Cue Card : Natural disaster in your area.

Natural disasters happen and when they do happen, they bring more toil in our lives than anything else. Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes have had major impact on the lives of individuals since time immemorial. This time, we are looking at a cue card that talks about the natural disaster than recently happened in the area of the student.

IELTS Cue Card: Talk about a natural disaster in your area.
  • Talk about a natural disaster in your area.
  • What was it?
  • What happened?

Explain the experience you had?

Sample Answer

The number of natural disasters have risen quite dramatically in the 21st century. Humans have caused harm in every aspect to this planet and it is fair to say that we are seeing its implications now. Luckily, growing up witnessing a natural disaster was a rare occurrence but nowadays it is a very common phenomenon.

I’d like to talk about the recent Uttrakhand floods which had detrimental effects in my state. After witnessing scorching heat, people were happy that monsoon was finally here. Little did they know that this monsoon will have a devastating impact on their lives. Initially torrential rains and winds started blowing which were followed by thunder and lightning. Smiles turned into concerns and it was quite evident that it was the start of something bad.

It was raining cats and dogs. Although, I was accustomed to rains, having lived in valleys, the rains brought more concern in our entire fraternity. Up until that year we had never seen drainage issues but water started clogging up and seasonal rivers began to swallow. The cloud bursts made it even worse and the incessant rains was just aiding the cause of a potential disaster. Emergency services were on their toes and within a few days half the town was submerged. Many people lost their lives in these floods. We are still experiencing the aftermath of that incident up until now.

Luckily, my house is a bit far away from the river so we didn’t witness any damage as such but many were affected badly and needed urgent help. As they saying goes “you need to be in it to see it”. The entire experience was scary and we couldn’t go out of the house for 3 days. With no electricity or emergency messages being played, it felt more of a war zone. Once the rains stopped, people started rescuing those who were left stranded. Help arrived from different parts of the country and many housing redevelopment efforts are still going on.


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

Cue card #Something Which Cannot be Learnt in School

IELTS Speaking Cue Card: Describe something which cannot be learnt in school

Describe something which cannot be learnt in school
You have to say:

  • What is it
  • When and where did you learn it
  • How did you learn it
  • Explain what you use it for.
Sample Answer

Alma Mater is a place where one not only learns how to gain conceptual and theoretical knowledge but also to project himself by getting adequate training in personality development. Besides this, various extracurricular activities are taught to the students which are continued throughout life. However, I personally believe that the school does not teach us the traditional and moral values.The reason being that a child spends only around six hours in school and the rest at home.

Moreover, this is something which cannot be taught. It is imbibed in a human being as he/she grows with his family, siblings and neighborhood. This includes respecting our cultural values, giving due regards to women, elders and abiding the law of the land. A human being’s character builds up as he learns these peculiar qualities while growing up.

It is the prime responsibility of parents to set good examples for their children. I myself learnt these values from my parents and grandparents. These are to be absorbed as one grows witnessing his family members and elder people. These have become a permanent feature of my personality and I use them in my day to day life. Be it my home or my workplace or the time when I’m commuting in a metro train. I try to be as considerate and compassionate as possible while dealing with the old and the women.

The busy schedule of parents nowadays is depriving our generations of these values which are of paramount importance to the individuals and the society as a whole. If these values are not taught, it will lead to creation of a misguided youth who will not be the responsible citizens of society. A person may be successful in his career, which makes him financially strong but till the time he is not respectful to the society he is not a responsible citizen of the nation.


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087



You should say:

  • Who the old person was
  • how you helped him
  • what did you feel about it
  • Explain why you liked helping the old person so much.
Sample Answer

Old people should be always respected due to their phasing out days of life. As one grows old he or she is looking for compassion, care and attention as they feel left out due to their inability to move out from their homes. Some kind of physical deformity further restricts their movement and makes them depressed.

Recently I decided to go and meet my grandfather who has grown very old. He is an octogenarian and stays with my paternal uncle. I spent two days with him. On the first day I sat with him the entire day and just carried out gossiping, discussing my childhood days and the wonderful times I spent with him. He took out an old album and made me see the old photos of our family which was very nostalgic. In the evening I slept in his room as it became very late discussing things with him.
Second day I decided to take him to a market. Since it was after a long time that we had a chance to go out together, he felt exhilarated. He also remembered visiting this market with my grandmother. It not only rejuvenated his memories but also made him a bit nostalgic. We purchased a few products from a local bakery which he liked a lot with his morning tea. Later we went to his doctor for his routine checkups and purchased few medicines.

In the evening we returned back from our outing. Since we were tired, we sat and enjoyed the evening tea. He was sounding extremely contended by the outing and was looking freshened up .He showered me with his blessings and thanked me for making his day.

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Cue Card # Getting into trouble

IELTS Cue Card # Getting into trouble

Describe a time when you got into trouble, either at school or at home
Please say:

  • what it was
  • how you got into it
  • how you handled it
  • were you punished for it
  • and explain how you felt about it.

Sample Answer

I have always been a mischievous kid during my school years. I have always been in and out of trouble during the school years for one thing or another. At times trouble came looking for me rather than me looking for it but, I guess that’s the beauty of school life, no matter how good or bad it was it always brings a smile on my face when, I think about it. I remember during Diwali days, I was caught lighting fireworks in the school that, I planned to light in the school toilet and all my teachers and the principal weren’t quite pleased about it.
I got suspended from school for a long while and even my parents were summoned to the school. The fact that, I was supposed to appear for my board examinations that year made matters even worse. I was kept under the radar and every now and then teachers will come up and check on me. I even had to go to the principal’s office a few times and my bags were checked almost on a daily basis. I was even told that, I won’t be allowed to give my board examinations. On the other hand, I did become very popular in school so not all went in vain. I got a lot of attention from school mates and became quite a famous name in the school premises because of my actions.
The consequences of my actions were pretty bad as the aftermath was a mental torture of sorts. My parents grounded me for a long time and I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere nor speak to anyone after the school hours. My cell phone and bike were taken off me and even the tutor from coaching classes came home to teach me. On the school front regular bag checks and constant surveillance from teachers were part of day to day activities. I was even made to sit through extra exams for me to get my ID card for board exams so yeah it was some big trouble that I got into.

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

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