IELTS Cue Card 2018 Questions # Exciting Situation

Often in life, we get into some exciting situations, the kind of where we do not know what exactly needs to be done but the mere fact that there will be so much fun, we get dragged into it. This time we are looking at a recent IELTS cue card that talks about an exciting situation one have been into.

Describe a situation that was new and exciting for you. You should say:

  • when was it?
  • when did it happen?
  • what did you do?

and explain why it was exciting and how you felt about it?


Over a period of time, I have realized that if you love doing something it always brings new opportunities and excitement in life. Today, I am going to talk about a thrilling day I got to spent because of my job. It was a few years back and I was working for a writing company back then. My job was to create new blogs for their website and it was mostly working from home. However, I used to often go to the office to meet the staff and my senior for inputs on the website.

One day, my senior asked me to write a script for the product the company will be releasing in the upcoming quarter. It sounded so exciting to me that once I had written the script I thought the work was done. Until one day I was told that I will be the assistant director for the shoot. The day of the shoot came on a fly. On the day of the shoot, I got to meet the best photographer of our town and then a really good actress. The entire day when by in cuts, retakes and it was really exciting.

The mere fact that I was on the sets of a shoot gave me goosebumps. The takes and retakes made feel as if I am a director. I remember coming back home late and my mother scolding me, but it was the best day I had lived in some while and nothing else mattered.



IELTS Band Test score of our proud students 2017 Results

IELTS Band Test score of our proud students 2017 Results

There is no pass or fail in IELTS, scores are graded on the band system.

Listening(30 minutes):
• Four recorded monologues and conversations
• A range of question types
Reading (60 minutes):
• Three long reading passages with tasks
• Texts range from the descriptive and factual to the discursive and analytical
• Includes non-verbal materials such as diagrams, graphs or illustrations
Writing (60 minutes):
• Two compulsory tasks
• Task 1: a 150-words summary of information presented in graphic or diagrammatic form
• Task 2: a 250-words essay presenting an argument on a given topic
Speaking(11 to 14 minutes):
• Face to face interview
• Would be asked to describe oneself or speak on a familiar topic.

Results 2017 list

MonthStudent nameIELTS Band
October-2017ARYAN ANAND8
October-2017PRATEEK KOHLI7.5
October-2017Prateek Verma7.5
October-2017SHAGUN THAKUR7
October-2017MUKUL BATRA7
October-2017SIMRAN GURUNG7
October-2017FIZA JALEES7
October-2017RICHA MITTAL7
October-2017VINOD CHAUHAN7
October-2017SUDHA SANGAR6.5
October-2017ARPIT MARWAH6.5
October-2017VISHESH NANDA6.5
October-2017JASWINDER SINGH6.5
October-2017RAVINDER KAUR6
October-2017ANUJ KUMAR6
October-2017RIZWAN ALI6
October-2017IQBAL HASAN -6
October-2017MANOJ RANGHAR6
October-2017SONIKA NEGI6
October-2017HIMANI SHARMA6
October-2017VARUN GAIROLA6
October-2017Ajay Kothiyal6
October-2017PRAVEEN RAWAT6
October-2017SANJAY RAWAT6
October-2017SHIV POOJAN6
October-2017RUTVIK PATEL6

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Cue Card Sample Questions # Speeches

Speeches are the one component of speaking that has the power to make a huge impact on lives of people. It was not just the idea of getting freedom but the right words spoken at the right time made people understand the importance and gave them the power to fight back. It was in the speeches of Hitler the power to move the entire Germany against the world. From times immemorial, it is the speeches that moved the world, influenced people and made things happen. And this time we are looking at a cue card that talks about a speech that you recently heard.

Describe a speech that you heard recently. You should say:

  • who gave the speech
  • what the speech was about
  • whether it impressed you or not

and explain why did you like or dislike the speech.


I do love listening to speeches and have heard a lot of Ted Talks and speeches by great men of our times. Today I am going to talk about a speech that I recently heard on youtube. The speech was given by Mohammad Qahtani in 2015 at the world Championship of Public Speaking. The speech was titled “The Power of Words” and he started the speech with a clear message that he was going to carry home. He said,” Sugar is more dangerous than tobacco can ever be because there are so many people dying of diabetes”. For a second I did believe it and then he brings the idea home that words are indeed powerful.

Qahtani then carried forward with examples of how is friend died because his father refused to accept his accolades. Not only did the content fascinated me but the way he spoke it out was truly mesmerizing and impactful. The expressions and the voice modulation, it seemed as if he was telling a story and making people understand that words can make difference in the lives of people.

I really liked the speech for its content, the vividness with which he explained every incident and the purity that the message and the speaker had. It all seemed real and the power the message had moved me.


IELTS 2017 Speaking Question # Politeness

Politeness: According to Google, politeness is a behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people. In earlier times, people communicated with each other with utter politeness, however, some people believe that in recent times, people have forgotten this trait. This time let us have a look at some questions asked in the recent IELTS speaking test on this quality trait!

Do you think you are a polite person?

I would assume myself to be considerably polite when interacting with the outer circle of people. So, presumably, I would talk nicely and try to do small talk with new people. However, once they come into the inner circle of friends, the people I care off more than other, I would say there is less of politeness to be found when talking with them. It becomes quite easier for me to show the true emotions lying beneath.

From whom did you learnt the art of politeness when you were a child?

The credit of the little politeness that I do have, goes to my mother. She has been for all of us the epitome of this quality! No matter who comes to the doors of our house, he or she is always treated equally. Rarely, do I find her losing her cool? She remains poised even in times when most of us lose it and no matter with what mistake one goes to her, she always has a beautiful way of interacting, which I really like.

How important is politeness for you?

Over a period of time, I do have realised that a certain degree of politeness is important for me. It does pinch a bit when someone talks harshly to me. With the closer group, one does not feel it much because you are communicating on the same level. But, with others, in my opinion, a certain level of respect and courtesy is expected.

How has politeness changed over time?

People have definitely become more vocal, in my opinion. It could probably because we have become more globalised or because we have found a flair for passion. There is more of individuality coming into existence and people have loosened the ties with others. So, if a child believes in his or her dreams or opinions, they are more confident to fight against even the forces of love, like parents. Earlier, it was assumed whatever the parents thought off is correct. So, there was no question of conflict.

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