IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Marriage

Marriage is that beautiful relationship that we all, at some point of time in our lives, want to be part of. There are so many romantic movies that we see and then so much that we think about, but then there is a different opinion about it as well. There are some who think marriage is just a bond that ties people by force. No matter what the opinion of people be, we shall today have a look at some of the questions related to marriage and their possible answers.

What is the attitude towards marriage in your country?Marriage is regarded a very sacred relationship in my country. When two people decide to get married, either by their own choice or by their parents wish, it is usually a big deal and you can see preparations starting off months before the actual day of marriage. People, families and everyone reunites and it is more very glamarous and yet traditional.

What are some of the advantages of marriage?

Marriage, according to me, brings a lot of stability in a person. So, like I have seen so many broken and shattered people regaining life after marriage. They know that there is someone to comfort them and it is really beautiful. You can share your sorrows and happiness. Yes, this is possible even when you are not married, but with commitment, I think comes more of love.

What are some of the disadvantages of marriage?

I think it depends on the person you get married to. So, if the person is too bossy and you don’t love your partner, it is a  living hell. There have been cases of depression, marital rapes and lot more and it usually happens because the society burdens the individual with the relationship. So, like may be the marriage did not turned out well, it becomes difficult for people to get out of it, which makes it a issue.

Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?

I think definitely yes. Often, it so happens that we get married but get to know the different shades of the person later on, which they might have been hiding for such a long time. May be it become intolerable and I think every individual should have the full right to do what they want to with their lives. Not allowing people to take divorce may take away the liberty from the individual.

Do you plan on getting married?

Well, I think I am too young for that. Right now, my entire focus is on making myself a better individual, capable of taking better decisions. So, that is where the focus lies. But, definitely if I ever fall in love, I will get married.

What presents are suitable for weeding in your country?

Well, most people give things that help the new wedded couple in starting a new life. So, you can see people giving clothes, cookery items, furniture, etc. Some even go on to give lavish gifts like a holiday tour. But, it all depends on how close the individual is with the couple getting married.

Do you think money spent on wedding is wasted?

I think too an extent yes. But then for those whom wedding is a very big deal, I don’t think there is any problem in doing a wedding in grand size. After all it is an individual choice.


Why do non-religious people choose to get married in churches?

I think because when you are getting married in a church there is no religion as such involved. Obviously, Christianity is there but then the vows that people take there are more of individual and away from lot of customs which often come along with a Hindu marriage.

How long should a couple wait before getting married?

I believe at least a couple of years, so may be like 2 or 3 years. Because, in that period of time, you get to know enough of the person. Although, one can never guarantee of what is going to happen, but still if you know a person for more than three years, I believe you know them enough to actually go on and lead a beautiful life together.

What is the secret of a successful marriage?

Well, I thought it is trust and love and care but I have now come to realize that for any relationship to work there is only one thing required and that is determination. One has to have that firm will that no matter what, I am going to spend my life with this person. Because, when you have that sort of will it becomes easier to live life. Obviously, this will should be from both sides, else it turns out to be a mere obsession. Also, I think it is important that people talk. Because, when couples stop talking to each other, half of the relationship is then and there over.

Should unhappy couples get divorced?

I believe, one should give their 100 percent to a relationship. So, if the relationship is not working, I think first step should be an attempt to make it work out. But, if one sees no hope or their are trust issues, I think it is better to get divorced.



IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Internet

Internet has truly transformed our lives and changed the way we do things. With so much happening and changing in our world, because of internet, let us today have a look at some of the questions that might be asked related to internet and possible answers.

Do you use internet much during the day?

Yes, I do. I am always on interent, either doing something related to my blog or searching the internet for the places around me where I can travel. Other times I am on social media, connecting with people I love or responding to people’s reviews on the posts and the videos that I have made. So, it is kind of fun, being online and doing work whenever you feel like.

What do you usually do on the internet?

For most part, I am doing my job of content writer on Internet. So, I am either doing a research for my next post or making the first draft or editing the post. Apart from this, I love watching videos on you tube or chatting off with my friends.

What are some of the advantages of internet?

Internet has surely come up with great advantages to offer all of us. Firstly, it allows for free communication with people far off from us. You see, it is very easy to know how your friends miles away from you is actually. Also, internet provides us with information regarding anything and everything. There are so many people writing about so many things and often people share their experiences helping others stuck in the same issue. Internet surely has made the world a smaller and a better place.

What according to you are the disadvantages of Internet?

No doubt, internet is over whelming and it does provides us with everything but then I believe it is very addictive as well. I have seen people getting stuck to it and hence spending so much less time with their family and friends. Also, with youtube and facebook, it is observed that people are becoming more addictive to them and less efficient at work.

Do people in your country use internet a lot?

There has been a recent trend of internet with the coming of smart phones. I surely think that since the past decade the use of internet has surely risen in my country. You can now see even the elderly people learning how to use it and chat with their kids online. They would form groups and laugh at the new watsapp joke. Apart from them, internet is surely very famous among the younger generation, who is ever so active to use it for either education or fun.

Do you do any shopping on internet?

Yes, I do. For items like electronics and bags, I have come to prefer online shopping as compared to the going to market as the product quality can be easily checked and there are lot of offers available while shopping online. But, for clothes I still prefer the traditional way of shopping where I can actually try the clothes and see as to how they look on me.

Do you send and receive email regularly?

Not very regularly I would say. But, with me signing up for so many websites and groups, the inbox these days is filled up with some or other email from any website or company. I usually mail when it is some official work, otherwise I prefer the social media sites.

Who do you usually communicate with?

On email, most of the times the people I communicate with are either my managers or for the best part, the people who like my blog and comment and give suggestions. Also, I interact with my clients. I being a freelance blogger, am associated with two sites apart from the one that I run for myself.


How often do you check your email?

Well, you can say like once in every two hours. The point is there are lot of times when I get some work related emails and I need to respond to them as soon as possible.

Do you think writing emails has strenghtend or weakened people’s writing skills?
I would say, it has strengthened people’s writing skills. Now, people are more aware that the email gets stored and can be used as proof, they make sure that the language written is proper. So, too an extent yes, email writing has surely helped people improve their formal writing skills.

I think there has been no such difference in the writings skills of the individuals. People who could earlier write great applications are able to write good emails but the ones who lagged behind their, still are not able to manage writing good emails.

What are some of the disadvantages of emails?

Emails have surely made our lives simpler, but I think they have taken the fun of waiting. It was not the letter that made it special but its wait that made it more special. With emails, instant talking is possible taking away the entire fun. Also, there is a security issue with emails. If some hacker is able to get through your mail id, one has no idea what havoc can be created.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Travel

You must have traveled to some or the other place. We all do. Travelling is that one thing that allows us to explore not only about the place but so much about ourselves and the people we travel to. Let us today have a look at some of the questions related to traveling and their possible answers.

Do you like to travel?

I love to travel, to explore new places and meet new people. It is so much fun for me and something I really love doing.

Where was the last place you visited on a holiday?

I remember going to Nainital with my father few months back. It was an amazing trip. The weather was great that day and we were on our bike, driving at a very slow speed, enjoying the journey and boating and eating corn and drinking tea. It was surely one of a great day.

What kind of places have you visited in your life?

For most of the time, I have visited only the places near to my granny’s house or the places where my father got located. But, since I have started working now, I am going to places I really want to. So, recently, I went to Mysore and I am planning to go Bhubaneswar next.


Which place would you really like to visit? Why?

I would one day love to visit Kashmir. People say that it heaven on Earth and I want to see and experience Kashmir for myself. I want to meet the people and know what is exactly in their minds regarding the heat in between India and Pakistan related to them and how is it like to live in what is considered to be heaven on Earth.

What is the best place you have ever visited?

For all the places that I have ever visited, I would say, Mysore was really beautiful. It is truly one of the safest cities that I have come across in my life and also very peaceful and full of history and culture. So, there is this Mysore palace and then Jagmohan Palace. Also, there are so many near by cities to it. You can go to bangalore or koorg or the waterfalls. It is truly amazing. The weather is great, people are nice and food is truly amazing.

Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?

Well, not really, but I would always welcome any foreign person to my home and country.

What is the best way to save money while travelling?

I think the best way is to plan. When you have planned the entire journey, it becomes easier for you to travel cheaper because you know so much more about the journey. You know the places, the train tickets, the bus tickets, you know. So, you wait for some time and then take the best option.

What are some of the problems of long distance travelling?

I think the only problem with long distance travelling is that one tends to get bored after some time. But, if you are with your friends and your family members, I think there is no issue then. Apart from this, the other issue at hand is that some people tend to have some sort of ailments and travelling long distance is quite tiring.

Has the way people travel change over the last few decades?

I think it surely has changed. Their was a time when people preferred trains over flights. But with flight rates going down and so much offers being provided, also the economy of the country rising, I think people are now taking flights for longer distances. Even more, the economic condition of middle class people has risen, so now you can see them travelling in a better condition, as compared to the one may be a decade back.

What do you do while travelling?

Well, it all depends. If I am travelling alone, I tend to either read books or listen to music. I often also start writing about things here and there. But, when I am travelling with my friends or family members, we are mostly talking and playing games through out the journey. It is like when I am alone, I am usually making notes and doing some serious travel blogging thing, but with friends it is more about making memories.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Language Studies

Well, you are giving an English test, so it is very obvious that you know its language. Let us today, have a look at some of the possible questions that you might be asked related to language and IELTS.

What languages can you speak?

I can speak English and Hindi with Hindi being my mother tounge.

Why are you taking the IELTS exam?

I am a writer and want to enhance my knowledge about English literature and writing particularly. I am taking the IELTS exam to study English and its literature in an English speaking country.

Do you have any plans after you take the IELTS exam?

Oh sure ! I do have. After I have successfully taken the IELTS exam, I would like to get admission into one of Ivy league colleges to study English Literature or may be something related to writing or travelling.

How long have you been learning English?

I have studied in an English medium school since my childhood. So, I guess it has been now 18 years that I have learnt and read English.

I have studied in a regional school where the books were in regional language. But, English was still taught to us. So, technically I have been learning English for past 18 years but the thorough understanding of English has come to me only while preparing for IELTS.

Why is it important for you to learn English?
I think not only me but English has surely become an important language for communication. With globalization taking place at such an incredible speed, to be able to interact with others, English has become an essential language. In my case, I am a blogger. So, I want more and more people to be able to understand what I am trying to tell. For that reason, English is the only language that helps.

language studies0101

Do you like learning languages?

Yes, I do. Whenever I go to new place, I try to learn the regional language of that place. It makes staying there lot more easier and cheaper. Because, when you know the language it is easy to bargain while travelling. Also, to better understand the culture of the place, one needs to interact with the local people, the uneducated ones, and for that it is important to know the regional language.

Yes, I do like learning new language. I love English as a second language and have been practicing on it. Also, apart from English, I have started learning French as very soon I will be going to one of the french country to pursue by higher studies.

How did you learn the languages that you know?

Well, most of the languages that I know, I learnt them on google or by interacting with people. So, for example, I would go out and make friends and then ask them to teach me. Interacting with them more often, made me speak their language. We would dance to the same songs, sing regional songs, watch regional movies and that is how learn the language.

I think the best way to learn a language is through interaction with a native speaker. By doing this, one can improve their oral as well listening skills. Apart from this, I also read the regional language in my spare time.

Why do people learn more than one language?

Learning more than one language widens the horizon of a person. So, a person can interact with more kind of people, because for some reasons, individuals are more happy and tend to share more when you interact with them in their regional language. It also helps a person to grow intellectually.

I think people learn more and more language because language is a necessary tool to interact with foreign people and learn their culture. Understanding many languages, opens doors for many opportunities in the world.

Do you think that all children should learn foreign language at school?

I think learning learning a new/foreign language is important for a student, only if they learn how to use it properly. A new language activates those areas of the brain of a child, that help them to think more logically and creatively in future lives. Also, it brings in the attitude that no matter how foreign a thing, a child can do it.

Yes, I think because children are more fast at learning things and learning a new language at an earlier age is lot more e





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