Essay Types in IELTS

Essays in IELTS are of different types. There is no such thing as same essay type but different question. The five main types of essays usually asked in IELTS are-:

This kind of an essay requires your opinion on a topic which must be stated clearly in your essay. It has to be made sure that your opinion is backed by examples/reasons. Also remember, to write the opposing view point in another paragraph and point out why it is ineffective.
The essay includes the issues that are present in our surroundings, generally ones that are debatable and open to argument. You are expected to provide the points for both the sides. You are marked on how well you can express the opinion for both the sides i.e. how vast your knowledge is. In the end, you are required to put out your opinion as well.
In this type of essay, you are required to discuss the problem regarding a particular topic and then provide a solution to it. The better the solution, the better your score.
These are also known as two question essays. Herein you will be given an essay topic and two questions regarding to it are asked. You need to answer both of them.
These essay types require you to give the advantages and the disadvantages of a particular topic. It is important for you to write both the advantages and disadvantages.

It is good to practice, but make sure you practice smartly.

To know more and Practice smart at IELTSBAND7

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Tips On Writing Effective Essay

Here is the tips on writing effective essay. Essays are an important part of IELTS. Getting a high score in IELTS writing task depends hugely on writing an effective essay.

Tips On Writing Effective Essay

Some of the best ways by which you can write an effective essay are-:

No matter how many times you have practiced the question, make sure you read the instructions and completely understand them before you start writing.
You are getting 40 minutes to write the essay, so Think before you write. .Make sure you know what you are going to write, before you start writing.
It is always preferred that you write an outline of the essay, and cover all the aspects of the essay. While writing the essay, all you need to do is expand on the outline.
Although you are expected to use a high level of vocabulary, but don’t forget to make sure that people are able to understand your essay. After all, the marks are divided equally for all the parts of an essay.
Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct. Also remember, to use different structures of grammar.
While improving on the other important areas, we often forget the little details. Make sure that the spellings are correct in your essay. The lesser the mistakes the higher the score.

Learn how to write effective essays at IELTSBAND7
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Near Ballupur Chowk,Dehradun.
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Essay Topics # Art

There is a range of essay topics that could come in IELTS. Although preparing for all of them could be quite tiresome, it is always advisable to practice the points for all of them and practice as many as you can.



  • Few people are of the opinion that money spent on arts is just a waste and the government must focus on areas other than it, like engineering or science. List out what would be the results if government stopped paying attention to arts.
  • There are people of the opinion that art is the basic education everyone must have, while others believe it is just a waste of time. list out the advantages and disadvantages of both the thinkers.
  • There are many artist who earn very low wages for their art and are barely able to survive on it. They demand that government must fund them and their art. Do you agree or disagree with it?
  • We are living in an era where there are always certain boundaries although some people say that artist must be allowed to express themselves freely and completely. to what extent do you agree or disagree?


Remember, the more you practice, the smarter you fight, the better are your chances of victory.

How To Write An Effective Introduction

No matter it is, about writing an essay or a report, you need to write an introduction. Although you don’t get the entire marks based on your introduction but it surely has a huge role to play in your overall score. So, writing an effective essay always begins with writing an effective introduction. No, how can you write an effective essay? Well, there are three things that you can consider-:

  1. Write a general statement about the topic. For e.g., if the topic is about fossil fuels or the need of new alternative ways to generate energy, you could begin by stating; fossil fuels have been an integral part of our lives since ages. Now, they are at the verge of extinction. You can even quote something that you have heard of in recent times.
  2. The next most easiest and effective thing to do is paraphrase the question. Make use of synonyms, use idioms. The point is just take the idea from the question and paraphrase it to use it in the introduction. Remember, it is important that you use synonyms, because if you don’t and end up using the same words, you may lose marks.
  3. The last thing to do is write the thesis sentence. The thesis sentence is the one that straight away points out your point of view on it. For e.g. I completely agree with the statement given. Or maybe my opinion contradicts with the one provided.

Remember, introduction is the easiest part of writing an essay and the most important also. Make sure you put the best foot forward.

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Near Ballupur Chowk,Dehradun.
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