How To Solve True/False/Not Given

True/false and not given are one of the most common questions that come in IELTS exam and are often the most confusing.
But, you can actually answer these questions without even reading the passage.
Given below are some of the tips to make sure that you get the answers correct with minimum effort.



Remember, before attempting the question make sure you read the instructions properly. Find out if they are true/false/not given or yes/no/not given kind of questions. Also make sure in how many words you need to answer the questions.

The questions in IELTS usually contain uncertain words such as: may, might, seems to, can, could etc.
So, if the questions contain strong words such as “should, resolve, must, pledge, swear etc” the answer is not given.
If the article gives the range of numbers and in the question a specific number is asked which is in that range, the answer is not given.
For example-:
The war started from 1942 to 1947, and Pakistan finally got freedom in 1947.
If in question it says-:
The war started in 1942 and Pakistan finally got independence in 1947.
The answer must be marked as to not given.
If the number in the question given, is beyond the range given in the article the answer is false.
For example-:
Article-: The war began in 1942 to 1947 and India finally got freedom in 1947.
Question-: the war began in 1942 to 1947, and India finally got freedom in 1948.
If the number in the article is over the range given in the question, the answer is false.
For example-:
Article-: In a recent book on Gandhi, an entire chapter is devoted to the quit India movement.
In question-: A recent book on Gandhi is devoted on “the quit India movement”.
The answer is false. Because in the article it is talking about just a chapter and in the question the question is about the entire book.

NOTE-: If only a single number is mentioned in the article and the question, first locate the information and then find the number from the article.

If the numbers and the information are same in the question as well as article the answer is true.
If the information never appeared in the article, the answer is not given.
If there are two sets of information in the article i.e A and B, but if the question mentions A or B, the answer is false.
If in the article a fact A occurs with some restrictions, but in the question the A occurs without the restriction, the answer is false.
For example-:
Article-: poverty can be eradicated if education is improved.
Question-: poverty can be eradicated.
The answer is false, because the condition is not present.
If the article uses possibility words such as “odd, opportunity, chance, many believe, possible, likely, probable, seems, appear to,etc”.
But question changes to certain words, “ convinced, fact, definitely, invariably, absolutely, universally, accepted, well-documented, unanimously, perceived, etc”
The answer is FALSE.
If all the circumstances given in the article appear in the question, but the extent, emotion and scope are different, the answer must be NOT GIVEN.
If the article provides more possibilities to a particular situation, but only one possibility is given in the question, the answer is NOT GIVEN.
Article-:A, B, C lead to the information age.
Question-: the information age is led by A.
If in the article subjunctive are used, but the questions change it to reality or fact( i.e would/may happen in article to happened in question), the answer is NOT GIVEN.
Article-: the downfall of Greece may be possible in the next few years.
Question-: the downfall of Greece has happened.

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Writing Task : Consider these questions

 Writing Task : Consider these questions

Writing Task : Consider these questions

IELTS Writing Task 1 requires candidates to look at graphs, charts and tables and write about the information they contain. Ideally, someone reading your Task 1 essay would be able to draw the graph or chart you writing about, or produce a table containing the same information as the table you are writing about. However, it might not always be able to cover all the information available, in which case you should simply cover the main details provided.

Consider these questions :

Do I need to write an introduction?


How many body paragraphs should I write?

It doesn’t matter, but if you only write one, it is difficult for the examiner to follow the organisation; so it is better to write two because the answer will be better organised.

Just split the information into two.

Do I need to write a conclusion?

No. you are not discussing anything, so you cannot draw any conclusions. If you write a conclusion, it will not be marked because it is irrelevant to the task.

Overall organisation plan for Task 1:





IELTS Sample Answer # Graph wheat exports

The graph below shows the wheat exports in three countries during the year 1985-1990 in millions of tonnes.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

wheat exports in 1985-1990

wheat exports in 1985-1990

Sample Answer

The graph shows the variation in the amount of wheat exported in three countries over a period of five years i.e. 1985-1990.

Initially, in the year 1985, there wasn’t a major difference in the exports among the three countries, with Australia having 15 million tonnes wheat exported, while Canada and European Community exported approximately 18 and 20 million tonnes respectively.

For the next four years i.e 1986 to 1989, Canada experienced its highest wheat export in the year 1988 at 25 million tonnes and lowest peak of overseas sales when it dropped down to 15 million tonnes in 1989. During this period, Australia witnessed a gradual decrease from 15 million tonnes to 10 million tonnes. However, in contrast, European Community after hitting its lowest point in 1986 saw an increase in the amount of wheat brought to Europe in 1987 which remained constant until 1988.

Finally, in the year 1990, Canada and European Community exported 12 million tonnes of grain marking a gradual increase in their wheat trade. On the other hand, figures remained constant for Australia.

Overall, Australia observed a decline in its wheat export while the European Community witnessed an opposite trend. In contrast, there were major fluctuations in the wheat export in Canada.


Learn the art of describing graphs effectively at  IELTSBAND7

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Essay For IELTS # Business And Money

Practice will make you perfect and the broader the horizon of your practicing material, the better it will be. Given below are some essay questions related to business and money, asked in IELTS. So, go on practice them and improve your band.

    1. The development and expansion of the super market in some countries has proved to be a major threat to the local markets. Some people believe that the closure of the local markets would lead to the death of the local communities.
      To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    2. Big businesses have lots of money to spend on marketing and advertisement of their products. As a result people easily flock towards their product.
      What problems does this cause?
      What according to you could be done to encourage people to buy local products?


  1. Internet has taken this world to the cyber space. With this increasing number of people are now buying what they need online.
    What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping for the customers as well as companies?
  2. Success in business can be assured if you have great marketing and promotion.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  3. Some people believe that the sure shot way to succeed in business is to have a unique product.
    What according to you, are the factors that lead towards the success of the business?


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