IELTS Sample Listening Questions # Economy And Fat

More the money that you have, more likely are you to be fat !! Well, that is a funny comment over the fatter people who often tend to be rich. In the richer economies, it has often been seen that more the people are rich they are fat as well. This time we are listening to a BBC 6 minute English audio that talks about the relationship between fat and economy.

Economy And Fat

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Sample question about Economy and fat

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. Which English word is derived from oikonomia?
  2. What does oikonomia mean?
  3. Which word describes the reduced economic activity?
  4. What phrase is similar to slump?
  5. Which phrase is used to talk about things that we start to do less?
  6. Name the recession beating company?
  7. Which word is synonymous with cheap?
  8. Which word is used when talking about the growth of the economy?
  9. Is there a direct or indirect relationship between obesity and poverty rates?

Economy and Fat


  1. Economy
  2. management of household
  3. recession
  4. economic downturn/ economic slowdown
  5. cut down
  6. McDonald’s
  7. budget
  8. expand


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IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Computers

Computers have become an integral part of our lives. We tend to use them more often then ever and it is very rare that people don’t know how to use them. With such increase in their usage, it becomes lot more obvious that you might have some questions related to computers. Let us today have a look at some of the questions and their possible answers.

Do you often use computers?

I work as a system engineer in a company and my entire work is on computers. So, I use it very often. Apart from work, with every thing becoming online, it becomes very obvious to use computers to do the transactions and other household things online.

I am not very much into computers. For some reasons, they tend to freak me out. I know that these days it is very important to know how to use them, and I do know the basic operations. But I prefer doing things out of the computer machine. Like there is more fun shopping in a real shop as compared to the online. You get to know people, spend time with them and for me it is always better.


How do you usually get online?

I have wifi installed in my house. So, all my family members connect to it for using internet.

I have recently shifted to my place and for internet I still rely on my dongle and the smart phone that I have. Although, I am thinking of installing a modem very soon.

Do you prefer desktops or laptops?

I would say definitely laptops. They are so very easy. You can carry them wherever you want to and do whatever you want to. I being a writer, it is very important for me to be able to move out of places and laptops do provide me with that freedom.

I like desktops more than laptops. The reason being they ensure that work is not carried forward to home. I did had laptop earlier but with that it became so much more easy for me to do work even at home leaving me no time for my loved ones. So, I like desktops as when you sit there you know that you are there for work and once you are out of it, you can live life.

What do you use your computer for?

My computer is my perfect companion. I am a freelance blogger so it is the place where I do my entire blogging thing. There are times when I need to pen down some things or search internet for something or make note of, it is all done on my computer. Apart from this, I prefer doing the bank transactions and the billing work online itself.

Do you think it is important for everyone to know how to use computers?

I think definitely yes. We have moved from the industrialization era to this digital era. Every thing in today’s world is digital and online. Starting with there are so many jobs being offered online, universities offering online courses and with coming of google and other efficient search engines, it has become lot more easier to get knowledge and a job. Even banks and other government services can now be easily availed online. I believe with so much happening, it does makes sense to learn how to use computers.


IELTS Speaking # Fashion

Clothes are an integral part of our lives and there is no denying that almost everyone knows something about them. When it comes to the speaking section of IELTS, there are a lot of chances that you are asked about clothes. So, here this time, we are presenting to you some of the questions asked in the IELTS speaking section for clothes and the fashion industry.

Is buying clothes a popular activity for teenagers in your country?

In recent times, it surely has become a popular activity. With more digitalization and globalization happening, people of all age are becoming more apprehensive about their looks. They are trying more than ever to look smart and presentable. One can find, teenagers searching for those new looks that their favorite actors are carrying and try to imitate them. In some cases, they go for the looks that certain models are carrying. So, I think buying clothes has surely become a popular activity, among all teenagers.

How much money should parents spend on their children’s clothes?

In my opinion, it depends. If the parents are well off, there is no issue in making their children dress off well but if there are financial issues in the family there is even no point in making children learn that the outer look is very important. I would say a balance between both, i.e. spending money so that the children look presentable and making them learn that in the end, it is what is inside, that is their skills and attitude is what matters.

What kind of fashion do teenagers like to wear in your country?

In recent times, there has been a shift from traditional clothes towards more western clothes. Also, with the big brands giving great discounts, they become the obvious choice for teenagers. Even more, teenagers are more active than before. So, you would find them reading fashion magazines and checking out the latest fashion shows. But then there are some teenagers who are completely into their studies, so they wear whatever their parents get them.


What influence has the fashion industry had in your country?

Well, there is surely a lot of influence, especially because of the Bollywood i.e. the film industry and the fashion industry working so closely. So, the movie stars will often be found flaunting a new fashion style or a statement, people who love them try to imitate them. Even more, one can find the local brands bringing out cheap clothes that are similar to the ones worn by celebrities. This allows the common people to wear cheap fashionable clothes.

Are the fashions of today different from your parents time?

Definitely yes. Fashion has evolved over the decades. During my parents time, there was the fashion for long saris but now it has shifted towards the ones smaller in length. From pants, we have shifted towards jeans and shorts. Even more, the style of jeans and pants has changed. Earlier women were found wearing more traditional clothes, now you can see them wearing more western or anything that they find comfortable. So, I would there are things that have remained the same, like sari but there has been a shift from traditional to western.

What do you think will be the effect of the fashion industry in the next ten years?

The fashion industry is evolving and with time and a lot of advertisement, there is a huge impact on people. Like, you can find women trying to be more slim, fairer and fitting into a body image which they are not. Even men could be found going to salons and gyms, not to just get healthy but trying to be someone else. This is the one thing fashion is doing to people. In the next ten years, there can be two extremes. One people can completely try to be someone else, go into the extremes of fashion and forget the reality. Second, there could be maturity in the decisions people take. So, they might go to buy fashionable clothes, but then try to be happy with the body they have. Instead of being slim or fat, prefer a fit body. I think the fashion industry will continue to have an effect on people’s decision but it might be possible that the effect is reduced.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Birthdays

Birthdays are something everyone has and every one knows about. So, it is quite obvious that you might be asked about them. Let us today look at some of the questions and their possible answers.

Do you enjoy birthdays?

Yes, I do love them. There is so much fun associated with birthdays. You meet people, friends, play, put cakes and then sing birthday songs. We dance and sing and so much more. It is like we become kids once again.

I do enjoy  birthdays. Birthdays bring along with them so much positivity and a feeling of freshness. It seems as if it is another chance to be someone else, someone better. You meet friends, enjoy with them, laugh at the silly things done and plan for the great future ahead.

Do you usually celebrate your birthdays?

Yes, I do. Although it is not very huge party but I make sure that there is a party and that I have all my near and dear ones surrounding me during my birthday.

I usually am not a very big birthday fan. I think there should not be any reason to celebrate life and oneself. I am one of those who would give myself or any one else gifts out of the box with no reasons and at any time of the year.


What did you do on your last birthday?

My last birthday, I would say was a very normal one. I went out with my close friends to a near by beach and had lots of fun there. Coming back I enjoyed quality time with my parents.

Can you remember a birthday that you enjoyed as a child?

I still remember my 13th birthday. It started out with no plan and we decided to just have fun within my family members but as it turned out to be, people started coming just like that, some saw my father getting cake and others simply wanted to wish me. It was a surprise of its own kind and we had almost 50 people in the house. It was real fun, meeting people and then opening the gifts.

Do most people celebrate their birthdays with a party in your country?

Yes. No matter a person is rich or poor, there surely is some kind of party going on during a birthday. There are people who are very extravagant and don’t think twice before spending on their birthdays while some make budgets to make sure there is a good party on birthday. Birthdays in my country are often taken as something that brings lot of people together.




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