IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about a member of your family

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about a member of your family

You should say:

  • Who the family member is?
  • Why do you spend so much time with them?
  • How do you spend this time?
  • And describe the family member.

Sample Answer

We can choose who we spend time with and who we surround ourselves with, except for the people whom we were born among; our family. Whether we like it or not, the family will always be present throughout our life and play a critical role, even in absentia they will leave a memorable impression.
I honestly do not manage to spend all that much time with my extended family due to living away from them in the city. The only family I truly know is my parents. Up until recently both of my parents used to work office jobs, after quarantine they too were forced to stay at home like me. I found myself spending time more with my mother though. During our roof walks post-dinner we had debates on academic and practical subjects both. It’s fascinating to be able to debate two different world viewpoints.
Mum and I would help each other out with our respective pastimes, mine would be drawing and hers would be writing. I introduced my mother to some new books which I thought she would like, to my delight she loved them: Red Notice by Bill Browder especially. She told me all about the intricacies in that book, and I, in turn, showed her the fantasy universes of Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games too.
My mother comes off as a very uptight and strict person when you first meet her; someone you should not trifle with. However, it is after knowing her for my whole life I can indeed confirm that she does indeed smile, and she does in fact, have a silly side too. Sadly, she is not ticklish but one cannot have everything in their lives. I love both of my parents dearly and I am very privileged to have such savvy and understanding people in my life.

Useful words and their meanings
In absentia When you do something in absentia, you’re not physically present.
Uptight nervous, anxious, or worried
Trifle with someone or something to act without seriousness or respect toward someone or something.
Privileged having special rights or advantages that only a small number of people have
Savvy used to describe someone with practical knowledge and ability

We have already talked about family. Let us have a look at some more of the questions that can be asked.

Speaking Part-3 

Q1. What are the things that you like to do together as a family?
Q2. Do you get along well with your family?
Q3. Are people in your country generally close to their family?
Q4. What kind of families are most common in your hometown?
Q5. How important is the family bonding for you?
Q6. What is your favorite memory with your family members?

What are the things that you like to do together as a family?

Apart from talking about what is going on in our lives, I think eating and travelling are the two things we love to do together. To an extent it brings the feeling of togetherness among all of us. It is in dinner time that we laugh together and bring out issues or share things with each other. Also, travelling is a time we enjoy together. Exploring a new place with people who care for you is always nice and warming.

Do you get along well with your family?

We do have our sister brother fights, but apart from that, yes we all enjoy each others company and really love and respect each other.

Are people in your country generally close to their family?

India is a very homely or you can culturally rich country. So, we have the culture of children living with their parents and celebrating festivals together. To an extent all of this, makes people of our country close to their family.

What kind of families are most common in your hometown?

With the coming of globalization, people in my country have migrated a lot. So, most of the people leave their towns or cities to work in big cities like Bangalore or Delhi. This has lead to people living in nuclear families. However, there are still people who live in joint families.

How important is the family bonding for you?

I have grown up in an environment close to the family and have shared my sorrows and happiness with them. To me, family bonding and support is important. My work requires me to travel a lot and there are times when I feel alone but the support of the family is the only thing that keeps me going.

What is your favorite memory with your family members?

I remember going to our hometown with my family after a long time. It was a nice retreat because I went to the places I have grown up with people I love the most. We went on to visit the near by temples and spending time with our extended family.

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IELTS BAND 7 Dehradun, Best Coaching in Dehradun
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IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about a time you set a goal

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about a time you set a goal
You should say :
  • What was the goal?
  • Did you achieve the goal?
  • What did you learn along the way?
  • And Explain why you set that goal.

Sample Answer

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the world came to a standstill as strict lockdowns were enforced everywhere. With nowhere to go, time, weekdays, and routines  became an abstract alien concept to the majority of us. To keep myself preoccupied and to prevent myself from wasting this precious time, I set a few goals.
My goals were as follows: getting up early, every single day consistently; continue a modified version of my workout even at home; and to learn a new skill.
The first two goals were easy enough to implement once I got used to. I made sure to keep my favourite song as an alarm tone. Rather than keeping my phone next to me while sleeping, I started keeping it in the kitchen which was all the way across the apartment. Once in the kitchen, I had a glass of water and began my day with a big smile.
I soon noticed that getting up became easier every day, my moods got a whole lot better, and I just felt generally more productive. I managed to do variations of indoor yoga six days a week, for I gave myself a pass on Sundays. That’s another thing I did, I made sure not to lose track of the weekdays, I treated every day like a work vacation; a day to get the most out of.
Now as for my last goal, it was to learn a new skill to keep me focused. The skill I chose to learn was animation. It was slow, time-consuming work; reading from the manuals and online free tutorials I could get my hands on. But lo and behold, two weeks later I finished my very first simple animation of a 90-frame loop of a walking bird. I was very proud of my creation.
The lockdown in my city lasted for months but I am proud to say that I achieved the goals I  set for my self development. I even look forward to achieving them tomorrow, and every day that is to come in the future. The main thing I learned along this journey is realizing as an adult how much our choices reflect in our lifestyle. How little things change our day, how improvement actually feels, and how easy it is to take that first step into the unknown.
Useful words and their meanings
Lockdown an emergency situation in which people are not allowed to freely enter, leave, or move around in a building or area because of danger
Standstill a condition in which all movement or activity has stopped
lo and behold (a phrase) something that you say when you tell someone about something surprising that happened

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IELTS BAND 7 Dehradun, Best Coaching in Dehradun
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IELTS Cue Card # Talk about learning English language

In part 2 of the IELTS speaking test, a topic is given to the candidate. It is commonly called as a Cue Card. You  are given a minute to make your notes about the given topic and plan what you are going to say. After the preparation time, you are expected to speak fluently on the given topic.

So, let’s practice a cue card.

Talk about learning English language


  • How long have you been learning English language?
  • Where did you learn?
  • What is the easiest or most difficult part of English?
  • Is English important in your profession?


Throughout my schooling, I studied in an English medium school. So, English was the second language I learnt at a young age. Practically, I can say that I have been familiar with English for now 18 years. During the primary years, I did not take English very seriously and grammar rules never bothered me. It was in class VIII that I understood the importance of learning grammar and vocabulary. Since then, I have been an avid reader and have made conscious attempts to improve my English language proficieny.

For me, the most difficult part of English was remembering the spellings of new  words and using them in the right context. However, since I loved English, I overcame this problem by practising and writing regularly.

Now, I am a writer and I write travel blogs in English. So, English  is a crucial part of my profession. For me, it is very important that my writing is clear, engaging and accurate. I’d like to conclude by saying that language acquistion is a gradual process which requires patience and continous efforts.


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IELTS BAND 7 Dehradun, Best Coaching in Dehradun
323 GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Subject Taught

Describe a subject taught in your school.
You should say –
– What was it and who taught it?
– How was it taught?
– What did you learn from the class?

and explain how it helped you.

Sample Answer

Many subjects were taught in my school. The subject I’d like to talk about is English. Each year a new teacher used to teach us English.  I remember Ms. Sujata, Mr. Rajan and Sister Rose Charles were among the few teachers who taught us English in different years.

I think we were fortunate to have qualified English language teachers who knew how to teach.  Our teachers made us so engrossed in the subject that we took it seriously. Firstly, each chapter was thoroughly discussed. Then, questions were asked from any part of the chapter, vocabulary could be any word of the chapter and we had to be well prepared for it. So, we were not just limited to questions given in the book or the ones given by the teacher, instead we had to make short questions from the chapter and learn lots of words. Of course it was tough, but it was fun, I’d say. When a chapter with a play came, we enacted it.

So, I did not just learn English, I was fully involved in it. Learning English has been very helpful for me. At a personal level, it gave me  a broader exposure of different cultures, people and their perspectives.  When it comes to work, communication is an integral part of my day-to-day life. I work as a business development manager so I have to communicate with businessmen, stakeholders and many other individuals, all from different parts of the world. Owing to my effective oral and written English language skills, I have achieved great success in my career. Certainly, the credit for this goes to my teachers, my school and my parents.


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IELTS BAND 7 Dehradun, Best Coaching in Dehradun
323 GMS Road, Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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