Water Shortage In World # Essay For IELTS
A serious problem affecting countries right across the globe is the lack of water for drinking, washing and for other household uses. Why do may countries face water shortages and what could be done to alleviate the problem?
Write at least 250 words.
“Water, water everywhere but not a single drop to drink”. We might have heard the saying since decdes but it is only in recent times that it has come true right at the face of the common man. Days are not far when there might be a world war for water! The bigger the problem is, the varied its reasons are.
Firstly, the population of world has rapidly doubled in the past 50 years. This could be attributed to bigger family size and the access to better health care facilities. As a result, the use of water for drinking, cooking, sewage and cleaning has almost tripled. Even more people are using water more carelessly in recent times. Secondly, the world is observing a climate change. The areas which were dry are having floods and the ones which had high annual rainfall are getting drier. This causes a issue since either the places don’t have water or excess water. This excess water comes in form of floods which brings with it all sorts of debris damaging the water treatment. Thirdly, the recent deforestation has bought in the toll. Trees help prevent excessive evaporation of water bodies. Even more they enrich and condition the climate.
Although often we see ourselves to be too small to make any move ,but there is lot that can be done. Firstly, pressure groups must be formed that stop individuals or industries or government from cutting further trees. Secondly, awareness need to brought about at a larger scale about the massive problems water shortage may cause in future. Thirdly, every individual must make an attempt to save water at personal level.
No problem is big or unsolvable, all it requires is the right step taken with the right spirit. Water shortage has surely become an issue the world is facing, but if the world comes together to solve it, we surely can fight it back.
IELTS tests are obviously tough. As a result we end up practicing hard to cope up with the exam demands. I wrote IELTS the year before and scored a band score of 8. I was wondering how did I do that ’cause I self trained myself for the exam. I was nervous when the results were announced and I was expecting to get a band score of 5 but fortunately I turned out to be lucky.
I appreciate the above mentioned essay but I think, eloborating certain points and preventing the use of unnecessary words would have helped you to score even more better, even though you did it well without my advice.
IELTS tests are obviously tough. As a result we end up practicing hard to cope up with the exam demands. I wrote IELTS the year before and scored a band score of 8. I was wondering how did I do that ’cause I self trained myself for the exam. I was nervous when the results were announced and I was expecting to get a band score of 5 but fortunately I turned out to be lucky.
I appreciate the above mentioned essay but I think, eloborating certain points and preventing the use of unnecessary words would have helped you to score even more better, even though you did it well without my advice.
Yes you are amazing.
Excellent idea , problem,and solution for water crices
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