Idioms For 4 May #7

To get it
Sentence-: I didn’t get what she said.
Meaning-: to understand( often used in negative).
Got a minute
Sentence-: I need to talk to you. Do you got a minute?
Meaning-: to have time right now.
Grab a bite
Sentence-: I am going to grab a bite of burger. Do you want some?
Meaning-: to go quickly to eat something.
Drive someone up a wall-:
Sentence-: His eating habits drive me up a wall.
Meaning-: to make someone angry.
To hang on-:
Sentence-: sometimes, all you need is to just hang on for your dreams.
Meaning-: to wait.

Go practice the idioms for today. Hang on to your dream, in the times of difficulties, because it is the only way to succeed.

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Learn Email Expressions

Email has become one of the most commonly used way of communicating in the formal world. And in this era of emailing, it is very important that you email well. Not in a way, that you send good stuff, but is very important that you send good work in a formal way. Given below are some of the email expressions that are used in formal email writing.
1. Please find attached-: Attachment is an added computer file. It could be an image or a document or anything. So, if you are sending something extra use the expression. For example-: Please find attached my resume/photos.
2. I’ve forwarded ________to you
I am forwarding ___you.
Forward is a resend email i.e. for example, someone sent you an email and you really find it worthwhile. So, you send it to someone else. Use this expression, in this case.
3. I’ve cc’d/cc’ed/copied ____ on this email.
Sometimes, may be you written an email and you want to get it checked. I have cc’d umar on this email. When you cc someone, it means that email is not intended for them. You are adding them to keep them in the loop. You want them to know what is going on.
4. If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me-: It is a good way to end an email.
5. I look forward to hearing/meeting from you. You can even say I look forward to your reply.
6. Ways to sign off-: Regards/ kind regards/ warm wishes/ yours truly. These are some of the ways you can end your email, although there are many others as well.
Practice the above expressions. Write your email well and remember, sometimes your career depends on how well you send an email.

Difference Between Then And Than

Then And Then are one of the most confusing words in English Language. Although they do sound similar the difference between then and than is is quite obvious as the difference between a sun and son.

Both the words are pronounced differently. Then sounds like ken. Than is more like can. Well, difference may seem to you obvious right now, but the issue arrives when people speak really fast.

Then-: It usually comes at the beginning or end of the sentence. It does not mean that it always come, but yes, often it comes in the beginning or end. Then ,is used with sequence. For example-: I first made the base, then dropped the cutting on it. Or, I went to new York first and then to Canada. There is a sequence we are talking about, that is why “then” is used.
It is also used when we talk about time. For example-: we did not have internet back then.

Difference Between Then And Than


Than-: It is used when we compare things. For example-: I got more marks than anvesha.

This is one of the most common mistakes made while writing. Make sure, you don’t make it and score high in IELTS.


Write Well In IELTS

Effective Writing is not just about vocabulary or how much knowledge you have. It is more than it. It requires more of your time and more of your ideas. Go and read now, what makes a write up an effective one.

Write Well In IELTS

1.Answer all the questions-: IELTS is not like your other exams, where you are given marks for the right answer, and for every wrong answer marks are deducted. You are given marks for every right answer and not penalize for wrong answers. Remember this.

2.Read carefully-: Although this is something you must have heard n number of times, but the fact is this is something you ought to do. Read the question carefully, each question, no matter how trivial they seem, read them carefully.

3.Plan-: Plan while writing?? Yes. Take two to three minutes before you start writing. Visualize how and what you are going to write. Don’t just read the question and start writing, frame it before hand. You can even make rough notes, if you want to.

4.How To Write-: Now this is the point. How should you frame your write up? Make sure you have ten words per sentence. In that way, if there is a essay of 150 words, and you need to write three paragraphs, each paragraph should have five lines each. Make sure your first sentence, is the topic sentence.

5.Vocabulary-: It is not necessary that you have a wide range of vocabulary, if you can describe what you want to say. But usually it is preferred that you know synonyms of words. It is better that you don’t repeat words. Rather, use synonyms.

No, matter how much you prepare, all that matters is how to give the exam. So, make sure to have a positive mind set while giving the test.

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