Bar graphs

bar graphs

Writing task one: bar graphs

You will be given one or more bar graphs. Your task is to describe the information given in the graph by writing a 150 word report. You are not asked to give your opinion. You should spend around 20 minutes on the task.
What is being tested is your ability to:

• objectively describe some graphic information
• compare and contrast
• report on an impersonal topic without the use of opinion
• use the language of graph description

Guidelines for a good answer
Does the report have a suitable structure?
• Does it have an introduction, body and conclusion?
• Does it include connective words to make the writing cohesive within sentences and paragraphs?
Does the report use suitable grammar and vocabulary?
• Does it include a variety of sentence structures?
• Does it include a range of appropriate vocabulary?
Does the report meet the requirements of the task?
• Does it meet the word limit requirements?
• Does it describe the whole graph adequately?
• Does it focus on the important trends presented in the graphic information?


Checklist To Get Band 9

If you are preparing to get a band 9 in IELTS, remember two things, first, it is tough. Second, if you had the guts to prepare for band 9, you surely deserve it.
If you really want a band 9 in your writing section, be sure that you check the following things in your essay.

Find out if your essay follows a logical pattern? To ensure a logical pattern prepare a rough draft of the essay before you start writing the essay.
You get 2.25 marks for grammar. Keep this is mind. Make sure that you use different grammatical styles and also that your sentences are grammatically correct.
checklist to get a band 9 essay


While writing the introduction make sure that you have used three high quality words. Also ensure that you stated your opinion in the introduction, correlated with the statement.
Observe that you have mentioned the reasons for your opinion and state the main reason behind your opinion in the paragraph.
Make it a point to paraphrase your introduction sentence in the conclusion to mark a positive end.

Remember, the band 8 and band 9 writes the same essay, it is only the minute yet distinguishing difference that makes you band 9.


Things To Do IELTS Exam Day

Things To Do IELTS Exam Day:

Pressure can take away from you even the things that you very well deserve. Follow the simple advice on the day of the exam-:

1.Plan to arrive early at the test venue, may be half an hour. Sometimes it so happens that you may end up stuck in the traffic and get late. There would be nothing worse than reaching at the test venue irritated, mentally tired and flurried.

2.Fully concentrate on the part of the test that you are doing, it might be possible that you are weak in a certain part, don’t keep on worrying about it. The more you focus on the present task the better the future will be.

3.Use your time effectively. Remember, each question has its own time, don’t just waste the entire time answering a particular question and leaving behind the others. You might not get extra marks if the answer is done perfectly.

4.Always recheck the answers. Sometimes, you may end up making mistake, which if corrected could lead to increase in marks.
No matter how hard you have worked, no matter how hard the teachers along with you have worked, In the end it is between you and the exam. Go out put in your heart and win the battle.

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Fight Anxiety

If English is a second language to you, you may feel anxious, especially when the person you are talking to is a native speaker. How to remove this anxiety? But what is anxiety? The feelings that you get when your heart starts beating faster or you start to shake. You may feel nervous. This is anxiety. So, what should you do to get rid of this? Well, you can always follow the tips given below, but remember; just knowing what you should do is not enough. You need to actually inculcate them in your daily life to fight anxiety.

    1. Breathe-: Take a deep breath whenever you feel anxious. There are times when you are surrounded by people and you won’t like to do it. But, even in those times, try taking deep breathe; just make sure they don’t see you doing this. The heart that is beating fast calms down when you breathe. So, breathe when you feel anxious.

Walk-: Whenever you feel anxious, may be before a presentation or a meeting, take small walk. May be around your room. It can actually calm you down. By walking I don’t mean that you need to take hours of walk just to improve your speaking.

  • Automate Language-: You must have heard the old adage,” practice makes perfect”. Automate language means exactly that. When you practice something again and again, your brain starts doing it automatically for you. So, practice English. Practice the expressions, practice more till you start doing it automatically.
  • You need not to be perfect-: When you hear a native speaker, some of you may say wow, they speak so well. But the fact is they make a lot of mistakes. Mistakes in terms of grammar or vocabulary. No one is there to judge you harshly. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you are ready to rectify them or learn from them. Remember, you cannot be perfect on day 1.
  • Mantras-: Mantras are the words you say to yourself. For example, you could have a mantra like;” I am a good speaker”. So whenever you make mistake, say it to yourself. Repeat it again. Language is a powerful tool. You become what you say to yourself, because after all that is what you think. Speak positive to you, even in the times of negativity. Speak positive. Keep the flame of hope burning.


Anxiety is just a problem, and like all other problems it also has a solution. Solve it and live your dream.

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