Speaking Test Tips




1. Don’t try to memorise answers to topics because the examiner will know this is what you are doing when you speak. It is much better to just try to communicate as best as you can with the examiner.

2. You are marked on how naturally you speak English, not how quickly or how long. Try to communicate with the examiner as you would with other people and don’t just try to “fill” the time with words.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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FAQs For Phase Three Of The Speaking Test

FAQs for Phase Three of the Speaking Test

Frequently asked questions about Phase Three of the speaking test.

What is it?

Phase Three is also called the “extended discourse” phase, which basically means that you have the opportunity to talk about things in detail.

How long does it last?

It should last between 4 and 5 minutes.

How do I know when it’s started?

The examiner will ask you a question requiring a short answer at the end of your Phase Two presentation to stop you and then (s)he will explain that in Phase Three you will be asked some more general questions related to the topic in Phase Two.

What are the topics about?

The topic you are asked questions about will be related to the topic in Phase Two.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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IELTS BAND 7 Home page

Useful Language for Speaking Phase Two

Useful Language for Speaking Phase Two

Most candidates give good answers to Phase Two, but they tend to put the information into separate sentences and don’t try to link it all together. In Phase Two you can increase your score for organization quite a lot if you know how to link sentences.

Phase Two Tasks

Generally Phase Two tasks fall into 4 categories:

– Something you do
– Something you like
– Describing something
– Something you have done in the past

In the first 3 categories you will need to talk in the present tenses, normally the Present Simple; and in category 4 you will be using mainly the Past Simple.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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IELTS BAND 7 Home page

IELTS Speaking Tip – Body Language

IELTS Speaking Tip – Body Language

While body language will not give you extra marks directly, they can have a positive effect on your confidence and what you’re communicating during the exam.

Students who use it properly often have better control of their pronunciation in terms of speed, intonation, and volume level. It makes everything much easier to understand from the point of view of the listener.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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IELTS BAND 7 Home page

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