Understanding Words # Expressing Oneself

Words are symbols of ideas – and if you want to learn more words it is always good if you learn more ideas. This time we will learn words that tell us about what is going on. what is happening, what people do to each other or to themselves, or what others do to them.


Let us say you have stayed up all night, burned the midnight oil (yes this is the idiom for waking up all night). And what were you doing? An exciting assignment, writing a short story, planning a campaign? Well, no. These are some of the great ways of whiling away time. You were instead in a room with a patient or taking care of someone who just met with an accident or stayed up because of some emotional issues. Now, you are exhausted. Your exhaustion is mental, physiological and emotional. The verb that expresses the effect of the night’s frustration on you is enervate.


You are worried about something. May be the boss scolded or you had a fight with your lover. In that frustration you are driving your car and missed on a signal. Few minutes later you see the police van behind you and clearly hear the siren. You stop the car but the police officer turns out to be very sweet and courteous and only asks for your driver’s license and even says please.
You get more irritated and start yelling at him or her. You even go on questioning his/her honesty saying that he/she is wasting time and not catching the criminals. How did you reacted? The verb that tells it is castigage.


Nirmala is selfless, to her the needs of her husband and children come first. She will buy things for them first and if money left, she would spend on herself. At the dinner table, she heaps everyone’s plate while she herself goes without. Nirmala will deny herself things, will scrimp and save and her self esteem does not permit her to give herself. What verb describes what Nirmala Does? She self-abnegates.


You wake up every Monday morning, thinking how bad the morning is? Perhaps you start thinking about the last five years and how you have wasted them!! Not read enough books, made any exciting friend or had any startling thought. Economically, things are not better and you still follow the same old routine. No change, nothing but routine, sameness,monotony and for what? What verb describes how you think you live? You are vegetating.


Make A Sentence # Rearrange Words

Jumbled up words bring along with them a new series of questions. Below are the words that have been jumbled up and you need to rearrange the words to make proper sentence out of them.

Given below are sentences that have been jumbled up. You need to rearrange words to make meaningful sentences.


Question – The/ to/ the/ expression / of/ early/ modern/ sexuality/of/reinscription/ is/ conducive / materiality/./

Answer – The reinscription of early modern sexuality is conducive to the expression of materiality.

Question – The/ fantasy/ the/  of/ binary/ opposition/ rehearses/ canon/./unanalyzed/ arbitrariness/ of/ the/ literary/

Answer – The fantasy of binary opposition rehearses the unanalyzed arbitrariness of the literary canon.

Question – The /fantasy/with/ it/ the/  carries / eclectic/./teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/teleology/ of/ the/ of/ the/ preprofessional/

Answer – The fantasy of the preprofessional carries with it the teleology of the eclectic.

Question- The/ epistemology/ of/ autonomous /selfhood/ nation-state/./highlights/ the /expression/ of /the/

Answer – The epistemology of autonomous selfhood highlights the expression of the nation-state.

Question – The / instantiates/interaction/./ fiction/ of/ an /anthropocentric/ the /writing /of/ communicative /history/

Answer – The fiction of an anthropocentric history instantiates the writing of communicative interaction.

Question- The/  parallels/ ./phenomenalism /of/ binary/ opposition/the /ideology/ of/ the/ parent-child /dynamic/

Answer- The phenomenalism of binary opposition parallels the ideology of the parent-child dynamic.

Question – The / to/ the/ project/ of/ the /culture/ industry/./post-Foucaultian/ sexuality /is/ socialization/ of / effect/ identical/in/

Answer – The socialization of post-Foucaultian sexuality is in effect identical to the project of the culture industry.



Make A Sentence # Rearranging

Given below are sentences that have been jumbled up. You need to rearrange the words and make meaningful sentences. Make sure you use all the words given in the question.So, go on rearranging words and improve your writing skills

  1. human / energy/,/ increases / performance/./ arousal/ and/ affects/ It /gives /ANSWER It gives energy, increases human arousal and affects performance.
  2. The / are /obligated /to/ do /under/ international/ conventions/./ of/ complaints / prosecuted /by/ the/ authorities/ instead /of/ processed/ has/ now /become /a/ centrepiece/ unjustly/ for /by/ advocates /for/ migrants/ who /say /people /with/ potential/ refugee/ claims /are /being/ case / asylum/,/ as/ they/ ANSWER The case has now become a center piece of complaints by advocates for migrants who say people with potential refugee claims are being unjustly prosecuted by the authorities instead of processed for asylum, as they are obligated to do under international conventions.
  3. Most/ of / by/ flying/ had/ tried/ to/ enter/ to/ Moscow/ on/ tourist/ or/ other/ the /migrants/ Europe /visas/./ANSWER Most of the migrants had tried to enter Europe by flying to Moscow on tourist or other visas.
  4. Norway/,/ which /gives / other/ European /countries/./ Union/,/ is/ part/people/ who /enter /unfettered/while/ not/ a /member /of/ the /European / access /to/ most/ of/ the/ Schengen /Area/,/ANSWER Norway, while not a member of the European Union, is part of the Schengen Area, which gives people who enter unfettered access to most other European countries.
  5. The /with /temperatures /on /Friday/weather/ has/ posed / hovering /around /freezing/./a/ challenge/,/  ANSWER The weather has posed a challenge, with temperatures on Friday hovering around freezing.
  6. This /is/ for/  both /for/ us /and / overcome /it/./Russia/,/ but /together/ we/ must/a /challenge/ ANSWER This is a challenge both for us and for Russia, but together we must overcome it.
  7. The/ unfriendly/ border/ guards/,/ barbed-wire /fences /and/ cluttered /refugee/ camps/ that/ lure/ of /this /unlikely/ route /is/ that /it/ bypasses /migrants/ bound/ for/ Germany/ and /Scandinavia/ often /encounter/ in/ Central/ Europe/./ ANSWER The lure of this unlikely route is that it bypasses unfriendly border guards, barbed-wire fences and cluttered refugee camps that migrants bound for Germany and Scandinavia often encounter in Central Europe.
  8. About/ said/ made /this/month/,/ 1,200/ refugees/ journey /in /2015/,/ compared /with /just/ a/ dozen/according/ to /Reuters/./ in /a /report/ this / in/ 2014/,/ Norway’s /government / seeking/ asylum /have/ANSWER About 1,200 refugees seeking asylum have made this journey in 2015, compared with just a dozen in 2014, Norway’s government said in a report this month, according to Reuters.
  9. We/ have / but/ we/  to/ shelter /them/,/on/ the /streets/,/cannot/ leave/ them /no/ space/ either/./ ANSWER We have no space to shelter them, but we cannot leave them on the streets, either.
  10. Many /Nikel /are /women/ and /of/ the/ migrants/ stuck/ in /children/./ ANSWER Many of the migrants stuck in Nikel are women and children.


Make A Sentence # Scrambled Words

Given below are sentences that have been jumbled up. You need to rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Make sure you write down every word that has been given in the sentence.

  1. The /finance/were/ dependent/ on/ it/ for/agriculture /contributed /only /15% /to/ the / minister/ said/ that/ although /economy/,/ 55% /of/ Indians/living/./

ANSWER The finance minister said that although agriculture contributed only 15% to the economy, 55% of Indians were dependent on it for living.

2. The /finance/steel /sector /and/ on/ addressing /problems/ of/ the/ moving/./got/ highway/minister /said/ that /the/ government / projects / had/ moved /ahead/

ANSWER The finance minister said that the government had moved ahead on addressing problems of the steel sector and got highway projects moving.

3. Banks/ reasons/./discoms /for/ their/fund /state /political/ cannot /indefinitely/

ANSWER Banks cannot indefinitely fund state discoms for their political reasons.

4. the/ drop /in/ global/ oil/an/ opportunity /to/ give /the /additional/ push /savings/ from /prices /provides /to/ infrastructure/./ and/ commodity/ According/ to /Jaitley/,/ the /

ANSWER According to Jaitley, the savings from the drop in global oil and commodity prices provides an opportunity to give the additional push to infrastructure.

5. He/ said /of/and /new /areas/,/ for/ whom /that/ education/ and /the /spread/ new /cities/ electronic /and/ digital /media / of/ people /were/ increasing /the /suburbs/ were/ the/ destination/in /rural /aspiration/./

ANSWER He said that education and the spread of electronic and digital media were increasing the aspiration of people in rural areas, for whom new cities and new suburbs were the destination.

6. We /need/ and /economy /grows/ sure /that/years/gets/ out/ of/which /it/ was/ in/ a/ couple /of/ therefore/,/ to/ make / the /slowdown/ situation/,/  our / ago/./

ANSWER We need, therefore, to make sure that our economy grows and gets out of the slowdown situation which it was in a couple of years ago

7. Central / targets should/ focus/ quickly /creating/government/ a/instead/ growth / conducive/ environment / of/ talking /about/for/ business/./

ANSWER Central govt instead of talking about growth targets should focus quickly creating a conducive environment for business.

8. The/ to /bitter/ foes /Nitish Kumar /of/ the /Bihar / today’s/ romantic /lead/./election/ so /far/ is /and /have/ turned /into/biggest/ surprise /how /yesterday’s /Lalu Prasad /seem /

ANSWER The biggest surprise of the Bihar election so far is how yesterday’s bitter foes Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad seem to have turned into today’s romantic lead.

9. There/ would / were /doubts/ that/ self-destruct/ during/ the/itself/./their/ new /alliance/ election/ campaign /

ANSWER There were doubts that their new alliance would self-destruct during the election campaign itself.

10. Every/hard/,/ fast/ opposition/ is /rebutted / and/ in/ concert/./ charge/

ANSWER Every opposition charge is rebutted hard, fast and in concert.


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