IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Success

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

The majority of people work hard in order to achieve success while for others it comes naturally.

Do you think some people are destined to be successful?

How can success be measured?

Write at least 250 words.


Every individual wants to be successful, although everyone has different meaning for success. Although some people believe that success comes quite naturally, others believe that anyone who works hard gets successful. In my opinion it is the middle way between hard work and nature that helps in being successful.

Bill gates said, “It is very important to be at the right place and the right time, to be successful.” So, for instance, according to him he was successful because he was doing the right thing i.e. computers when the boom of computers was about to begin. But according to a professor, it is not only important to be at the right place but to know that you are at the right place. Example- there were many people who got associated with computers in its early stage but left it because they thought it would be a loss. Even more, Bill gates was successful because he worked hard, he took the risk and went forward. So, is it destiny, yes sure but he is successful because he combined destiny with hard work and faith.

However, there are people who believe that they are successful purely because of hard work and anyone who is ready to do the hard work will be successful. Like, Lionel Messi. According to him, he realised that he loved football and then took every step that brought him close to being a football champion.

Moreover, success is a very relative term. For some people, being able to own a house is success, but for some owning a company is success. Some believe that success is having a family while for others it is being able to become a “sadhu”.

Overall, in my opinion, success is always grand if it is on your own terms rather than what is perceived to be by others and to be successful one needs to have both destiny and hard work.



IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Urbanization

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

In many countries, people are moving from rural areas to urban areas.

What are the reasons for this?

What problems can this cause?


Travelling has always been an integral part of our lives since ages and people often travelled from one place to another in search of food, livelihood or just to explore other places. However, in recent times, the shift of people from the rural to the urban places has dramatically increased, causing some issues in the urban and rural areas.

The main reason for urbanization is the desire of getting better job and salary. Jobs in rural areas usually require a lot of physical effort, with lesser salary as compared to the urban jobs which are less tiring. For instance, a farmer in India works day in and day out but often earns less than a IT professional working part time. Even more, there is a risk of crop failure, leaving them broke.

Another reason for the shift is that people in rural areas are often attracted to the luxuries of urban world. People living in urban areas are aware of technologies that make lives easier, however those living in rural areas tend to lead a simple life. Even more, there are better education opportunities in cities, causing people to make living in cities.


The main problem caused by this is the increasing density of city. With more and more people shifting towards cities, often the city is not able to provide them accommodation or job. As a result, people are forced to live in damped areas and take up job worse than they were doing in rural areas. Even more, it causes increased traffic and often increased level of crimes. Example, people often move in cities, but with lack of job they take up the path of crime.

Overall, although cities provide great opportunities for people moving in there, in my opinion it is better to move in if there are options for available. An unplanned shift often causes problems both for the people and the city.


IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Unsupervised Access

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Many young children have unsupervised access to the internet and are using the internet to socialise with others.

What problems do children face when going online without parental supervision?

How can these problems be solved?

Write at least 250 words.

21st century is marked by the internet revolution and with coming of personal computers, kids often gravitate to them to play games, watch videos, interact socially and learn from educational websites. However, allowing your kids to access internet without any parental supervision opens them to potential risk.

One of the biggest problem facing children all across the world with unsupervised access is that they might share information with people they shouldn’t. The risk associated with sharing personal information includes revealing identifiable information that could provide criminals with the child’s location or children can share their parent’s financial information online, like the credit card number. To solve this problem, parents and teachers need to come together to aware children about the possible risks of sharing information and teach them the nitty gritty of online interaction.

unsupervised access

Another issue is the exposure of the child to cyber bullying. Cyber bullying involves online harassment and it might occur in chat rooms, on social media websites and through email or text messages. With unsupervised access your child might either become the bully or the victim. This kind of bully is slowly gaining momentum and recent cases of suicides have left people shocked. The problem could be addressed by parents taking care of what the child is doing in internet. The communication between parents and the child must be friendly enough that the child can tell his/her parents of the issues she/he is facing.

To sum up, although it is clear that unsupervised access causes some major issues, it is undoubtedly possible to start to tackle these issues and use the internet in a more positive manner. Parents and teachers must take the lead in dealing with this problem, otherwise a whole lot of young lives will get disturbed.



IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Ban Smoking

In recent years, many governments have brought in laws to ban smoking in public places, such as bars, restaurants and offices.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with banning smoking in public places?

Write at least 250 words.


The world has changed and so has the way people live. In present times, with increase in industries and expansion of cities, people are migrating towards cities in search of dreams and better life. To fulfil their wishes, men and women often take up tiring jobs leaving them under stress. This has caused an increased level of smoking among individuals, giving rise to different health problems. Certain governments, to avoid the scenario, have banned public smoking. I agree with this viewpoint, but simply banning won’t solve the issue.

Banning smoking at public places certainly has many benefits. Firstly, it saves the passive smokers from the harm of smoking. For instance, a person who himself or herself is not smoking but inhaling the smoke gets affected leading to diseases. Banning public smoking prevents the person from the harm caused by smoke.



Secondly, smoking causes irritation among people; if done in closed spaces like car it causes suffocation. Even more, for some people the constant nagging of the smoke is a source of stress. A ban on smoking in public, in my opinion, is a great initiative taken.

However, a ban always brings with it the feeling of lost democracy. Many people argue that it is their wish to smoke and they must be allowed to smoke whenever they want to. Even more, for some addicted smokers, not being able to smoke causes urgency, irritation and increased stress.

Overall, in my opinion, the government has taken the right step towards banning public smoking. However, there must be some smoking zones where people can go and smoke, allowing the freedom for both.


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