IELTS Essay Sample Answer # More Than Book

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that not everything that is learnt is contained in the book.

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


An old adage is that, “Books are our best friends”, however with changing times, an opinion that experience matters more has got floated. Although, no one can deny the importance of both in our lives, in my opinion, often experience takes the lead, when compared to books.

Books presents us true facts, history, subject matter expertise, story and knowledge that we need to evolve as a true human. It is only when we understand things around,that we are able to live a better life. However, life experiences teaches us lessons and give us the wisdom to understand life better and act in a more balanced manner.

Secondly, our brain needs to work else it gets junk i.e. one is not able to take better decisions. Books helps the brain to function. For instance, a person who is solving math problem develops reasoning skills that are important in daily life situations. On the other hand, experience instead of theoretically teaching, makes an individual understand situation better.

Even more, some knowledge could only be learned from books like the atmosphere of Mars but can never be experienced by a person. Whereas, experience assists us to become more socially active. Instead of studying materials in an isolated condition, for example in a library, we can meet more people by practicing more.

Overall, a person lives a better life when he/she has the perfect combination of great books and has learnt from the experiences of life.



IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Safety Standards

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Safety standards are important when building people’s homes.

Who should be responsible for enforcing strict building codes – the government or the people who build the homes?

Give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


The population of the world is increasing and with that the requirement for houses. To cater to this requirements, new buildings are being constructed at a faster rate. This has given rise to the number of accidents related to buildings.  Some people opine that Government is solely responsible to ensure the safety and codes while others believe that house owners are the persons who should be responsible. In my opinion, government is responsible for building laws, it must be the responsibility of the builder to make sure that the laws are followed.

Giving the responsibility to government is better for different reasons. Firstly, we as individuals pay taxes to ensure better facilities, and the government must ensure that the country men are getting proper accommodation. Secondly, often the law makers are more aware about the constitution and other disasters. So, they are more aware of what should be done.

On the other hand, it is impossible for the government to appoint necessary man power and make sure that the law is being followed. It must be the responsibility of all the people working in construction, including the architect, labor and engineer to make sure the laws are properly implemented. Also, labors should avoid working in hazardous situation ,where they are not provided by proper equipment.

Overall, government is made to show the path of how to work. It is responsible for making laws and strengthening. It must be the responsibility of individuals to make sure that the laws are in acted. In my opinion, the issue can be better addressed if government and individuals work together in same direction.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Companies

Do you think all smaller companies will be replaced by bigger firms in near future?

Answer A) The world has become globalized and we can see bigger companies taking over the small businesses. But, I think this would not entirely replace the smaller business and all we would see will be large companies. There is a market for every kind of business and in my opinion it will exist even in future. It might even be possible that some big companies will collaborate or give orders to the smaller firms, allowing both to work independently.

Answer B) I think with the pace that the bigger companies are taking over small firms, it is quite possible that in upcoming years, small business will entirely vanish. The main issue with small scale companies comes with money, they often have less budget and therefore get limited. So, when a bigger company offers them money, they are more likely to agree to their demands. This trend will continue according to me, however, it might be possible that some small scale businesses exist, but overall, I don’t think so.

Answer C) According to me, anything could be possible. There are chances that bigger companies will overtake smaller ones but then there is also a possibility that small business come together and form a bigger enterprise, which can replace one single big company. I think it all depends on the optimism of small businesses, the more optimistic they will be, less likely they are to taken over.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Method Of Learning

Speaking Question: Which method of learning works best for you?

Answer A) For me, the combination of technology and books , works incredibly well. I prefer reading from books, but while making notes, I read the book and add more to the topic using internet. Sometimes I even go through the you tube videos available, that make understanding the concept more easier. Also, it so happens that the diagram is not properly given in the book, internet always comes to help. This way, I am able to be ahead of what is in the textbook and yet not get lost in the maze of information.

Answer B) The only way that I can learn is through seeing and listening to it. So, I go through the you tube videos on the topic before I even open a book. Knowing what is written, helps me understand it better. Once I am thorough with the video, I try and imagine what is written, this helps me in understanding things well. Also, I remember things for a longer time.

Answer C) I prefer reading books for learning or understanding concepts. Although, some people think that with advancement in technology, we must study from it, technology acts as more of disadvantage to me as more often I end up using facebook or something on you tube.


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