Dont’s Of The Speaking Section

Sometimes it is better to know what not to do rather than knowing what to do. So, here are the Dont’s Of The Speaking Section-:

  • Don’t speak in a monotone. Speak with enthusiasm.
  • Don’t give yes or no answers.
  • Don’t repeat the question. For example-:Do you like sports. Yes I like sports. Prefer,Yes there are many sports I find fun and engaging.
  • Don’t go off the topic.Don’t expand too much that you forget the topic. For e.g. Don’t start with Toronto and lead to education and technology.
  • Don’t say I don’t know. You should know about yourself.
  • Don’t speak too quickly or too slowly.
  • Practice speaking in environments you get nervous.

Don’t worry about being perfect. Even if you are aiming for a band 9 you need not to be perfect! If you make mistakes and can correct easily, do that. If you can’t do that, don’t. It might be possible the examiner did not even noticed it.


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Do’s Of The Speaking Round

Every interview, meeting or date that you are in has its own set of protocols. Going for an IELTS Speaking interview, well it has its own!! You may do your own experiments or try out the tested ones. Below are some of the tried and tested things that you can do –

  1. When you meet the examiner, present yourself with confidence. Go in the test knowing you will do great. Don’t be overconfident rather be optimistic.
  2. Be friendly.
  3. Body language is very important. So make eye contact and look at them but then don’t stare. Don’t talk in a monotone. Be a little excited about what you are speaking.
  4. Don’t use simple easy boring low-level words. For examples: I like Indian food because it is tasty. Good thing to do is look at the topics they will ask you. E.g. Food. Find vocabulary related to food. For example. Cuisine. So you may say, I love Indian cuisine because of the spices.
  5. Don’t overuse “I like”. Instead, use I enjoy. Or maybe I really love. I prefer sports etc. You may use others as well.
  6. Expand your answers. Maybe the examiner asks you some questions. Examples:Do you love playing sports? The answer you may say is no. Avoid doing this rather explain in detail. Don’t just say yes or no. Examples: Where are you from. I could just say I am from Almora. This won’t help. Expand the answer. I am from Almora and it is one of the most beautiful hill stations. Don’t be too large but then neither too short. One way to expand is by giving example. What is your favorite food? I love Indian cuisine. I like rajma. They make it using this and that.
  7. Practice. You know the types of questions they will ask. Practice a lot. Practice at places where you feel the pressure. With people that make you tensed.

Remember, practice and practice a lot. You are always just one step away from success. So, take the first step.


What is Speaking Section #IELTS


Speaking section takes place in the first part of the IELTS. This section is common for both the general as well as the academic aspirants. Similar questions are asked to both of them and wrap up in at most five minutes. It starts with an introduction. First, the examiner introduces himself/herself and then asks for your introduction. Questions concerning you are asked in this section. They are usually about your growing days? Or may about your academics or your family? There may be some queries regarding your favorite sports or food? Questions about your work also pop up.
Now, what does the examiner looks for, while asking these questions


What the examiner is trying to find out here is whether you can make some effective conversations or not. So, avoid using filler words like “umm” or “aaaa” while speaking. When the examiner checks for your fluency they also check whether you start from some topic and end in there or you wander.


You must have heard that a person vocabulary tells the mental growth of the person. So work on your vocabulary. Avoid using words with less rank. E.g., good, bad, okay. Rather use may be fantastic, disappointing, excited etc.


When the examiner checks for your grammar they don’t just see whether you used the tenses in a correct way. They also consider whether you make use of all the tenses or are you just stuck with one.


Make sure you always pronounce the word in the correct way. Why do they check this? To make sure that you are able to make meaningful conversations with people in their country. So make sure you pronounce correctly.

Remember, you are marked equally on all of them. So, focus on all of them. Go into the room with confidence. Be friendly and you surely will come out with success on your shoulders.


Money Matters

a degree is not enough, you need money as well.

Do you want a degree from abroad universities to boast about it? Or do you want a career out of it? Because if you just want to swagger, pick any university blindly. But if you want a job, then just don’t settle to a tag of the abroad university.
We often think that a degree from foreign college is enough to get a job. But the fact is nothing is ever enough. So what should you do if you want a reputable job? Well, apart from the hard work do a little smart work as well.

  1. CHOOSE WELL-: You know there are times when a particular course has no job opportunities or very few of it. What to do then? Well, figure out the various courses offered and go for those which have some probability of getting a job. For instance, in the current market scenario, data analysis is one course that has become prominent and with upcoming world changes, everyone is looking for employees who are
  2. MAKE IT WORTHY-: It might be the case that you may not get a job even after the completion of your course. So, what to do? PREPLAN. Spend some time on the website of the college. Find out whether the college provides some on-campus placements. Because it is always better to get a job on-campus. Off-campuses can turn out to be your worst nightmares. So, save yourself from the torment and make your degree worthy. Choose not only the university but the city with proper decision! Remember, you are spending your money on it!

Once you have figured out a college with great placement record, visit the website again and I shall tell you what next to do.


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