Cue Card Talk about a time something good happened to you

IELTS Cue Card Talk about a time something good happened to you

Talk about a time something good happened to you


You should say

  • When was this?
  • What happened?
  • Why was it good?
  • And describe the situation.

Cue Card Talk about a time something good happened to you

Sample Answer

About two months ago, the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown and quarantine began. When it was first announced I was in a state of shock, so far, the concept of this virus had been abstract, something present but not likely to harm me. Needless to say, when the fact that this notion was indeed real and impacting me directly hit home, I was a tad bit overwhelmed.

Soon, however, I settled into a new routine, I worked out every morning and evening, ate healthy and woke up on time. I found myself extremely satisfied with this new work routine, not only was I getting time for my hobbies and getting work done, but I was having fun while doing it. This was indeed a blessing in disguise for someone like me. I rediscovered my love for writing and restated my online blog, I gained deep-set contentment from sharing everything I had to be grateful for in these trying times.

I got into reading again, and even experimented with my coffee that I had been mindlessly consuming for years without any thought to the process. I reworked so many flaws in my previous way of life, identifying things that used to be a source of stress and worry to sort them out. I managed to complete projects that I had all but given up hope on, which motivated me incredibly. The amount of self-discovery I have gone through these past weeks has been enlightening to say the least.

Not only have I learned about myself, I have learned more about my friends and family as well. The people who still took the time to talk to me every day now hold an even more special place in my heart.

While I am acutely aware of how severe the situation is globally, on some level I can’t help but be thankful for all this, for me it was a much-needed period of discovery, to organize my life and realign my goals. I have no doubt in my mind that once this entire thing blows over I will be more than dedicated to my relationships and work life balance. I am grateful for everything in my life and that I can still support myself on my savings as well as working from home. I am grateful for this extended break no matter how bleak the situation might seem.


Useful words and their meanings
Abstract existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object
Hit home (phrase) to cause you to realize exactly how unpleasant or difficult something is
Contentment happiness and satisfaction, often because you have everything you need
Bleak If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future


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CUE CARD – Describe a picture or a photograph

Talk about a Photograph you have in your home


You should say

  • What is happening in the photograph?
  • Where is it placed in your house?
  • When and Why was it taken?
  • And describe the photograph in detail.

IELTS Speaking latest cue card 2020. Describe a picture or a photograph in your home /room that you likeWhat is it about?

Sample Answer


Photographs capture moments in time clearer than our memories are capable of. Humans have used Photographs in abundance in the past decade to try and capture life’s most important and most trivial moments. This has led to a fad of over documentation, often at the consequence of missing reality to be able to capture it virtually.

Today I will talk about a very special photograph of me when I was around the age of 5. In the image, I am seen sitting in on ‘Santa Claus’s’ lap for a special Christmas event in a fully decked out mall. Behind one can make out a giant Christmas tree adorned with fairy lights and baubles; giant piles of decorative presents underneath.

My likeness can be seen wrapped up in a warm shawl and my very favourite red cap, rosy cheeks and the biggest grin as I had just wisped to ‘Santa’ my wish. ‘Santa’ had on a heavy blush, a nose red enough to make even Rudolf blush, and the classic half foot long white misty beard cum moustache.

The event was held every year on the days leading up to Christmas in most major malls, parents would take their children to see a friendly volunteer as ‘Santa’ who would listen to all the kid’s dreams, laugh a big belly laugh and give his blessings. Some days Book Readings were also conducted.

Back when the photo was taken, our family had just moved there and were unfamiliar with this custom, for it was our first Christmas in a Christian country. My parents tell me the photo might never have taken place had they not delayed their last-minute gift shopping. But I am glad the events played out the way they did; Else today I would not have this heartwarming image sitting framed in a cheesy glitter and mistletoe frame on our mantelpiece. It is a reminder to always smile and keep going, that is one image which will never become a waste of space.


Similar Question with Answer:

Describe a picture or a photograph in your home/room that you like

  • What is it about?
  • Where is it in your home?
  • How you got it?
  • Why you like it?

Some photographs are for decoration while some capture the best moments of our lives and keep our memories of those cherished moments alive. A few months ago, I was going through my collection of photo albums when a family photo caught my attention. It is one of my favourite photographs where I am standing with my parents in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. It was taken several years ago when I visited Paris with my parents as a child.  I got it framed recently and it is placed on the wall above the study table in my bedroom.

Whenever I look at the picture it reminds me of the good times I had with my parents especially during that particular vacation abroad. I remember vividly, it was my birthday and this trip to see the Eiffel Tower was a gift from my parents. I can clearly recall how my parents had a small celebration near the water fountains and rows of flowers, where this picture was taken. It was one of the best birthday celebrations I ever had as a child.

My parents have grown old now and when I see this photo it brings back fond memories of my childhood. I don’t see them often now as I have moved to another city and whenever I miss them I have a look at the photograph. It doesn’t let me feel lonely and I feel them around me. Seeing my parents extremely young and lively in it brings a gentle smile on my face!

Vivid very clear and detailed e.g. Some people have a vivid imagination.

loving and affectionate e.g. I am fond of eating out on a weekend.


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Cue Card # A small business you would like to start

Cue Card A small business you would like to start

Talk about A small business you would like to start

  • You should say:
  • What the business is
  • Where you would like to start it
  • And explain how you got the idea about this business

Cue Card A small business you would like to start

Sample Answer

Today I will detail a business I would like to open in central Munich. The idea is to open a high-end Indian snacks parlour. I found Munich to be the most suitable location for such a business as eating Indian food is considered to be quite a common indulgence there. I believe this stems from the fact that much of the European cuisine lacks the spice and intrinsic flavour of Asian cooking.

This concept has been with me for quite some time. The special “hook” of this parlour is that you customize your own snacks. Sort of like Subway, but with a far fresher and a wider variety of choices. There will, of course, be suggestions of certain combinations for those with less experimental inclinations.

I am thinking of dividing the customization process into 3 parts: the base, filling and topping. Different types of traditional Indian snacks would be used for the base. The filling would consist of a choice of flavoured curds, boiled potato, chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans and other common ingredients. Last but not the least, would be the most extensive selection of different toppings. The selections would comprise topping fruit, flavouring sauces, and extra decorative pieces. The sprinkling spices would be found on the tables. One thing I would take care of would be to label each and every product on a scale of 1 to 10 on spice factor, as many people could unwittingly use unknown ingredients and regret it later.

The layout would be a rustic-bohemian hybrid style, with rich tapestries, low golden lighting and contrasting high chairs, all of which would be done up in a deep chocolate woodwork.

As you can see, this plan is very well thought out. The reason for the same is that during my time in Munich and India, I realized how much Indian cuisine has to give for the much lacking market in Europe. The detailing for this hypothetical business was finalized during our family eat out dinner when we happened to be discussing the variety of the menu. I believe it was an evening well spent, discussing a wonderful small business idea about something we were all passionate about.


High-level words and their meanings:
indulgence Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
intrinsic Belonging naturally; essential.
unwittingly Without being aware; unintentionally.
tapestries A piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs
hypothetical Involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS Cue Card you saw an interesting bird

IELTS Cue Card you saw an interesting bird
    The first time you saw an interesting bird

  • When did you see it?
  • Where did you spot it?
  • Who were you with?
  • And Elaborate on why you found this bird to be interesting.

IELTS Cue Card The first time you saw an interesting bird

Sample Answer

Today I am going to narrate a particularly vivid memory about a flock of parrots.

I was around 12 years old at the time. My family and I had just moved back from Europe to India. This was a large shift for me as I had spent the majority of my little lifetime abroad and knew precious little about my home country.

It was my first day of school, assembly period to be more precise. The school held its assembly in the open-air amphitheatre. I had just been told to stand in line with what I presumed was my new class. Everyone had their heads bowed at prayer time and I was trying my very best to blend in as inconspicuously as possible. As the national anthem started up, everyone stood at attention, this was again, a very foreign concept to me, but I copied them all the same.

Just as I raised my head, I recall being quite shocked to see a flock of brightly coloured parrots zoom over my head. I was in awe at the time, I couldn’t believe that such exotic birds could just roam free in such natural abundance. For you see, back in Germany, parrots could not even be found in zoos! The ecosystem and bird species were poles apart. While jays, magpies, longspurs and pipits are a common sight in the north-west, here in the south we have pheasants, peacocks and parrots. For a twelve-year-old, you might just as well have shown me saber tooth tigers; I was that blown away.

What’s more, later that day when I was walking home, I spotted an old man feeding some parrots by hand! As if this was a common sight. Those two events left a memorable impression on me, for I had learned first-hand how different the world was around the globe, and what was peculiar in one part, might be a common tale in others. The parrots that I saw that day, symbolized that thought for me. That is why, even today, parrots are more beautiful and exotic and interesting to me, than they would be to most locals.
(355 Words)


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