IELTS Speaking Sample Answers # Arts

Art is that area that is in recent times being given a lot of importance. People have started to realize that it is equally important for the all round development of the child. Let  us have a look at some of the questions and the possible answers related to arts.

Are you good at art?

Art is a really vast subject, I believe and if it is about drawing things here and there, I would say I am pretty fine at it. But, I am surely not one of those swho can go on to make some master pieces.

I think I am good at, all thanks to the art classes that I attended during my teen years. They were a great help during my growing years and taught me lot of creativity. Now, I can easily draw simple day to day things like pen or a face.


Did you learn art at  school when you were a child?

Yes. We did had an arts subject during our school days and we were taught lot of basic things like how to color, shade or different kinds of paintings.

No, I did not. In our school, there was a choice between arts and music and I opted music.

What kind of art do you like?

I love sketching human faces. I really am fascinated by the different moods a face can easily depict. There is lot that be can said with a human face.

I like sketching natural things, the ones that are very near to nature. It could be mountains or rivers or the trees, anything that is near to nature.

Is art popular in your country?

I would say, art surely does gets importance as people really like to see great art work but when it comes down to choosing arts as a career it is not a very popular choice among people. They prefer pursuing their art goals a mere hobby.

Arts is truly respected in my country. People who can draw well are surely in demand in fields like army, police and country development. Recently, our prime minister hired twenty great artist of our country to create designs that will be painted on the walls of areas which are not very developed. He has a vision to ensure that every one lives in a nice livelihood.

Have you ever been to an art gallery?

I am not particularly an art fan. So, I have never visited any art gallery, although I do like watching the paintings made by my friends.

Oh! I have gone there so many times. I love them. It is so much fun to see people portray so much on a single canvas>

Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries?

I think definitely yes. Art is that part of our lives that brings out the creative side of ours. If children go and visit art galleries, they might be able to understand things better and may be feel motivated to draw things and explore their creative side.

I don’t think children will be very much benefited by just going to art gallery. It is very important for them to understand what is being shown, what is the meaning, how it has been made and why is art important. It is only when they understand the answers to the questions, it makes sense to make children visit art gallery.




IELTS Speaking Sample Answer # Math

Today let us have a look at some of the questions related to math and their possible answers.

Are you good at math?

I would say, I am at an intermediate level. So, I know things but I am not very proficient at it.

No, I am not very good at Math. It is one of those subjects that truly scares me of but in recent times I have started working on it and by now I am able to do the basic things right.

Did you like mathematics when you were at school?

I loved math when I was at school. I remember I used to be the one child who used to do the math questions very fast. It was real fun and for me math was like a game, I enjoyed playing.

When at schoo, I really didn’t liked math. It was that one subject that scared me a lot. For some reasons, I could not understand the basic concepts. It was only in later years that I started understanding and began to develop a taste for it.

What was your teacher like in school?

My math teacher was really nice. She used to help everyone, starting from the ones who almost knew it all to the ones who couln’t barely move a pen. She belived that math is something that will come only by practice and we need to practice as much as possible to ensure we get a good hold of the subject.

I belive that the fear I had for math was partially because of the different teachers that taught me. I clearly remember, she used to teach us a few basics and then ask us to do the sums on our own. If we found any issues in any sum, she would simply scold. But the teacher that I got during my final years, was really nice. She would not only help us with sums but make sure we understand the concepts well.

What did you learn in math?

Starting with algebra, we learnt geometry, set concepts, trignometry and the other practical applications of math like Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Time and work etc.

Did you use calculator when doing math?

We were not allowed to use calculator during the initial days of our school, i.e. till I was in High School but when we reached our Intermediate schools, we were provided with calculator.

Calculators were not provided to us during our school days. It was only when I opted for math in my college years that I was provided with calculator.

Do you think math is an important subject for students to learn?

I think definitely yes. It teaches students the logic required to solve the everyday problems. It opens up the logical thinking of the human brain and I think no matter you don’t require it directly, it is always necessary for better understanding of our lives.


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Reading And Show Off

IELTS Listening Sample Questions Reading And Show Off

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

  1. What do people think of you if you read the classics?
  2. What is the person who travels mostly by train or bus to commute called?
  3. What kind of books are people buying these days?
  4. What are the shops that sell books called?
  5. Which author is Neil talking about when he talks of romantic novels?
  6. If the book is present electronically, what is it called?

Reading And Show Off

  1. intellectual
  2. commute
  3. more classic books
  4. retailers
  5. Fiona Harper
  6. e-reader


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

The Period # Learning Grammar

Punctuation are the most important aspect of the English grammar. If you do know the punctuation well, it is great, otherwise there are so many chances of you scattering around and not making sense of things. The period or as most people know it “full stop” is used in the following cases –

  1. At the end of sentence
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Quotations
  4. With parentheses
  5. With comma

This is the most common use of period. It is used to end a declarative sentence, an imperative sentence and a sentence fragment.

  • Declarative sentence are the sentences that make a statement. For example-

All the students decided to go by train.

  • Imperative sentence are those that make a command. For example-

Get out of the room.

  • A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. For example-

Who is responsible for the chaos in the class? The students themselves.

  • In abbreviations

A period is used to indicate an abbreviation. Example-

Ms. Avishi is a great doctor.

  1. A sentence ending in an abbreviation does not need a second period. Example – The seat has reserved for the M.L.A.
  2. If a sentence ends with a abbreviation but requires a punctuation mark except period, the appropriate mark must be put. Example- where did Avantika did her Ph.D.?

When a sentence ends in quotation mark, a single period ends both quotation and the sentence. And this period is used inside the quotation mark. Example-

He said,”I can do anything that I want.”

When a sentence ends with a quotation mark but requires a final question mark, no period is used. For example- Did he really say,”I hate you”?

When the statement inside the quotation mark end with question mark, there is no need of a period. Example- Arun went on to ask,”Do you really want to do it?”

No matter the exclamation mark is required within a quotation mark or afterit, no period is used.

Example- What a terrible choice was made by ” the board “!

By now we know what Steve mean when he says, ” you are idiot!”


Period  may or may not be used inside a parentheses depending on the context. For example-

  • The economy of country in 1998 (see India Times Report, 1998) was at the verge of a steep slowdown.
  • The economy of country in 1998 was at the verge of a steep slowdown (see India Times Report,slowdown).
  • Economy of country in 1998 was at the verge of a steep slowdown.(see India Times Report, 1998.)

When a sentence includes an abbreviation that immediately precedes a comma, the period required in the abbreviation is retained.

Example – We will welcome Arun Rathore, M.A., to the class in next hour.

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