IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Questions # Living Healthily

Health is one of the most important aspects of our lives and although we tend to ignore it more often, it still remains the backbone of everything we achieve in our lives. This time we are talking about some recent questions asked in Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking about living healthily.

  • Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?

Times have changed, I believe. There was a time when people stopped caring about their health but I believe in recent times, people have again become more aware of their health. Most people prefer doing some sort of physical activity in their lives to make sure they are healthy. When making small decisions like the food they prefer, people are going for, much healthier foods.

  • What costs are involved when you are ill in your country?

It depends on the kind of hospital we go for. The government hospitals are way too cheaper than the private ones. Also, having medical insurance and things in place, cost does become less. However, for the daily workers, the cost of getting ill is usually high.

  • Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Definitely yes. I think as the person starts getting old, they start getting the signs of bad health. It is during that time that people realise the importance of health. So, one can see a lot of old people going out for walks or jogging.

  • How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

The best way a person can be encouraged to stay healthy is by talk and promotion using advertisements. So, if there are few who get motivated by it, then there are others who start following. Also, one can motivate others to be healthy by adopting a healthy lifestyle for themselves.

  • What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

The ways by which people stay healthy in my country is usually divided into age groups and sometimes their income as well. So, the younger group is usually found in the gym or playing a sport. With age, the older generation prefers walking or jogging along with nature. With different income groups, the higher ones usually have their personal trainers, while the middle of the lower finds out ways for themselves.

  • Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

The only reason that people have for continuing their bad habits is that they have become their habit and as they say bad habits die hard. So, even when people know that it is harming them it is quite tough to stop doing things that they have inculcated in their routines for a long period of time.

  • Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

In my country, women are always more concerned about their men and their family more than they are about themselves. But as an individual, I think yes, a woman make sure that she does not indulge herself into the habits that are not good for her health.

  • Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?

In my opinion, yes people have become more health conscious. It could be because of the influence of their favourite stars or the images that are being portrayed. Even more, with advancement in technology people have very less to do physically, so there has a sense of consciousness among people for their health.

  • How can children learn to have a healthy lifestyle?

The best way a child can be taught to have a healthy lifestyle is by showing them how to have one. If we as a society in large, will try to be healthy, every child will adapt to it. Like, a child learns about cigarette only when he or she sees someone lighting a cigarette and likewise if he or she sees someone leading a healthy life, he or she will lead one for himself or herself.

  • Do you think the government should promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens?

I think yes there should be campaigns by the government for a healthy lifestyle but I also believe that government can only do a certain part to it. It always boils down to the individuals if they want to go for it or not.

  • Would you say modern science and technology has more of a positive or a negative influence on people’s health?

There are many ways in which modern science and technology have helped, like in curing diseases and making operations better and more successful. However, there have been some negative impacts as well, I believe if we keep focusing on the positive impacts, the negative will surely become minimal.

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IELTS CUE CARD – Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

IELTS CUE CARD : Describe a person who likes to travel by plane

You should say:

  • Who this person is?
  • How do you know this person?
  • Where this person travels to?
  • Explain why this person likes to travel by plane.



Today, a wide range of transport are available and air travel is gaining popularity. More and more people are choosing to travel by planes. Here, I would like to talk about a person I know, who loves to travel by air. She is my former classmate, Shweta.  She is an Assistant Professor of International Affairs at the South Asian University, New Delhi.

She is responsible for teaching cultural affairs and international relations to students coming from different South Asian countries. Travelling to other countries to attend various seminars and conferences is an integral part of her job.

Even though we are not in the same profession, we share with each what’s happening in our day to day lives. She loves to talk about her experiences during her flights. Irrespective of the duration of flights she never gets bored during her air travel. The comforts and hospitality on board are the two things she enjoys the most. Her friendly nature attracts many people of different nationalities towards her while travelling. This has added to her experiences. Another thing that she likes about these plane journeys is the type of food offered during the flights.

Though my friend is a frequent traveler, she is super excited whenever she has to travel by plane. Her wonderful experiences always make me more inquisitive about her journeys. In fact very soon we are planning to go on a vacation together and she is going to plan our journey. I am looking forward to enjoying a plane journey with her.

Hospitality The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers e.g. The people of India are renowned for their hospitality.
Inquisitive eager to learn e.g Teachers prefer to have inquisitive students in their class.


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IELTS Cue Card # Talk about a situation when you had to wait.

Talk about a situation when you had to wait.

You should say:

  • What you waited for
  • Why you had to wait
  • What you did while waiting
  • and explain how you felt after waiting.

IELTS BAND7 Cue card Talk about a situation when you had to wait

Sample Answer:

Nobody likes to wait. Specially in these modern times, people have lost their patience because of the fast-moving technical era. In today’s world, everything is fast and quick. Be it the speedy delivery of food that we order on Swiggy and Zomato or ordering items on Blinkit. Even I am such a person who does not like to wait. However, there was a situation where I had to wait for a long time, and today I would like to discuss it. So this is a recent incident when my younger brother was appearing for his competitive examinations. He recently did his schooling, and he enrolled for a competitive exam, which is NEET. This exam happened in the month of August this year, and I went along with him to the examination center. The whole situation was quite stressful, and my brother was nervous for his exam. On our way, I was trying to calm him down. As soon as we reached the examination center, he went inside and started doing all the preparation procedures. I could see him standing in the queue, and I was waiting outside on a bench under a tree. Within 15 minutes, the whole queue had cleared up, and my brother went inside the examination hall, and I lost his sight. Now I had to wait for him till he completed his paper. His exam was for three long hours, and it was a hot, sunny day. For the first hour, I was just watching reels on my mobile phone, and the time passed easily, but soon my phone’s battery went low, and I had to keep my phone aside. It was now that I realized that it would get difficult for me to pass the time for the next two hours. The climate was getting more hot, and I was thirsty, so I walked out of the examination center to find a shop where I could buy a chilled water bottle. I couldn’t find any shops nearby, but luckily I saw a cafe. So I went to this cafe, and it had a very cozy corner where I sat and ordered some coolers and a sandwich for myself. I finished eating. I saw There was a magazine in this cafe, so I picked it up and started reading it. Soon I realized an hour had already passed. It was a great relief for me after eating and reading, and I went back to the examination center and started waiting on the same bench, but this last or seemed the most difficult to pass. The sun was on my head, and I was sweating. I realized that coming back to the examination center was a bad idea and I should have stayed at the cafe itself. After 10–15 minutes, I saw four little kids approaching the tree under which I was sitting. These kids came there to play, and I asked them if I could join. They were very happy to have my company, and we played for the rest of the time. This was the best thing that I did that day. It was very relaxing to play with the kids, and I relived my childhood. While playing, I suddenly heard the bell ringing, and it was the alarm about the examination’s ending. I waited for another five minutes for my brother to come out, and I was really happy to see him and hear that his exam really went well. So this was the longest time I had to wait however it was not that boring as I thought it would be.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun

67Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS CUE CARD – Talk about an animal you like

IELTS CUE CARD : Talk about an animal you like

You should say:

  • What this animal is
  • What is special about this animal?
  • How it looks like
  • And explain why you like this animal.

Sample Answer

Animals are eclectic creatures; they go all the way from the very friendly and domesticated to the lethal and feral. They come in different shapes, sizes and colours. Even animals of a single species are incomparable to their counterparts due to the sheer number of differences.

Today I will talk about one of my all-time favourite animals; the horse. Like other animal species, horses too,  come in different sizes and colors. Shetland ponies have a stockier body, round shape, thick fur, and short stubby legs, they are not much used in athletic pursuits. Arabian Horses, on the other hand, are taller, sleekly built with light bones, they are used exclusively for racing. Now, both of these are scientifically speaking horses, but are oh so different in appearance, nature and purpose.

Despite differences in their physical appreance, all horses have some things in common which earn them the top spots among my favourite animals. For one, their movements. Whenever a horse moves, I can’t help but admire the powerful muscles bulging and gliding beneath their coats, the sheer potential power they have in each step is breathtaking. The way they move is more elegant than most humans can ever hope to achieve. Their might is undeniable. For another, they are loyal, intelligent, and empathetic creatures. The bonds that a rider and horse may form is second to none. All these unique qualities make horses special to me.

Speaking part 3 follow up questions:

Q.1 Do people in your country keep animals at home?

Animals like cows, buffaloes and goats are domesticated widely in the countryside. In fact, livestock rearing provides sustainable livelihoods to millions of people living in rural areas.

Q.2 Do you think pets are important?

Yes, certainly. Pets can bring love and companionship into our life. Many studies have shown that keeping pets reduces our stress levels, thereby improving our health and well-being.

Q.3 Do animals have rights?

Humans use animals for food and related by-products, farming and a variety of other uses. Everyday millions of different types of animals are killed for food globally. Just by looking at these figures, I’d say that these creatures should at least have the right to live. But, who cares? Laws are made for protecting animals but they don’t work in reality.

Useful words and their meanings
Eclectic consisting of different types, methods, styles, etc.
Feral A feral animal or plant is one that lives in the wild but is descended from domesticated specimens.
Autonomy the right of an organization, country, or region to be independent and govern itself
Livestock rearing raising of animals for use or for pleasure

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