You Are One Of A Kind

take decisions.

IELTS: You Are One Of A Kind

I hope you have figured out the best college for you. “The one” college that makes you feel special. But then is finding “the perfect” college enough? I will say, you can always have the perfect icing on your cake. So don’t stop there. The icing for your career is the “teachers”.
Does that mean you can appoint teachers you love in your college? NO! Something’s are just good only in dreams of the closed eyes. But then you can always be sure if the college has ace teachers. HOW?
Well, it is easy enough.

1.EXPERIENCE MATTERS-: Go check how much experience the faculties of your chosen college have. The more and better their experience, the brighter and higher your career.
2.PLUS ONE FOR PRACTICALS-: Life is not theoretical, it is practical. Figure out if your faculties have hands on experience. Because if that is the case, the path to getting high scores on the completion of the course is a “smooth walk”.

Don’t assume these to be trivial matters. It is all connected to you, and the most important thing for you, “you career”. Don’t wait and check out your chosen college for the above parameters. Once you are finished with this, come back and we shall tell you, what next to do.


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

Be Special

Be Special

Do you think every college in abroad gives you the same career as you wish for yourself? Well, if yes, then it is not like that! You may always be general and go to the best college or you can be special and join a college specific to you. “The one” that fits you the best and takes you to the zenith of success.
HOW DO YOU GET IT? Well do the following and figure it out-:
1. Make A Detailed Study-: Your career depends on the choice of college. So, just don’t join a college because your friends/ family says it is good. Do your own research. Visit the college website and check out the various courses they are offering. Now make a detailed study of the program you are opting for.
2. Value Matters-: Once you have decided on the course figure out the value of its certificate. It might be possible that the course done from one college is more prestigious than the same course done from the other college.
Once you have done this, visit the website again and I shall tell you what next to do.

Increase Your Band

IELTS is not an exam that just checks your English writing skills, it has so much more to do with your passion, the want to do something. Well, doing more requires giving more! So, do you want to increase your band and study in the world’s best university? Who does not wants that?  We all want a 7+ band in IELTS and get to live our dreams!! But, having a dream and accomplishing it are two different stories all together!

The main problem however is, how can someone with English not as their mother tongue get it? Although, there are many things that you can do or be, what is more important is not what you do some days, but what you do consistently! Each day. So, for all of that, there are four simple things that you can do and achieve high band in IELTS.

1. Do one English activity everyday. Be it, watching an English film, or listening to an English song, or have a conversation in English or read something in English. Anything that ticks you.
2. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Make mistakes, learn the crap out of them. Just learn why you made it and what is the best answer to it.
3. Join some online English community. For e.g. gap fillers
4. It is not about how much you practice today, but how much you do everyday. So, do little but do often.

Remember, consistency plays a very important role in success. I don’t care about what you do this day or that do, I am bothered about what you do everyday. Because that is the one thing that will affect your life.

The topic of an essay

The topic of an essay can be one of 3 possible types:

a description of an opinion,
an argument or
a social problem.

Any essay you write on any topic must have structure – you can receive (or lose :() points for it. Structure means having at least 4 paragraphs (5 is better). The first paragraph is introductory, the next two or three are the actual essay body, and the last one is the conclusion.

The first thing to do is to understand what kind of topic is before you.

•for an argument – you need to explain both sides and agree with one of them
•for an opinion – you need to present another point of view and say which one you agree with and why
•for a problem – you need to explain it, discuss and offer a solution and discuss it too.


Here are some Essay For IELTS

Space Exploration
Report Bad News
Online Shopping
Importance of Fashion
Freedom Of Speech


phone icon08439000086, 08439000087, 07055710002, 07055710003
IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
323,GMS Road, Above Axis Bank,
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun , India – 248001

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