IELTS Essay Sample Questions # People After Prison

You should spend 40 minutes on this tast.
Some people believe that people who have been in prison become good citizens later. It is often argued that these people are the best to guide teenagers about committing a crime.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This is a question for the IELTS academic writing section. Before you start writing the answer for the IELTS, the first thing that needs to be done is pin down the points which are going to help you form the sentences for the essays. Make sure you figure out early the flow of your essay, the kind of words you will be using and then move ahead with the essay part.


  1. People in prison understand their mistakes and more importantly the circumstances in which they made them. This helps in understanding the other person who might be on the same path.
  2. There is no one better than them who understands the consequences of the things that a wrong move can take.
  3. People after having lived in prison can explain better how to live a life not falling into the loopholes that one might just get into.
  4. There is no guarantee that a person who has been in jail for a certain act might not do another. There are people who do revolutionize but then there are even others who still hold by the fact of a prisoners life.
  5. It is not necessary that a person who is living in prison could actually bring about change in the way people think about crime.

Once the points have been written you need to make sure what your point of view is  going to be. What is the exact thing that you feel about the topic. Make sure that you give certain examples for the topic and when you are sure of it, go ahead and do it. There are even people who spend around 15 minutes on figuring out what to say and when that is done, bring out the best in the remaining time. There is although, no such time limit on how much you should spend on figuring out what needs to be written but make sure that when you start writing the final essay you have already made a draft about what you are going to write down.


Prisoners are the people who have experienced the tough consequences certain actions can lead to. Some people argue that these people know the best and could help teenagers from not taking any dramatic step in their lives. In my opinion, if a person has truly evolved after spending life in prison, surely they can have a great impact on other people lives.

Teenage years are the ones in which a person is susceptible to lot of things and with an increased crime rate committed by teenagers, there are several reasons for criminals to help individuals. Firstly, a person who has been in the prison can explain in a better and deeper way the consequences one could have to face for wrong actions. They have examples and more importantly, they understand the other individual better as at some point, they can inter relate. Secondly, it is easier for them to judge the other person. So a prisoner can very easily predict the kind of trouble a teenager is having and under what circumstances can he or she take any drastic step.

However, it is not necessary that a person who has been in jail understands the consequences. It is very likely to be possible that the person has no regrets going to jail. If someone like him or her, counsels a teenagers the outcome could be more devastating than expected. Even more, it is not obvious that a person who has been in jail can influence people to be better.

In conclusion, a person who has faced the consequences of his or her actions can surely bring out change in the lives of others but it is not a compulsion. The most important thing is how well the people receive him or her and how well the person has evolved after the tenure in jail. (304 Words)


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IELTS Essay # Juvenile Delinquency

Write an essay in about 250 words on “Youth Crime” and discuss the reasons and best possible solutions of the problem.


One of the disquieting problems faced by today’s world is – Youth Crime or juvenile delinquency. It is also known as “juvenile offending”. When a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of majority, participates in illegal behavior, then it falls under the category of youth crime. It is highly disturbing that the rate of such crimes is increasing alarmingly. Not only in India but around the globe it is spreading its tentacles to enforce criminal activities which lead to an unstable society. Robbery, rape, drug dealing, murders etc. are some of the horrible faces of youth crimes. In this essay, I will examine the reasons behind this worrying trend and propose some solutions.

Recent psychological studies have revealed that 6-16% of male teens and 2-9% female teens are suffering from conduct disorders which drag youths towards such heinous crimes. These disorders can vary from oppositional-defiant disorder (which may not be aggressive in nature) to antisocial personality disorder. Both of them can develop during childhood. But strangely, only 6% of the youth criminals are habitual offenders.

Another reason behind this increasing rate is the higher aspiration of today’s youth and the desire of a luxurious life. Of course, in case of sexual crimes it is the psychological disorder which is the major reason. Not to mention that nuclear families, education system and highly career oriented parents who do not have time to keep an eye on the moral development of their offspring are some other leading contributors.

The world has to be sensitive enough to deal with this challenge. More juvenile courts are to be established and a stringent law is the need of the hour. At educational institutions, psychological counseling facilities should be available and more attention should be paid on the moral development of children, especially teenagers. Rehabilitation process should be up to the mark. Moreover, youth is the most imperative section of our society so for the unblemished future this generation should be morally uplifted.

To sum up, a combination of factors have made our young minds offenders. However, I believe that if we join our hands together, we can make the world a safer place for everyone.




IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Cars

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Cars have changed the way we travel. However, some people believe that there are more disadvantages to it than advantages. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cars?

Write at least 250 words.


Travel is an integral part of our lives and we travel for a great variety of reasons. However, in recent times the number of people owning a car has increased, as people want to now travel with more comfort and freedom.

On the positive side, a private car is more convenient mode of transportation. Having more comfortable seat, ventilation or other novel technologies help people to feel better than using of other methods, like bicycle or public bus. Secondly, it provides more security when compared to public transport. For instance, a women is more likely to feel safe while driving a car at night than coming home late night in public vehicle.

However, a privately owned car also has some disadvantages. Firstly, city travelers have to spend longer hours on traffic jams. With the increase in the use of private cars, the density of traffic has been increased phenomenally and citizens have had to stay longer time on traffic load. Secondly, the use of cars to commute has decreased the average health of car users as they do not need to do any physical movement.

Overall, cars do bring in some great benefits to is owners, in a long run, they tend to harm more than help. But, if the owners take proper care of health and more people pool drive, one will be able to enjoy its advantages better.


Electronic waste has become a serious problem # IELTS Essay

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Task: Electronic waste has become a serious problem.
Why is it a problem and how it can be solved?
Write at least 250 words.


E-Waste is the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded products. It consists of all waste from electronic and electrical appliances which have reached their end-of-life period or are no longer fit for their original intended use and are destined for recovery, recycling or disposal. Recent years have witnessed a drastic increase in the amount of e-waste. This has become a pressing problem for many countries. In this essay I will look at why e-waste is dangerous and propose some solutions to tackle this challenge.
E-Waste contains both valuable as well as hazardous materials which require special handling and recycling methods. It contains ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic, glass, wood and plywood, printed circuit boards, concrete, ceramics, rubber and another items. Iron and steel constitute about 50% of the waste, followed by plastic (21%), non-ferrous metal (13%) and other constituents.
Due to rapid advances in technology electronic appliances become obsolete quickly. This coupled with explosive sales in consumer electronics, means that more products are being disposed of, even if they still work. As an example, In the USA, about 400 million units per year of consumer electronics are scrapped, according to recycling industry experts. Recycling e-waste is not like recycling cardboard. These products are not easy to recycle and they are not designed for recycling.
The matter of the fact is that discarded electronics are managed badly and most e-waste still goes in the landfill in spite of hazardous, sometimes radioactive, materials like lead, plastic, chromium, mercury, beryllium, cadmium and acids. Moreover, all around the world, the quantity of electrical and electronic waste generated each year has assumed alarming proportions. Thus, e-waste has become a threat to the environment.
However, there are ways to deal with this rising issue. Effective e-waste management skills and techniques should be developed and implemented. Producers can contribute their share of work by taking the responsibility of e-waste management. They should reuse the parts as it would be more than appropriate since it is already their field and it would be a profitable business for them. Making consumers more aware of the ill-effects of improper handling and disposal would also be beneficial. In fact, some companies are already getting a head start by placing especially dedicated e-bins.
To sum up, e-waste management has become the need of the hour. I believe that governments and manufacturing companies should give a priority to this issue.

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Essay is bit longer and contain 390 words. IELTS require 250 words approx. So please just carry idea from above essay.

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