, my father told me to break a leg.
Meaning-: It is an expression used to wish people good luck
Hit the books-:
Sentence-: I need to hit the book for tomorrow’s test or I may fail.
Meaning-: to study
Let the cat out of the bag-:
Sentence-: I think it is long time now, you need to let the cat out of the bag.
Meaning-: to disclose a secret
Hit the nail on the head
Sentence-: while writing essays you need to hit the nail on the head
Meaning-: do something in the most effective and efficient manner.
When pigs fly
Sentence-: I will accept defeat when the pigs fly.
Meaning-: something that will never happen

Break a leg IELTS taker.

323,GMS Road, Above Axis Bank,
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun
Call Now-: 08439000086, 08439000087

Active Vs Passive

If you are giving academic IELTS, every minute detail becomes important. When you write, your idea, the way you wrote, the words you used all of them matter. Apart from them, it also matters how you phrase your sentence. Do you use active voice or passive? But the dilemma is which one is better?

Active Vs Passive

The answer being both of them have equal importance. If you are writing science, it is preffered to use passive. But if you are into social studies or humanities or arts, better use active voice.

Active Vs Passive

Use Grammar Correctly

Let us take an example-:
Sentence-: Health care reforms were implemented by Narendra Modi.
Problem-: the actor of the statement is” Narendra Modi” and we want to focus more on him. Using a passive voice, takes away the attention from him and makes the sentence weak.
Solution-: Narendra Modi implemented the health care reforms.

Remember, you just don’t need to know the concepts, is equally important to know how to implement them.


Idioms For May 7 #9

Your success and failure are always in your head. What is in your head?? Well, go and read more to find out what exactly is in your head.

All your eggs in one basket-:
Sentence-: It is good to take risk, but putting all eggs in one basket often is foolish.
Meaning-: It is used in a negative risk. it means to put a risk where you are going to lose everything.
All ears-:
Sentence-: keep going, I am all ears.
Meaning-: Listening very carefully.
All in your head-:
Sentence-: I think I need to relax a bit, maybe it is all in my head.
Meaning-: It means you are imagining things, may be making things worse than they really are.
All in a day’s work-:
Sentence-: hey, don’t feel guilty; it was all in a day’s work.
Meaning-: it means that something is not a big deal.
On the go-:
Sentence-: I had a long day, I was always on the go.
Meaning-: very busy

Prepare these words, use them, remember, success is always one step away.

323,GMS Road, Above Axis Bank,
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun
Call Now-: 08439000086, 08439000087

Degree Of Your Opinion?

While giving opinions it is often the case that although we believe in it, may be we do not completely believe. And then sometimes we are quite confident about it. When giving your IELTS exam you on being asked your opinion, you are asked how much you agree or disagree with the statement. In those situations, using expressions like, kind of, little little, would lead you to lower band. Given below are some of the expressions that can be used to explain the degree of your opinion.

1.Somewhat, Partially: These are used when you agree to something, not completely but kind of.
2.I suppose I-: this is used when you are sure of something.
3.I am confident that-: You can use this to point out that you are completely sure of something.
4.Absolutely, totally -: herein although both are used to show that you are confident about something, totally is often used while speaking and is avoided in writing.
5.Strongly-: this can be used when you are writing an essay.
6.Completely-: although this expression is preferred in speech, you can use it in writing as well.

Express yourself well, using words like kind of, umm, sort of, are used often, but would lead you to lose some marks.


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