IELTS Cue Card #Describe a person you follow on social media

IELTS Cue Card #Describe a person you follow on social media

Describe a person you follow on social media.
You should say:

  • Who is he and how did you come to know about him and started following him?
  • What are his posts on social media all about?
  • Why do you follow him? What qualities of him impress you most?

And is he famous enough or do you think he deserves more.

IELTS Cue Card #Describe a person you follow on social media

Sample Answer :

Nowadays, social media is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Accessibility and affordability of Internet connection with apposite phones and other devices has spurted the digital ecosystem, overall. Netizens generally have tendency to associate in like-minded forums or groups. I have this hobby of reading psychological blogs from different authors. One day while surfing on the net, I came across a very interesting extract about crime psychology. It was exposing some of the primitive basic instincts responsible for inducement of criminal tendencies. For e.g.: Crime in many cases originate from overwhelming love for someone, which altogether, sounds like a paradox. I read the name of the author, which was E. Heisenberg. From that day onwards, I made it a point to follow his thread.

As I mentioned a while ago, Heisenberg publishes psychology articles, most of them related to crime psychology and mental distortions. He has a compilation of short stories too. The posts inform you about various conflicting tendencies in our subconscious mind which ultimately give rise to mental disorders. He can be called as quasi Freudian, but he supplements the text with his own insights and evidences.

First of all, I would like to mention that he is an honourable faculty in prestigious Harvard university, as a Professor of Psychology. Extensive research and several thesis formulations, that he had undertaken in the last few years are simply impressive. His objectivity, accuracy and verifiability of his experimental research makes him truly exceptional. He has that acumen of observing the silent depths of the discipline.

For people like Heisenberg, fame is an irrelevant and unwarranted award. They remain focused on their work only. But, yes, otherwise he is admired by not just intelligentsia but receives adulations from the common man too, who finds his short stories meaningful to read.

Word Meaning
Ubiquitous present everywhere: God’s presence is ubiquitous.
Apposite appropriate: Bride found the apposite match in this wedding.
Paradox contradictory: Sachin getting out at 0 for three matches in a row is a paradox.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 What are the main benefits of social media?

Sample answer: Social media is a digital platform, where information can be disseminated to millions of active users. Current affairs, editorials, texts, posts, mails, discussions and so many other streams of information are available on social media. Therefore, it’s a good source of knowledge. Apart from that, movies, theatre, reality programmes, songs and many such things make it an ideal junction for entertainment too. One feels democratic in freely expressing his views on social media regarding any topic or issue.

Q. 2 What are the harmful effects of social media?

Sample answer: The tendency of addiction, to access the social media throughout the day and night, is commonplace nowadays. This harms our neck, spine, eyes and overall sitting posture, when we immerse in social media continuously for hours. This is a serious implication for youngsters and children. Similarly, it distorts the sense of reality and our feelings and emotions take a virtual mode. It is very common to see nowadays, members in one home, one family devote most of their time bugged in their mobiles rather than having a joyous or serious discussion with others. This actually breeds separation in long run.

Q. 3 What are the evident changes in children after incursion of social media?

Sample answer: Most notabely, Social media has played the role of a distractor in children’s lives. Today, most of the children spend their quality time engrossed in mobile games or some other indoor fun sticks. Outdoor community games are shrinking. This hampers their physical growth and socialization. They also turn less focused on academics because of social media. Creativity and hard work is minimum when they can copy, paste their homework from social media.

Q. 4 Do you feel social media should be restricted?

Sample answer: Not at all, I have mentioned the benefits too along with the shortcomings. I just want to say that parents should regulate their children well, so they are minimally exposed to social media at a young age, as it has no direct applications for that age. Even the adults should avoid its uninterrupted access and should use it in a balanced manner.

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
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Cue card: A language lesson you enjoyed

IELTS Cue Card Talk about a language lesson you enjoyed

Talk about a language lesson you enjoyed
You should say:

  • When it was?
  • What it was about?
  • What you did in the lesson?
  • And explain why you enjoyed this lesson.

A language lesson you enjoyed

Sample Answer

I’ve always had a deep fascination with languages. It certainly stems from the skills of my school teachers who made our lessons memorable.  Today, I’m going to talk about a language lesson I loved.

I was in 8th class. Our school provided classes in many foreign languages like German, French, Japanese and Italian etc. I opted for Japanese because my father recommended it to me. My first Japanese lesson was so much fun that I still remember almost everything about it. When our teacher entered the class, she greeted us in Japanese. She didn’t translate it in English or our local language. Initially, we were puzzled but then she drew the sun and two kids on the blackboard. We understood the meaning and all of us repeated the greeting after her. Then, the teacher opened a big box in which she had kept many things like chocolates, cold drinks, tea and a bottle of milk etc.

She started taking them out of the box one by one. She was saying the name of each item in Japanese and we were listening to her and repeating after her. Later on, the teacher just showed us the objects and we were supposed to recall their names. Everyone was actively participating in the lesson. In the next stage of the lesson, the teacher taught us how to order milk, tea or coffee in a Japanese café. She divided us into two groups. Some of us became customers while others became waiters. We practiced all the words that we learned in the lesson in a very interactive way.

Not only me but all my classmates enjoyed the lesson. I found it very interesting because of the way it was delivered. The teacher created a friendly and stimulating learning environment. Its pace was also perfect for our age group. If we hadn’t been involved in the lesson, it would have been a boring lesson. All in all, I can say that this first-class boosted our confidence immensely and motivated us to learn Japanese.

Another Similar Cue Card

Describe a thing you did to learn another language.

  • Which language did you learn?
  • What was that thing, you did to learn the language?
  • How did it help you and how you felt?

And do you recommend that thing for every language?


Language is among the greatest inventions of mankind. Just imagining a world without languages seems to bring chaos and haphazardness all around. Social order and stability is ensured by this medium of communication. If we just observe our past, it is wondrous to note that we learnt our mother tongue without any formal medium of instruction. It is an automatic natural process set in motion by environment. Although I never intended to become a philologist, but I had this inertia for different words and meanings. I knew English well and I had this penchant for Spanish. So, in my college days, I decided to learn Spanish.

I joined a language academy, where they take up a language from the very basics. With appropriate syntax, pronunciation and meaning understanding of most common Spanish words in academy, I built my fundamentals strong. Thereafter, a stage of stagnation arrived in my progress and I was not improving my spoken Spanish, in particular. It was then, when I decided to stay in a Spanish colony in our city, for few months. Getting surrounded by Spanish diaspora all the time, listening to the language Spanish only whenever a word is spoken and interacting in Spanish only, were the true game changers.

This idea of living among Spanish people was an instantaneous hit. Within a span of just three months, I was conversing in Spanish without any great efforts. To add to it, I even grasped the uncommon classical Spanish vocabulary. The result of the uniform harmony with the Spanish language in my overall environment, while living in Spanish people, was very fruitful. The shopkeepers and watchman in that colony were Spanish too, which necessitated me to even think in Spanish. I felt extremely happy witnessing my gradual but consistent improvement in Spanish.

I would like to recommend my test and trial approach with the learners of any language. Staying in airs stuffed with a particular language all around you, automatically brings you in sync with that. No doubt, academy is something mandatory, but apart from that, my idea for learning a language is very effective, especially the spoken one.

Word Meaning
Penchant special bent/liking: My friend has the penchant for old classic movies.
Haphazard disorderly: students in college generally keep their room haphazard.
Diaspora scattered population with origin somewhere else: America is truly cosmopolitan in a sense, to have diaspora from so many nations
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Is learning a new language difficult after an age?

Sample answer: I can’t answer this with confirmation without actual evidences. Definitely, after an age learning appetite decreases to some extent. Learning a new language might not sound as exciting and hence motivating to a grown up man as to a young boy. This lack of interest, apart from the work pressures faced by an adult may hinder his learning process.

Q. 2 What factors make a language interesting to learn?

Sample answer: It is the accent, smoothness, tone and pitch primarily, which creates impression for a language. Apart from them, glory and status of the nation, to which a language belongs, also generates fan following. Influence of a language created by its major presence all over the globe is a big influence.

Q. 3 Can deepest emotions be conveyed by a language?

Sample answer: I would say speech itself comes with a limitation. Use of any language can definitely easen the process of emotions’ description, as done in poems, plays and other fiction. But, I still believe that language do not have the absolute adequacy to display all the emotions, in complete.

Q. 4 What are the advantages of learning a new language?

Sample answer: Learning anything new, in itself is a fun process. Language learning comes with the spoken, written, hearing and speaking tasks involved in it, therefore it further broadens our pleasurable experience. It is always an advantage staying in a country, if we are averse with its native language. This brings a sense of assimilation in an earlier differently looking ethnicity. It also enriches our experience of different civilizations and cultures.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

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IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: Describe a stressful day at school/ work.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

Describe a stressful day at school/ work.

  • How did the day start?
  • What went wrong?
  • Who were the people involved?

And explain why was it stressful?

stress Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample Answer

There are many stressful days that I can recall during my studies and my work. But a particular one from my work comes to mind clearly. It was two years ago in the month of December during my first job. My team was working on a project that had a short deadline. The client was a major one, and the task was very difficult.

I was a part of an eight-member team who worked day and night to complete a working draft of the project two days before the submission date. The problems started after reviewing it when we found out many small issues throughout the application.

Without wasting time I started working on solving the problems and came back home from work very late. I was thinking of taking rest as the next day was my weekly off. Suddenly, late in the evening, I received a call from the office and had to rush back as the solutions were not working out as the team’s work was not systematic.

I started working again and went on through the night. I was tired and sleepless but I kept on working since the work was a priority. After a quick meeting with my team, I went back home for an hour and then returned to the office. Taking the day off was not an option and I spent the entire day running around the office working on the project. We were finally able to create the final draft for the client late in the night just before the submission date. It was indeed a hectic day but I am not tensed by such experiences just because they teach us a lot of things.

(298 words)

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



IELTS Band 7 Saharanpur
Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

email: info at

IELTS online simulator

IELTS Cue Card #Discuss a long drive by car that you remember vividly

IELTS Cue Card #Discuss a long drive by car that you remember vividly

Discuss a long drive by car that you remember vividly.
You should say:

  • When did you take it and with whom?
  • How did you plan it and what was the route of the journey?
  • What makes it different from other car rides?

And how did you feel then and how do you think of it now?

IELTS Cue Card #Discuss a long drive by car that you remember vividly

Sample Answer :

As I am fond of driving and often take up the joy rides in the car, I would love to inform you about one such drive that I remember vividly. It was my third year in college. Back then, I didn’t know to drive a car. My friend, Rohit, used to possess a second hand Tata sedan. Although it was a little old, but it had a good performance and outlook. So, this memorable drive of mine was with him, Rohit, in his car.

It was my curiosity to drive my maiden one that basically erupted out on one fine evening in college campus. There was no premeditated plan as such, although we were thoughtful of the place to go. Mussorie was our first and last choice, as no other place had that comparable scenic beauty which Mussorie had in our choice of close destinations. I remember, I all of a sudden, barged into Rohit’s room and asked him to join me for an adventitious ride to Mussorie. Youngsters, as they usually crave for adrenalin shoots; Rohit agreed upon impulsively.

I had the basic know how of car mechanics but was driving for the first time. Rohit was with me so I rushed out my anxieties without any fear, in no time. Sun was just setting beneath the horizon and we hit the road in our red. This trip definitely stays in my memories most prominently because of that euphoric feeling I experienced for the first time, sitting behind the wheels. For a moment, I felt like flying. Rohit was careful in offering punches of driving tips in between. Cool wind was rushing through the aisles and we were in seventh heaven with our music in car stereo. With the headlights gleam in the thick forest road that we crossed in the night, drive turned into the thrill mode. My spookiness visible in my first drive was adding to it.

I was overwhelmed by joy at that ride. It was a feeling of a blisslike thrill. Company of my best friend kept me cool as well as warm. Even now, sometimes in the threads of my thoughts, I ponder over my insouciant heedlessness to tale up a hilly terrain in my maiden drive but then, I feel amused at the joy and spontaneity of the adventurous spirit we used to possess.

Word Meaning
Spookiness enjoyable entertainment: Children like to watch spooky ghost stories.
Insouciant casual lack of concern: Insouciant behaviour is harmful to organizations.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 Do people like long drives? Why?

Sample answer: Yes, in general it is my common observation that people like to go for long drives. This is because it provides a much needed hilarious break from the monotonous mundane routine activities. Joy and carelessness on a long drive simply add to this momentum of enjoyment in long drives.

Q. 2 Why long drives are enjoyed more than short ones?

Sample answer: As I have mentioned just now, long drive offers a pleasant break. In a short drive, there are few intermittent junctions and joy driving is reduced temporally. Moving in a car for long becomes a new environment altogether and this novelty factor becomes the point of joy and excitation whereas in a short drive, one is not able to happily adapt to the new feel because of time shortage and anxiety for the destination and therefore the joy of long ride is amiss here.

Q. 3 Which conveyance would you prefer for a journey more than a day long? Why?

Sample answer: Without a single iota of doubt I would prefer the train as my conveyance for a very long journey. It is all about the space and comfort offered by a train as compared to the vehicles plying on road. Moreover, variety of people encountered in a train along with their interesting social discussions make it a unique travelling commune. Washing facilities and proper sleeping births make trains an ideal mode of transport for long journeys.

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun



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Parsvnath Plaza, Saharanpur

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