IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Weekends Or Weekdays

What is a typical weekends or weekdays for you?


Speaking Answer A) Well, with me, there are no particular weekends/weekdays, it is more of the period when I am working and when I am on holidays. The job that I do, is of a travel host, so in busy schedules, which we are in for most of the time, we are only focused on work and not the day. However, in casual days, I tend to go for either a spa or meet my family members or hang with my friends, especially because they are free on week ends. Weekdays, when I am free, I tend to just stay in home and read some book and cook food and spend some time alone.

Speaking Answer B) I work for a multi national corporation, so weekdays are mostly busy, doing the work and reaching home. Although, there is a routine of getting up and exercising that I do no matter what the day is, weekends are more happening as compared to weekdays. I tend to go out meet friends, spend some quality time with family and give my self some gift for the hard work that I have done in the week.

Speaking Answer C) I am a home maker and for me weekdays mostly begin with saying good byes to my son and husband. After that, I make preparations for the rest of the day, making lunch and doing puja and other house chores. After that, I tend to take a short nap before my son and husband come home. We then have our lunch together and thereafter my son goes to sleep and husband back to office. Later on, I teach my son his subjects. Weekends are more relaxing, most of the time, we go out to nearby places and spend quality time.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Gift To Another

Question: When do people give gifts in your country?

Answer A) I think like in most countries, people tend to give gifts on special occasions like birthdays or marriages, graduation from college or university or any other major event in someday’s life. People also give gifts to each other when they are meeting after a very long time or before they are leaving to some other place.

Answer B) People in my country, tend to give gifts whenever we feel like. Most of the people understand, that we are living busy lives and it is through gifts that we can actually make people feel good about each other and tell them how much we care for them. So, you could find us exchanging gifts on small occasions like, a meeting or may be small hangout at someone’s place. Although, the gifts that we exchange are not very expensive, I think it is a good idea express oneself through gifts.

Answer C) People in my country, rarely do exchange gifts. We all live very close to each other and work together, that it is like a big family only. Also, the economic condition of our country, does not allows people to spend lots of money. But, I think, although we cannot give expensive gifts to each other, being close to one another during rough and happy times, is the biggest gift one can ever give to anyone, and we give it every day.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Days

Are all your days same?

Answer A) I am a travel show host. So, for most of the time I am travelling and during those days, I think every minute is different. One does not know what is going to happen in the very next moment, especially when we are shooting in locations where either crime rate is high or the red light area for instance. We are always on run and landscapes change just as fast as the time ticks away. During the days, when I am home, they are different initially, when I need to meet lots of people, old friends, get in touch with relatives, spend time with my family. But, after some time, they tend to become monotonous, however that is for a very short period of time.

Answer B) I am a student, currently doing my Bachelors. For me, most of the days are same. I need to go to college, attend the classes, do practicals, then assignments and take tuition, so they are very much the same. It is only on Sundays or other holidays that I get time to spend with my family and friends. During these days, we either go out for a nice dinner or visit a near by place.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Learning

IELTS Speaking Sample Answer Learning

Learning is a continuous process and to be able to be able to succeed in your life, it is very important that you are involved in continuous learning process. Let us have a look at some of the questions related to learning and possible answers.

What is the most important skill nowadays?

Computers have revolutionized the way the world operates and have become an inevitable part of our lives. One can find them everywhere and there use has become very important. So, I think computers, is that one skill that has really become very important. Also, with the coming of internet, more and more people tend to pay bills and book tickets and do the others things online.

Are there any traditional skills in your country?

Most of the people in our country are well versed in sewing and weaving. In my childhood, I remember wearing sweaters weaved by my grand mother and mother. Also, one can find many people employed in the business of sewing. People, in my country tend to get the clothes stitched by tailor and even there are many who wear clothes sewed by them.




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