Related To Gifts # Discussion Topics

Speaking section in IELTS has three parts-:

  1. General questions
  2. Cue card
  3. Discussion topics

This time we are talking about discussion topics. Discussion part of IELTS consist of questions which are usually follow up queries of part II i.e the cue card.
Let us talk about some of the questions that may be asked.


What are the benefits and drawbacks of giving and receiving gifts?
The exchange of gifts surely has advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, gifts are a token of love and appreciation. They tend to strengthen bonds and create positive feelings about you in other peoples’ mind. Even more, in the busy lives that we live, gifts could help in nurturing a relationships which might not be possible otherwise.
On the other hand, in present times, commercialization of receiving and giving gifts was taken place. It has rather become a sort of status symbol. For example-: In Diwali or id or Christmas or any other festival, people judge others on the basis of how expensive a gift is. This sometimes becomes a burden on one’s budget.
What kinds of gifts would men, women and children generally like to receive?
We all are unique individuals and have our own set of unique tastes. However, generally women prefer ornaments or clothes while receiving gifts. Some of them even like household appliances and handicrafts. Men, on the other hand, usually like electronic gadgets like phones or watches. There are even who prefer expensive pens or books etc. children are mostly attracted to toys and video games. They even love chocolates and other eatables.
What changes have been seen in past in receiving and giving gifts?
There have been some major changes in our lifestyle since the past 50 years. With the rise of economy, people have more money and more reasons to celebrate. In earlier times, gifts were exchanged only in special occasions like marriages. However, in present times, gifts have become a part of our lives and a very frequent affair. People can be seen exchanging gifts in occasions like birthdays, anniversary, success in exams etc.
Whose gifts do you treasure the most?
I am always grateful for a gift, no matter who has given is. But the ones that I treasure the most are those which are given out of pure love. For example-: recently my brother made a card for me describing relationship. Although, it wasn’t expensive but it was priceless and has been one of the best gifts I have ever got.


How To In Formal Language ?

When you are writing an essay or a letter or explaining a graph in IELTS, it is expected that you will rite in a formal language. But, what is a formal language?
Although, there is not much of a difference between formal and informal, but some points clearly distinguish the formal and the informal. Here are the points.

  • When writing formal prefer choosing words which are part of standard English these are the words which you will usually find in dictionary without any labels (informal, slang etc.) attached to them.
  • Do not try to fit high ranked vocabulary words. Figure out if there is any importance of that word in a particular passage. Use it only if they are appropriate for your piece of writing.
  • Synonyms are very important in formal writing. Prefer using synonyms of common words such as put, do, get etc.
Although we are in a habit of speaking short forms, such as haven’t, I’m etc. do not use them in formal writing. Rather write, have not, I am etc. Even more, it is preferred if you avoid abbreviations in academic writing. Example-: ad for advertisement.
  • It is usually noticed that in formal writing you express complex ideas. To express them better, you must make sentence using relative pronouns, subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions.
  • It is good if you use complex sentences, but always aim for clarity.

Other things that need to be considered are -:

  1. Limit the use of first person pronouns.
  2. Use passive forms as they focus on verbs than subject.


Describing Personality # Vocabulary For IELTS

We mostly interact with humans and everyone has some specific characteristics which decides their personality. Who they are? Is the answer the words given below tell about a person.

What is in it for me?
The people who don’t give a damn about what others have to say or what others opinions are. The ones for whom if their selfishness, greed or desired hurt others they really don’t give a damn.
Such people are called EGOIST
The world revolves around me
A: You now I just bought a phone.
B: great! Akhilesh is planning to go America!
A: So, what. You know I have a bungalow there. Have even been on five world tours.
B: wow! I think I must read this book.
A: This one, oh I have read it so many times!!
Who is this other guy, who talks of himself/herself and no one else? He /she is an EGOTIST.
I am there for you.
A: Oh god! What am I going to do here?
B: don’t worry I will help you.
A: but I also have to do this and then than.
B: no, problem. I am there for you.
Who is this second person? He/she is an ALTRUIST.
What do they think of me?
Did I said the right things? How can he have so many friends, I can’t even tolerate one friend for a long time. I like living alone.
Who is this person? He/she is an INTROVERT. They are too shy to be social and often prefer doing work alone than together.
Let us do it.
Are you the life of the party? Do you have many friends and do you like to interact with different people? Are you always on high spirits? Are you the one who never worries about his/her actions?
Who are you?
You are an EXTROVERT.


Don’t Learn, Understand Better

Often most of us get caught up in the world of numbers, getting a high band in IELTS, or any other exams becomes so important for us that we forget the reason for our existence- it is not about getting highs cores, or earning money, it’s about the joy, the joy that learning brings along with it.

Vocabulary is that one area wherein, a maddening rush has been observed amongst English learners. People, often believe the more the words they know, the better their English is. And so, what do they do? They read newspapers, magazines, and dictionary or just get mad making notes. Eminem once said, “It’s not about how many words you know, but rather how many of them you can actually use”. And this is the purpose of vocabulary, to let you describe the fascinating phenomenon of human existence, to let you have the verbal description of things you see around.

When scholars said that vocabulary is important, they meant, if you increase your vocabulary properly, intelligently and systematically- you treat yourself to an all-round, liberal education.

This helps your intellectual level to grow, because you know better words, and you understand different things in a better way. But how does one do that? You do it by understanding words, relating them to your own experiences or observations.
So, stop being a parrot and start becoming a human. Don’t Learn, Understand Better.

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