Water Shortage In World # Essay For IELTS

A serious problem affecting countries right across the globe is the lack of water for drinking, washing and for other household uses. Why do may countries face water shortages and what could be done to alleviate the problem?
Write at least 250 words.

“Water, water everywhere but not a single drop to drink”. We might have heard the saying since decdes but it is only in recent times that it has come true right at the face of the common man. Days are not far when there might be a world war for water! The bigger the problem is, the varied its reasons are.

Firstly, the population of world has rapidly doubled in the past 50 years. This could be attributed to bigger family size and the access to better health care facilities. As a result, the use of water for drinking, cooking, sewage and cleaning has almost tripled. Even more people are using water more carelessly in recent times. Secondly, the world is observing a climate change. The areas which were dry are having floods and the ones which had high annual rainfall are getting drier. This causes a issue since either the places don’t have water or excess water. This excess water comes in form of floods which brings with it all sorts of debris damaging the water treatment. Thirdly, the recent deforestation has bought in the toll. Trees help prevent excessive evaporation of water bodies. Even more they enrich and condition the climate.


Although often we see ourselves to be too small to make any move ,but there is lot that can be done. Firstly, pressure groups must be formed that stop individuals or industries or government from cutting further trees. Secondly, awareness need to brought about at a larger scale about the massive problems water shortage may cause in future. Thirdly, every individual must make an attempt to save water at personal level.

No problem is big or unsolvable, all it requires is the right step taken with the right spirit. Water shortage has surely become an issue the world is facing, but if the world comes together to solve it, we surely can fight it back.


time to begin with us

Media # Essay For IELTS

Some hold the view that ideas and information should be completely open, and there should be no control on what people can read and watch in the media(TV, newspaper, Internet). Do you agree with this view,or do you think that in some circumstances governments should limit the freedom of media?

We are living in the digital world and media has surely become a part of our lives. It could be watching television for news or comic relief or the characters that we accept as our family members. Or it could be reading newspapers for hours or gaining the insights of the world through Internet. We live in an era, where media influences us the most and in such times allowing media to show anything could prove to be disastrous in more than one ways.

Firstly, providing every information to the viewers could prove to spread negativity. For example-: if the media covers every rape or murder and keep flashing it daily, it could bring in a sense of negativity for people who regularly intake it. Secondly, often there is data that is secret to a country’s government. For example-: a launch of a mission to fight back terrorism. Showing such information in media could lead to the doom of the mission, as the information can easily reach to the trouble makers. Thirdly, every information has different aspects to it. What might seem obvious to one, may not be acceptable to other. In such cases, a piece of information can cause riots or issues that could be easily avoided.

Although restricting media completely can cause a loss of contact between the government and people. The sense of democracy may be lost and it could lead to revolutions that may shake the country’s peace. It has been seen that through media people have been able to raise their voices. For example-: When in 2006 the Indian government raised the reservations, people formed groups and stood against it. It was with the help of media that the issue got national audience.

To sum up, it can be said, that media holds a very important position in a nation and it must be made sure that the correct information goes to the country.


Fixed Punishment For Crimes # Essay For IELTS

Some people think a crime should always have a fixed punishment, like life imprisonment for murder, whereas others think you should take circumstances into account. What is your viewpoint?
Write at least 250 words.

Humans have created human like robots, but yet humans remain humans. Unlike the digital robots, who have a fixed yes or a no; a high bit or a low bit; human behavior is quite complicated. More importantly, the situations humans put themselves into are usually multi-faced. With apropos of this fact, I believe having a fixed punishment for a particular crime, could be unjustified in most of the cases.

Most of the people argue that a crime is a crime and must be punished with full severity, there are always multiple cases to it. For example-: a murder done in self defense cannot be regarded similar to the one done with cruel intentions. Therefore, giving a life imprisonment in both the cases could be unfair to the former. The next important thing to be taken into consideration is the mental condition of an individual committing a crime. For example-: consider a person who gets violent on seeing fire, sees someone lighting the gas and hits him/her. On the other hand, consider someone who out of ulterior motives hits someone. Rather than giving treatment to the former, if a fixed punishment is given, it will only worsen the situation.

On the other hand, it cannot be denied that we live in a corrupt society and the criminals have become more intelligent. Keeping loop holes in punishments help criminals to mold the law in their favor. For example-: a person can claim to be mentally unfit in front of law to get away with the punishment. Even more, often the lawyers and the individuals, for money, change the circumstances in which the crime took place.

Overall, it can be said that fixing a punishment for a crime could be disadvantageous for people who deserve a second call. To overcome the side effects of providing the loop holes, the law must be strengthened and provisions must be made to ensure people are not misusing the law for their own benefits.


Poor Student Behavior # Essay For IELTS

Many schools these days have problems with poor student behavior. Why do you think these problems occur? What could be done to tackle these problems?

A child is the mirror of society, he portrays exactly what he sees. We are living in 20xx and the world is changing with a speed like never before. More people are becoming independent, more people are earning more money, more people don’t have time and more people don’t know how their children are! This is a dark fact of our present society and those living in an illusion that they are very close to their kids need a wakeup call. There are numerous ill-effects of this but the most threatening is that a poor student behavior is being observed in schools.

Media can be truly regarded as the foremost reason behind it. It could either be television or movies or internet. The content displayed, has drastically changed for the worse. A decade ago maximum number of shows could be watched with family; these days the creators are more concerned about high ratings than the ill effects of the shows. For example, if there is a joke about teacher in a comedy show, the children watching it try to imitate with their own teacher, leading to embarrassing situations. Even more, the content of movies has become questionable. The effects worsen when kids try to imitate their favorite stars.

Poor parenting can be considered the second most important reason. Most of the parents living in urban cities don’t have time for their children. They usually don’t know what they are doing or what they are watching. As a result, more kids are becoming violent or irresponsible because they know that they might not get into trouble for whatever they do.

A child is like clay, whichever way you mould it becomes of that shape. If the behavior of kids need to be improved, the parents need to increase their presence in child’s life. A child must be aware of the consequences he/she can face for a particular action. Even more there should be more of teacher parent interaction. A teacher must know what the child does at home and a parent must be aware of his/her child’s doing at school.

To sum up, it can be said that the world is changing and if we don’t put an eye on our kids the future of this world is quite threatening.


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