The World’s Best Law Schools

Are you one of those who is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi or Barrack Obama? Do you feel that you also have the potential to handle a country?Do you want to help people? In short, Do you want to study law? And study it from the world’s best law schools?
well, if you are one of those for whom there is no room for mediocrity, given below are the ten

World’s best law schools


  1. Harvard University
  2. University Of Cambridge
  3. University Of Oxford
  4. Yale University
  5. World's Best Law Schools

    World’s Best Law Schools

  6. New York University
  7. Stanford University
  8. London School Of Economics
  9. The University Of Melbourne
  10. University Of California, Berkeley
  11. Columbia University

Remember, it does not matter whether you are standing on an empty space, or caught inside a pit, all that matters is are you looking towards the stars?