Cue Card # A time when you didn’t share a truth with your best friend

IELTS Speaking Task # Cue Card

A time when you didn’t share a truth with your best friend. You should say:

  • What was it about?
  • Why you didn’t reveal it?
  • How he/she felt about it?

And explain what his /her reaction to this was.

Cue Card # A time when you didn’t share a truth with your best friend. Best IELTS Band7 Coaching in dehradun


Trust is considered to be an important tool in one’s friendship which takes time and diligence to rebuild if lost. Here, I’d like to talk about a time when I tried to conceal a secret from a friend which had a bad effect on our friendship. The scenario happened quite a while ago when we were in University. It was during our results when I tried to keep my best friend’s poor grades confidential as she was enjoying her cousin’s wedding at that time.

As far as I remember, most of my friends were worried about their performance in the exams but my best friend had a different level of excitement since it was her relative’s wedding within two days. Though she was equally nervous about the results, she didn’t let her fear come between her happiness. When the result was declared, all of my friends cleared the exams with flying colors but unfortunately, my best friend result was not up to the expectations.

I decided not to inform her about the result on a call as it might affect her joyful state of mind of the wedding ceremonies. But unluckily, she got this bitter news from one of our classmates. She was deeply affected by it as those results were going to have a major impact on our placements.

Initially, this situation jeopardized our friendship and people tried to create misunderstandings between us. But after a couple of days, she considered my point of view and tried to look at it from my position. We later on, apologized and promised to never hide truth from each other, no matter how bitter it would be.

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Cue card: a place that is not frequented by many people

IELTS Cue Card: Describe a place that is not frequented by people

Describe a place that is not frequented by people.
You should say:

  • Where it is?
  • When you went there?
  • What you did there?
  • And explain why this place is not frequented by people.

Sample Answer

I love travelling and visiting unexplored places. Today, I’m going to talk about a place that is not visited by many tourists.

The name of the place is Ladakh which means land of high passes. It’s a mountainous region in Jammu and Kashmir State of India. I went to Ladakh last year with my friends.

Ladakh has a lot to offer to its tourists. It’s known for its unparalleled beauty. Arid mountains, exotic lakes and mighty rives can leave visitors mesmerized. We stayed there for a week and every day was packed with lots of activities. My friends and I did rafting in the Indus River. We tried mountain climbing too but found it quite challenging. We visited some monasteries as well. Overall, the whole stay became a memorable experience for all of us.

Even though Ladakh is a marvellous place to visit, sadly, the number of tourists is quite low. The main region behind this is its location. Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed state which is terribly affected by terrorism and other host of problems. Safety becomes a major issue for visitors. Only adventurous and thrill seekers dare to go there. Another key reason is that the government doesn’t promote tourism in this area. People have to pay a lot of money for accommodation and other facilities. All these factors certainly affect people’s decision when it comes to visiting a new place.

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CUE CARD # Describe something you own which has important to you.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card # Describe something you own which has important to you.

Describe something you own which has important to you.
You should say:

  • Where you got it from?
  • For how long you have it?
  • What you use it for?

and explain why it is important to you.


The Polaroid camera that belongs to me is immensely important for me. I’m not a materialistic person but since the time my mother gifted me this camera, I am totally obsessed with it. On my birthday this year, I got a Fujifilm Polaroid camera in a clunky pastel pink color as a present and it has been a crucial part of my life from that day. As a kid, instant photographs that were shown in the movies fascinated me and I always dreamt of owning a device that develops pictures within minutes.

It has been two months since I turned 23 and my parents presented me with this camera when I got my university results. It holds a special place in my heart as I was rewarded for performing exceptionally well in my exams. As I have always been fond of photography, I used it to click my friends and loved ones pictures and it is the best way to make memories with them. The photograph that develops gives a vintage effect and captures memories admirably.

The reasons why it is significant in my life is that primarily, it is gifted to me by my mother. In addition, it captures the present moment in a perfect way making it more memorable. I have also reserved a space in my room where I have a collection of all the unforgettable and momentous moments by sticking Polaroid pictures on the wall and this corner of my room has to be my personal favorite space.

(252 Words).

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IELTS Speaking cue card: Describe something you taught to your friend/relative

Describe something you taught to your friend/relative.
You should say:

  • What you taught him/her?
  • When it was?
  • How long it was for?
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Sample answer

I enjoy teaching and imparting my knowledge with others. Today, I’m going to talk about a time when I taught mathematics to one of my friends.

It’s been quite long, around 10 years. I was pursuing my Bachelor’s from Kurukshetra University. The course comprised three majors: mathematics, science and computer science. Mathematics was a challenging subject. Despite that I obtained excellent grades in mathematics. Sadly, my close friend, Rohit, didn’t get good grades in his first semester exams.  He was unable to understand the fundamentals of calculus and trigonometry. He asked me if I could help him. I willingly agreed.

I started teaching him in the evening. Initially, nothing seemed to move forward as Rohit didn’t have a strong foundation in maths. But, his willingness to learn kept us going. We kept on trying and after a lot of hard work for months, I could see a change in his level.

Overall, I loved sharing my knowledge with Rohit. This help wasn’t out of obligation but out of true friendship to boost his confidence and help him develop his mathematical skills. Being a student, teaching him was a tough task for me as well. At times I had to come up with a new idea to make him understand the question. He always gave his 100% and we managed to successfully clear all mathematics exams together. It was an achievement for both of us, and I will never regret helping a friend in need.

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