IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: Something interesting a friend has done that you would like to do yourself.


IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

Something interesting a friend has done that you would like to do yourself.

  • What did your friend do?
  • Why do you wish to do it?
  • What are your plans on doing such an interesting thing?
planning-a-trip Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun
Sample Answer

I have a lot of friends that are into different fields of career. We sit together every now and then to share our experiences of our lives and the things we do. Every other time or so, someone or the other has an exciting story to share about something interesting that they did. I love listening to such experiences and stories that they share. This is because I get to know about and learn a lot of new things.

In addition, I also get new ideas for a hobby, a vacation, or any other new thing to try out during my leisure time. I have a friend who recently came back from a trip to a hill station in the Himalayan Mountains. His trip was very exciting and adventurous, and even while listening to his story, I started to plan my own trip to the place. He stayed there and enjoyed many adventure sports such as rock climbing, river rafting, trekking in the woods, but the main and probably the most enjoyable activity was paragliding.

I have seen paragliding in many movies, and I really wish to do it and experience the feeling of flying in the sky like a bird. Even though I have not done it, but I still know that it must be a very mesmerizing experience. Flying high in the sky, and looking down upon the land beneath brings a cherished feeling of ecstasy to every enthusiast. I have decided to plan my next vacation during the upcoming winters, and I will go to the hill station and get a hands-on experience of paragliding.
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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: A building that you like

Architecture is the new form of creativity. Although, it existed even before that ; it is only in the recent times that people have started looking at architecture with more creative eye than before. One can see the different forms of architecture and know the variations. With these factors coming into picture, often people form their own opinions about the different architectural forms. This time let us have a look at the IELTS speaking cue card task, that talks about a building that you like.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

A building that you like.

  • Which building do you like?
  • What is that building about?
  • What do you like about it?

building-that-you-like Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample Answer

The world is progressing each day in all aspects and people are not only increasing innovation in terms of infrastructure but creativity as well. The prime core of infrastructure development lies in the buildings and such other structures. Builders and architects around the world have become highly creative in designing different buildings, converting this field into an art form. Many famous designers have pioneered in this arena, giving us beautiful buildings such as Burj Khalifa, World Trade Centre, White House, Shanghai tower, and many more. These buildings are highly beautiful and have various detailed aspects of their design that add to their grandeur.

I find all these buildings around the world highly fascinating. I would love to gather knowledge about their past history, the materials used, and the design inspiration. The one building that I like the most is the Burj Khalifa, a building located in Dubai. Also known as the tallest building in the world, it was built to be the centerpiece for Downtown Dubai. With an approximate height of 829 meters, it houses a variety of clients and businesses such as private suites and the Armani hotel.

The design of this tower is derived from Islamic architecture, and the outer shape is spiraling and the interiors are grand, well adorned with mesmerizing artwork in abundance. The nearby area is surrounded by a beautiful fountain and a park and the impressions of the building are unique and truly amazing. They also add a flair of an awe-inspiring idea to the locality and the city. The modern artwork, the shape, and the design of the building make this building my favorite.

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: A magazine you enjoy reading.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

A magazine you enjoy reading.

  • Which magazine is it?
  • Why do you enjoy reading it?
  • What are some good things about the magazine?

magazine-you-enjoy-reading Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample Answer

Magazines are the most circulated print media options after newspapers. These colorful and interesting books are mostly distributed weekly or monthly. Unlike newspapers, magazines have articles, trivia, facts, blog posts, stories, and such other materials instead of daily news. Magazines are highly enticing, and I like to read them due to the diverse content and detailed write-ups they have to offer.

My favorite magazine is Reader’s Digest, and it is a monthly magazine. It is a compact magazine that offers very good and thoughtful articles and covers different topics based on social and economic issues, industry-related problems, in-depth articles and discussions with highly intellectual people, and much more. Circulated worldwide, it is a very knowledge rich book, and also offers short stories, facts, games, and other trivia. After I have read all the articles, I move on to the stories, which never fail to pique my interest. Games such as crossword puzzles are also very enjoyable, as I solve them during my leisure time to exercise my brain.

Other content also includes blogs on health, humor, personality development, opinions, and quotes, amongst other things. All these articles and blogs gathered in one place are what make this magazine highly engaging to read, and I eagerly await each month for the next edition to arrive. The best part of this magazine is that it is family oriented, and contains something for everyone. Not only does it give me a little distraction from my hectic daily routine and tardiness, but also helps me relax as per my convenience.

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IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: Talk about a language that you would like to learn apart from English.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

Talk about a language that you would like to learn apart from English.


  • What is the language?
  • Why do you want to learn it?
  • What benefits will you have from it?

learning-a-language Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample answer

People have come a lot closer in modern times. Migrating and visiting places has become very easy. Trade and exchange between countries have developed drastically, and languages play a very important role in such processes. Even though people have a few common communication languages that are spoken worldwide, it is always good to learn a new language. It can not only have a lasting impact on the native speakers but develop one’s intellect as well.

It is proven that people speaking more languages are more adept and have better personalities than people who don’t. I keep visiting new places, and I have been fascinated by a lot of different languages. I wish to learn most of them, but the most fascinating language that I wish to learn is Arabic. It is a beautiful language that is spoken in Middle Eastern countries such as the U.A.E, and Saudi Arabia. I heard it during my time in Dubai, and I wish to learn it with best efforts. It is a highly efficient language with a comfortable rate of speech. It is beautiful in its own way, whether it is the written words or spoken ones.

The songs and poems are equally enchanting and are great to listen. This language aptly represents the Islamic culture and traditions to their best and showcases the beauty that lies within that world. I wish to settle down in Dubai after my retirement and wish to be able to better communicate with the natives in order to adapt and fully comprehend their amazing lifestyles. This is the reason behind my idea to learn Arabic.

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

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