IELTS Speaking Latest Cue Card# Lesiure Activity

The latest cue card is here and we are talking about lesiure activity that you enjoy doing.

Describe a lesiure activity you like doing.
You should say:

  • Where you do it?
  • Who you do it with?
  • Why you enjoy it?
  • And say what kind of people you would recommend that activity to, and why?
Sample Answer:

Today, I’m going to talk about an activity I enjoy doing in my leisure time. It may sound strange but I love watching Bollywood movies. On Sundays, I invite my close friends to my home for a high tea and all of us watch a film together. It is not always a latest movie. Sometimes, we prefer to see old blockbusters which ruled the hearts of millions of Indians in the seventies.
The main reason why I find this activity fun is that I work six days a week, Monday to Saturday. I hardly get time to meet my friends on weekdays. So, this plan acts as a perfect stress buster for all of us. It not only brings us together but also enables us to share our feelings and problems.
Since most of us lead a busy and stressful life these days, we should make sure that we have some time for our family members and friends. I believe that the communication over social networking sites is very different from face-to-face interaction. Online communication is affecting the way we interact with people and the type of relationships we make. It is also killing our ability to build strong relationships with people. Anyone who wants to bring a positive change in their life should try a cup of tea and an entertaining film with your loved ones. I reckon it will do wonders.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answers # Finding Love

Love is not something that you find, it is something that finds you. Most of the movies all around world, are made romantic. There are millions of songs out there that depict love and love has been the subject for poets for a very long time. Let us today have a look at some of the questions about finding love and understanding it.

Do you believe that love can be understood by looking at the brain and chemicals?

I am not very sure about the relation between love and science. Surely, science can bring out some facts related to love but for the normal person to stick to it and understand them or for say, applying them before falling in love, is not something possible. Love is more of what happens when brain is deactivated and heart takes the major role.

How is attraction different than love?

Attraction is very specific, so there are things that one likes about the other person, for say, may be the individuality or personality or the physical appearance. But, when one gets to know the negative side of the person, it is not the attraction but the love that allows one to accept the other. If the relation is based only out of attraction, on knowing the other completely it is more likely to fall, but when it comes to love, one person tends to accept the other beyond the positives and negatives.

Why do you think some people fall out of love?

I think the reason most people fall out of love, is because it is a very tiring thing to do. One has to forget himself or herself when they fall in love. And love is not just about loving other individual, it is also about loving things or work. And often love gets tough.

What is the most romantic movie you know?

I love watching romantic movies and from all of the ones that I have seen I would say, my favorite would be, “Lot like love”.There is something about this movie that appeals to me. The fact that it is all destined and we will surely meet our perfect soul mates some or the other day and no matter how much we try to escape from love, love finds you and hits you and life is all beautiful after that.

In public, how much affection is too much?

In my opinion it depends on the kind of society we are living in. For example, if some one stays in a western country there is obviously much more freedom as compared to the eastern countries. But, I also believe that if one can go to an extent of blasting a city to express hatred, there shouldn’t be any limits on expressing love.

How is showing love different now from in the past?

The medium has surely changed. Whereas earlier one could find love birds giving letters or meeting each other hiding from the world, these days, with technology coming in, you can find more of showing love through messages or emails. With time constraints, instead of meeting people, one prefers sending gifts to their loved ones. Surely, it does not mean that now people don’t express love, they do, but with the competition increasing, I suppose it surely has taken the back seat.

In all cultures there are famous love stories (i.e. Romeo and Juliet). What is a famous love story in your country?

Our country had its, “Mumtaz and Shahjahan” to showcase what love is. They both got married and when Mumtaz died, Shahjahan created a monument in remembrance of her. The monument that the world knows as “Taj Mahal”.

When you see a couple, how do you know they are in love?

You can judge it by the way they look at each other, talk to each other or fight with each other. I think it is only people who are in love can fight with each other and still come back to each other,always. There is so much positive air in the way two people in love fight. They don’t want to bring the other person down, just want to speak their hearts out, to each other.  There is a sense of ownership in both which is amazing and visible.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

I am not sure of love at first sight, but I think it is more like, someone just strikes, for the reasons unknown and you just feel like getting to know the other person more and more. At the first sight, saying that one has fallen in love and can do anything for the other, is not something I would agree to, but yes, it surely give the initial start to knowing each other.

What do you think of valentine’s day?

In my opinion, it is a great day to remind everyone that no matter what we are doing, the most important thing in our life is love and that we need to show our love to the people who matter the most. Because some how in this busy life we often forget to express love.

Why are most songs about love?

I think because it is one of the most powerful expression. People feel too much when they are in love, their entire senses, from brain to heart start working so well, we start seeing things in such a different way, that I think it makes complete sense to talk and sing so much about love.


IELTS Speaking # Wishes

Wishes!! Well, this is something we all have. Anyone not having wishes is either a saint or dead, but for all the others, the ones leading their lives in the materialistic world, wishes are bound to be present. It is to fulfil these wishes that we work, we sacrifice, get up early or wake up late at night. Let us today have a look at some of the questions related to wishes that might be asked in IELTS Speaking Section.

If you could have three wishes that would come true, what would they be? 

If something so magical can ever come true, then my three wishes would be. First, I want to be at the highest peak of my truest potential. I want to be the best in the world for my truest potential. Second, I wish to be able to open a company that gives equal education rights to everyone. Thirdly, I wish to be able to travel the entire world, capture photographs and talk to as many people as I can.

Is there anything that you wish to change about this world?

The one thing that I truly want to change about the world is the education system. The feeling of just fulfilling oneself and stop caring about others. I wish that every one in this world, irrespective of the country, religion and stature is born, should be given good quality education, the kind of education that makes talented doctors, engineers, painter, musicians, writers, the dreamers.

IELTS Cue Card wish

In many cultures, people make wish by throwing something into water, like a coin, why do you think people do it?

I think it could be because water is very precious and is the one thing necessary for us to survive. Making a wish by throwing something into water, which is so precious might give people a feeling that their wish might get fulfilled.

I think fresh water was at a scarcity long time back and if people got to see fresh water, they must have assumed it to be a gift from God. In this way, people started throwing coins or other things to make a wish to the God.

What do you wish to do in the next year?
The next year, I wish to be able to get more knowledge about the field that I have chosen and become a master. Also, I wish to be able to start the travelling blog that I have been planning for so long.

The next year, I wish to get admission in a good college after getting a high band in IELTS. I wish to study well and get a great job for myself.

What do you wish you could eat right now?
I wish I could get lot of chocolates and ice creams right now.

When do people make wishes in your culture?
In my country, people often make wishes when they go to temples. There are people who travel all across the country to be able to see their gods and make a wish. Apart from temples, people even make wishes just before sleeping, but for the most part, people tend to go to temples.
Have any of your wishes ever come true?
Yes, there have been so many wishes that I have made and they have come true. I remember, once I wished for a cycle and I thought it might never get fulfilled. But, after a month, my father gave me a surprise gift of a cycle. It was amazing because I never told him that I did need a cycle.

Do you ever wish you could travel back in time?
Yes of course there are times I do wish likewise, but it is not because I want to change something about my past but because I just want to tell myself that everything is fine and if just keep the faith going on, it is possible to get whatever I want. That the fear that I have is of no use and it will all go past. That silence is not the solution to any problem. There are so many things I wish I could tell my younger self.
Is there anything you wish you had at present?
O yes, of course. I am in a dire need of a laptop and a DSLR. I wish I could get them as soon as possible. I have even started saving for them and hope that I will be able to present myself with these two things very soon.


IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Online Dating

With internet coming in the world, it has changed the way the world operates. From everything being on word of mouth to the paper, we now are living in a world where everything is on internet. The coming of social websites has brought the one emotion we all care about the most, love, also on internet. With so many dating sites available, let us today have a look at some of the questions related to online dating.

Can two people fall in love over the internet without meeting each other first?

I think it is perfectly possible for two people to fall in love on internet, but only if they show their true self over there. The real problem is when people are behind the monitor screen they tend to hide different facets about their lives, which are clearly visible when you interact with each other personally. So, if not entirely love, internet can surely help people in getting to know some facts about each other, but for the most part, I believe that to be able to fall in love, you need to actually spend time with the other person physically.

How acceptable is online dating in your country?

Online dating is slowly becoming common in our country, with the major cities already having lots of youngsters into online dating. There are so many people signing up for dating sites, with hope of finding love online. In some cases, there have been positive results, while in others they have either ended up being friends or strangers to the worst.

What are some of the good and bad things about online dating?

I think the best part about online dating is that you can get to know the person initially, before having to meet them. So, you have that initial conversation with the other person, get to know and then figure out if it can be moved ahead. It makes initial talks very flexible.  However, if a person completely depends on the dating sites to find love and make a relationship, I think the problem begins. Because, no matter how advance the technology becomes, nothing can change the feeling one gets when someone hugs you, holds your hands, when eyes meet, when you shy away. These things make people fall in love.

online dating

Do you know anyone who has met their husband or wife online?

There was a friend of mine, who dated this girl online for around one year before they finally met. Because, my friend was in USA that time and the girl was in India, but they met online, became friends and when he finally came to India they met and fell in love. Now, they both are happily married.

What are some popular online dating sites in your country?

Online dating is slowly finding its space in Indian market with some of the popular sites like, Tinder, okCupid, iloveromance, Facebook.

When getting to know someone is it better to talk with them or text them?

I think it is always preferred that you go out and talk with them. Because, it is not just the literal thing that they are saying, but the context and the emotions they attach with it, makes what they say matter. You cannot see someone cry while they are texting. However, if one is not able to meet the other person, I think texting shouldn’t be stopped, because silence often kills relationships.

How do you think apps like Tinder have changed online dating?

I think they have made dating much more easier, yet some times irritating. Because, now you just randomly pick a person without knowing the other person very well and there is more risk of it turning to a bizarre. But, for the most part I think it has made things more easier.

Do you think that all the tech solutions to dating have made dating easier or more complicated?

I believe they make love much more complicated than ever. Because, now you can just talk to the other person 24/7 which leaves the pain that one used to feel to meet the other person. To talk with the other person. These days, people are coming into relationships faster than ever, and then ending them in some simple text messages. People end up faking so many times and it becomes hard to peel of that face and get to know the real person.

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