IELTS Cue Card # Adventurous Person

There surely are some people who we meet in our lives, who are adventurous. The ones we look at and feel amazed. Let us today have a look at a cue card related to an adventurous person that might be asked in IELTS cue card.

Describe an adventurous person who you know.

You should say:

  • who the person is
  • how you know this person
  • what this person does that is adventurous

and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.


I have a friend whom I met in one of the trekking trips that I took to Rishikesh. We were part of the same team and so were most of the times having fun together. It was there that I came to know about how he left his 9 to 5 job, to do what he loves the most, travelling.

Arjun, my friend is a traveler and travels to new places and visits all the extreme locations. So, he has been to Ladakh, Rajisthan, Rishikesh and has done almost all the adventurous sports. But, what fascinated me more about him, apart from these adventurous sports is the fact that he had imbibed in him the feeling of adventure. He believed that it is not just about doing those exciting things which we find exciting but adventure is just moving a bit away from the comfort zone.

And it is in this way that you can actually live your life in the most exciting way. Meeting him then and over a period of time, I realized that in some way he was not just adventurous but a person who lived every moment of the life as the largest one. So, when everyone went to the pool for swimming, he went to oceans. When everyone was busy watching movies, he was creating stories. For him it was never adventure and in some way he made me realized it as well, it is about giving everything to this one moment.


I think the most adventurous person I have ever known has to be my brother. It was in the last year of his Bachelors that he realized his flair for travelling. When everyone was looking for jobs, he decided to travel. Earning some money through freelancing he started travelling. It was in those travels that he picked up day jobs, to let him survive and let the journey going.

It was after one long year that I met him and the stories that he told were amazing. He went hitch hiking from Dehradun to Kanyakumari, taking with him an initial amount of only 1000 rupees. So, there were times when he took lifts, did jobs to let him earn some money and mixed with local people. In the entire journey he was able to learn the basic language for almost 5 languages and can now very well interact with us using those language. He made friends and there are people he goes to meet even now.

When I asked if he did any adventurous sports, he replied saying he did lived an adventurous life. And this was something that did strike me.

Knowing absolutely nothing about what can happen the next moment and then having the faith that everything will work out fine is something that he has learnt from this trip. Although he has taken up a job, but the adventure in him is still alive, the reason why he takes trips every six months.

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Family Friend

We all make friends in our lives as we grow. There are some who remain our friends, some we lose touch, either ways, people who do come in our lives, come to change it, sometimes a little, sometimes forever. But, there are some friends we meet either through some previous family relations or we become so close to them that even our families come closer. Today, to talk and honor such friendships which bring two families together, let us have a look at the cue card that talks about a family friend you still remember.

Describe a friend of your family you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

  • who this person was
  • how you & your family knew this person
  • how often this person visited your house

and explain why you remember this person.

Sample Answer 1:

I remember living in a official colony, since my father was a government employee. Most of the people knew each other and gathered together for festivals and daily for evening walks. One such family was of Mr.Pancholi. They used to live next to our house and we both belonging to the same native place came upon to gel with each other.

Pancholi’s had three kids and the one that I became really good friends with was Sakshi Pancholi. Initially, we both had some sort of rivarly between us and did not liked each others company. However, with passing time as we came to know each other, we became really good friends. So good of friends that people started calling us soul sisters.

It was during that time, we would go at each others house almost daily. Sometimes to study together, sometimes eat together and then there were times that we even slept at each others house. It was a great relationship that we both shared and the families loved it. However, soon her father got transfered and they had to leave. When she left, I recall it was for the first time that I felt emptiness in my life.

We had been friends for almost three years and I was in class 3rd or may be 4th. The reason I still remember her is because, I have never been one of those person who had many friends. It was for the first time that I had a very good friend. And after her it was only in class 11th that I again made friend. She has been my first best friend till date.

Sample Answer 2:

As a child, I had many friends but there was this boy, I can remember, his name was Prateek. We did really became good friends and it was later that we realized that our families knew each other and we are sort of family friends. Prateek’s father was actually my father’s team mate and they both knew each other very well.

We both bonded over a match of cricket and then went on to talk about books and cars and famous people and almost everything. Although we were really good friends, I don’t recall having visted each others house very frequent. The only times we would go to the other person’s house would be when we had to call each other for playing game or for cycling or for studying. Most often we used to go to the public library to study because there we got not only silence but also some great books.

The reason I can still remember this person is because we truly had a great bond over the  period of four years. We would go about talk and cycle and play and then study. There were times when we would fight with each other and sometimes fight for each other. It was an amazing relation and we still are in touch. However, the relation is not the way it used to be, but however it is, it surely is great.


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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Photograph

Describe a photograph you have taken yourself which you particularly like.

You should say:

  • what the picture show
  • when you took it
  • why you took it

And explain why you particularly like this photograph.

Capturing photographs is a way of capturing moments, to remember them even after they fade from your memories. Until now, I had been capturing non-living things, but recently my friend told me the importance of capturing lives of humans and moments and since then I have photographed lot of humans and their emotions.

Recently I got my oppo neo 5, smart phone and it has got an amazing camera. The most recent photo that I took was of a father and daughter sitting in the beach and enjoying the waves. The daughter was sitting behind the father and had grabbed him by his waist. Whenever the waves were coming, he would get hold of her daughter more firmly than ever. It was an amazing moment for me, because in a simple act of holding and hiding and enjoying the waves, I could see the love and the care and the moment I captured it, it was amazing and I am almost in awe with it.

The one reason that I really love this photo is because it shows human relations and feelings so well. There is work and we all are fighting towards making our career but then there is love, fear and laugh. Every time the wave hit the father and touched the daughter, she got excited and you can almost get to know what exactly was happening in this one picture.

Photographs are image of the kind of life that we live and the things that we see. They show so much more that often gets hidden from our naked eyes and it is all so much more fascinating.

Recently, I bought a DSLR for myself and went on capturing moments of people, animals and monuments and so much more. Things about nature and life, but it was few months back that I was going through all the photographs that I had taken and saw the one photo I don’t even remember taking.

The photo is blurred, so the main focus of my photograph was a bird was was about to land but she got blurred but what I captured was very beautiful. So, in the middle is the bird, which has got hazed away, and to one side of it are a beautiful  young couple, having a quiet beautiful moment with each other and to the other side of the bird is a very old couple, holding hands together, most probably to support each other and it is so amazing, to capture love through all of its shades.

I know my mind wanted to capture a bird landing on earth, but what the camera captured was surely much more amazing than I could have ever captured. The beauty of human emotions.

There are several reasons why I love this photograph. One is that it captured human emotions so beautifully. It shows that no matter how much we talk about money and career and doing things and everything, the most important thing is life and successful person is one who is able to live the life with lot of happiness and love.


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IELTS Cue Card # Television


Describe a television program that you like to watch.You should say:

  • what program it is?
  • what the program is about?
  • How often you watch it?

and explain why you like watching this program.

Sample Answer One

Television has been my favorite time pass for a very long time. There have been so many shows that I have loved but the one which in some ways has stuck to my personality is ‘Dill Mill Gaye’. This was a romantic comedy that aired when I was in class VIII and have watched the entire show for the next two years.

The show was about doctors who fall in love and then struggle in between their personal and professional lives. It was, I believe and ultimate depiction of what love is in this century. With so many priorities around us, so much of ego, misunderstanding and failures, to be able to keep the love and friendship alive is of a big question and this is what happened in Dill Mill Gaye.

I remember having watched the show twice everyday. The first time when it used to be actually aired and then the next time when it was repeated. The reason I loved watching is too an extent unknown to me. The only thing that I can say is that I loved when the two main leads who were in love, fought with each other. The fact that they could just say about anything to the other person, yet knowing that the other person will always be theirs, the confidence that they had in their love,the madness. Too an extent, yes these were the things that I really loved and has defined what love is for me.

Sample Answer Two

Television has been an integral part of our lives. There have been many shows that I have watched on television, however, now I prefer watching But, the one show that I really loved was Sherlock Holmes. The show is about a detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson who go on to solve the tough mysteries which the police is not able to solve and then some which come directly to him.

I think rarely would there be a person who would not love the way Sherlock Holmes just solves the case. The way he just looks into the minute details and leave doctor watson in ultimate shock.

It is truly amazing. Right from the start of the episode one could just sit down wondering as to what might be the scenario this time. How will the events unfurl this time . What new places is Sherlock Holmes going to take us and what else is he going to show us. The mind comes to a reason to certain things and then the quick response from Sherlock Holmes leaves us baffled at the possibilities.

I have almost all episodes of its seasons and watch them whenever I feel lonely or upset or bored or anytime. There is no specific reason to watch Sherlock Holmes in action.



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