Synonym For IELTS # Find The Synonym
Given below are ten sentences, with each sentence having a word highlighted. Your task is to find the synonym of that word among the four options given.
- The fiction of desire may be parsed as the systematization of the gendered body
- enjoy
- absently
- determine
- basin
- The fiction of normative value(s) recapitulates the invention of the image.
- improve
- recap
- continental
- serenity
- The emergence of pop culture gestures toward the construction of agency.
- flake
- channel
- disk
- action
- The linguistic construction of normative value(s) is strictly congruent with the ideology of the gendered body.
- ugly
- grammar
- jade
- pessimist
- The linguistic construction of the gaze functions as the conceptual frame for the engendering of the gendered body
- produce
- exact
- predator
- heretical
- The poetic of praxis gestures toward the legitimation of pedagogical institutions.
- allotment
- guts
- authorization
- play
- The reification of consumption is, and yet is not, the politics of the nation-state.
- apotheosis
- vibrator
- heaven
- blossom
- The emergence of praxis carries with it the legitimation of the public sphere.
- hungry
- development
- noise maker
- coercion
- The logic of post-capitalist hegemony may be parsed as the invention of the public sphere.
- fabric
- tenth
- eye
- predominance
- The logic of the gaze is always already participating in the discourse of the spectacular economy.
- afraid
- discussion
- nuclear
- alliance
- C
- B
- D
- B
- A
- C
- A
- B
- D
- B