Improve the Writing Score in IELTS

To improve the writing score, IELTS candidates should use effective language in their letters.
Let us look at some important phrases which can be used in a letter of complaint. You don’t have to memorize all of them, just choose one relevant phrase for each paragraph and use the same in all letters of complaints.

For Paragraph 1 (Introduction of the letter)
  • I am writing to complain about ……
  • I am writing in regard to ……
  • The reason I am writing to you is ………..
  • I am writing to express my concern about ………..
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ……….
  • I would like to bring the matter of ………to your attention
  • I would like to draw your attention to ………
For Paragraph 2 (Explaining the problem)
  • You can imagine how unhappy I was to discover …..
  • I was supposed to receive ……… Unfortunately, that never happened.
  • I regret to inform you that your service was below my expectations.
  • I regret to inform you that your service was highly disappointing.
  • When I tried to contact the manager by phone, no one could offer a sensible answer to me.
  • When I called the office, no one responded.
  • I contacted your manager/representative last week ….. Unfortunately, he denied me the service that I requested.
For Paragraph 3 (Proposing a solution)
  • I insist on getting a refund of …
  • Please look into this matter as soon as possible.
  • I believe that this matter deserves your urgent attention
  • I hope you can settle this matter by giving a full refund of the amount ….
  • The ideal solution would be …

Conclude your letter in the following manner:
If you know the name of person you are writing to, you should write
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Your name

If you don’t know the name of person you are writing to, you should write
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Your name

Some sample letter are here… at category->IELTS-preparation->IELTS-letter-writing


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IELTS Writing Essay # People think that teenagers should follow the example of older people.

IELTS Writing Task # Essay

Some people think that teenagers should follow the example of older people. Others think that it is natural for teenagers to challenge what older people say. 

Discuss both views and give your opinion. 


Teenage is the phrase of responsibility and autonomy, and whether or not teenagers should follow the canonical ways of their past generation is an arguable topic. Some conservative people of society believe that adolescents must follow the advice of older people while the teenagers can have opposing views. In this essay, I would shed light on both the notions and give my point of view.  

A majority of people hold that knowledge and prudence that our elderly parents or grandparents possess is more trustful. Elders are old for a reason and their wisdom, experience and judgment can be advantageous for the teenagers. Moreover, they have an insight into issues that would not have been considered otherwise. For example, the homemade remedies that we commonly use nowadays were invented by our ancestors such as various skin care or cold remedies.

On the other hand, though youngsters must respect their elders, some consider their opinions to be outdated as their information and wisdom are not relevant in today’s era of science and technology. Furthermore, many elderly people were against equal rights, homosexuality and believed in patriarchy which is not applicable in a modern world. Considering this we may argue that challenging old ways of life and belief is somewhat essential.

In a nutshell, youngsters should consult their elders when taking various decisions as they have a different approach to life which can make everyone’s life easier. However, there are some choices that teenagers should take independently without entirely relying on elders.

(249 words)


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IELTS Writing # These days, we are seeing an increasing amount of violence on television, and this is having a negative impact on children’s behavior

IELTS Writing Task # Essay

These days, we are seeing an increasing amount of violence on television, and this is having a negative impact on children’s behavior.


Do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Writing # These days, we are seeing an increasing amount of violence on television, and this is having a negative impact on children's behavior. Best IELTS Band7 coaching in dehradun

Television and other forms of entertainment have a strong effect in developing the values and influencing the behavior of children. Sadly, the majority of today’s television programs show inappropriate violent content. If watched under adult supervision, this negative impact can also be prevented. I partially concur that violent television programs has a negative effect on a minor’s behavior.  

Violence is an everyday occurrence in our society and the way media presents it in every way has a negative impact. Watching frequent violence desensitizes children making them immune to the fear of disturbing activities taking place in the society. Furthermore, youngsters find it difficult to differentiate between the real world and the harsh incidences around. This sometimes attempt to imitate activities broadcasted on the television.

On the contrary, the media and television are considered to be the mirror of the society we live in. Therefore, violent content makes children more conscious and aware of the darker side of society. In this way, children at a young age can think of methods and practices to improve their future. In fact, violence is shown in a more entertaining way so that people can enjoy as well as get a moral which the show is trying to deliver.  

To wind up, some people believe that children who are exposed to violent content play more aggressively and have a different type of behavior. But with parental surveillance, the time spent watching TV can be moderated by spending it on more beneficial activities like reading or developing other hobbies.

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IELTS Essay # the best way to run a business is within the family

IELTS Writing Task # Essay

Some people think that the best way to run a business is within the family. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a family run business?

IELTS Essay # the best way to run a business is within the family.  Best IELTS Band7 Coaching in dehradun

In many parts of the world, businesses are owned and run by families. Its usual contributors include close relatives who handle the resources and finances of an organization. There are some benefits associated with a family business, but there are also some drawbacks associated with undertaking a business venture with the family.   

With the persistent commitment and involvement of the family members, firms run by families have a greater level of stability and loyalty attached to it. Even during bad times family ties can keep the firm running. The commitment of the family members results in more dedication and flexibility. In other words, members would work together to achieve a common goal irrespective of their qualifications. In fact, most successful business ventures like Walton’s and Ambani’s are also run within the families.

On the contrary, one of the most compelling shortcomings of a family business can be conflicts among the partners than can have an unfavorable effect on the business. For instance, the rivalry between husband and wife or siblings can result into the partition of the venture. In addition, the lack of interests among people to join family entrepreneurship leads to apathetic employees. And sometimes the successors of the business are not capable enough to run it due to which the organization suffers. 

To conclude, there are both supporting and opposing arguments for a family business. Many experts believe that building an organization with family helps keep the family together. With communication and understanding, a dispute in family entrepreneurship can be avoided. 

(253 Words)


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