IELTS Sample Listening Questions # Poetry


The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS

  1. Which is Britain’s favorite poem?
  2. Which word is used to express the way of describing someone or something by using qualities of something else?
  3. Which metaphor is used to describe a very cold wind?
  4. Which word is used to describe when we use an object or shape or idea to describe something else?
  5. Which train stations is the speaker talking about when she speaks of “Mind the Gap”?
  6. What according to Dave can poetry communicate?
  7. In which year did Dave Neita came from Jamaica to England?
  8. Which word is used when we are trying to make the other person comfortable?
  9. Which metaphor is used to show that you are informing people about something just few minutes before doing it?


  1. “How Do I Love Thee?
  2. metaphor
  3. biting wind
  4. symbolism
  5. London Underground
  6. feelings, thoughts, ideas
  7. 1995
  8. hospitality
  9. short notice


IELTS Listening Sample Question # Keeping Quiet

Keeping Quiet

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS

  1. What according to the speaker comes to us as we gain more knowledge and experience in life?
  2. Who said “Life is like an onion: you peel it off one layer at a time and
    sometimes you weep.”
  3. What is the ability of a person to do things and without offending and upsetting people?
  4. What according to Vanessa is the key to success in work and romance?
  5. Which phrase is used to tell someone to keep quiet?
  6. What is the synonym of wise man?

Keeping Quiet

  1. wisdom
  2. Carl Sandburg –
  3. diplomacy
  4. Silence
  5. to keep schtum
  6. sage


IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Hills And Mountains

Hills And Mountains

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS

  1. Which place has the world’s highest hill?
  2. What is Great Britain’s official mapping agency called?
  3. What is the Welsh word for mountain?
  4. What is the official height for a mountain?
  5. How high was the Wales mountain than the official mountain?
  6. Who was the actor in “The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain”?
  7. Which phrase is used to refer to “piles of soil”?
  8. What is the person with the official job of drawing maps called?

hills and mountains

  1. Oklohama
  2. Ordnance Survey
  3. Mynydd
  4. two thousand feet
  5. six inches
  6. Hugh Grant
  7. mounds of earth
  8. cartographer


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IELTS Sample Listening Questions # Jargon

BBC Jargon

The audio given below has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. You can download it, from the given link –

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the noun that we use for specific group of words or expressions?
  2. In what kind of situation is jargon used?
  3. What does glossing mean?
  4. Which British Prime Minister became known as ‘Jack the Jargon Killer’ because he wanted officials to stop using jargon?
  5. Which phrasal verb is used to explain that you want to bring attention of others to something?
  6. Which word is used for the local government in UK?
  7. Who are the local politicians that people in UK vote for?
  8. Which word is used to refer to the fact that you understand something or part of it but not entirely?
  9. What word does Yvone use for jargon?


  1. jargon
  2. special or technical
  3. Winston Churchill
  4. explaining
  5. flag it up
  6. Councils
  7. Councillors
  8. sort of
  9. vernacular


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