Increase Your Vocabulary

There are times when you may want to talk good about something and sometimes we just talk “bad” about something. But the question is not whether you want to talk good or bad. The point is whether you refer the good by “good” always or you have some more words added to your vocabulary. Similarly with “bad”. Because if you use the same word more often the chances are that you may get a low band score in IELTS speaking. Because in speaking round, the examiner also checks your vocabulary.

Here I come with some synonyms of “good” and “bad”.
Words you can use when talking good about something-


An advantage of living in India is that you get to enjoy all the weather conditions.


A benefit of living in India is that people are usually nice and warm with their guests.

Positive aspect

A positive aspect of living in India is that you can interact with people with different cultures.

Good point

A good point about India is that India is united in its diversity.

An argument in favor of

An argument in favor of living in India is it has a great cultural history.


A disadvantage of living in a city it is very noisy.

Words you can use when talking “bad” about something


A drawback of living in a city is a city is crowded.


An objection to living in a city is there are lot of crimes going on.

A negative effect

A negative effect of living in a city is that it is quite expensive.

A downside

A downside of living in a city is that people don’t have time to have fun.

A frequent criticism

A frequent criticism about living in a city is that they are very polluted.

An argument against

An argument against cities is they don’t treat people as humans.
Remember, it is important what you are speaking but it is more important how you are.

So, increase your vocabulary and increase your band.


Learn The Difference


Are you wondering why am I saying the same thing thrice? Are you one of those who think that United Kingdom and Great Britain are the same? Save Yourself and learn the difference. Yes. save yourself of the embarrassment you may have to face if you ever wish to talk about them.
The three are different and the difference is like mango is a fruit but all fruits are not mangoes. I won’t riddle much about this and come straight.

Great Britain

Great Britain is used to refer to the countries of England, Wales and Scotland together. And if you lose “great” Britain refers to England and Wales.

United Kingdom

United Kingdom refers to The Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We use ‘British’ or ‘Britons’ when we talk about the citizens of ‘United Kingdom’.

British Isles

It is a geographical term. British Isles refers to Ireland, Great Britain and other islands.

Note : British Isles refers to geography and not nationality. So, although Republic of Ireland is part of British Isles, people of Republic of Ireland are not British.
Figure out what you are trying to talk about and use the terms wisely.


Confusing Words # IELTS Prep

We all have some troubles and some problems. There are things that affect us or effect us? Confusing?? Yes it is. And there are so many words that although sound similar, they are not! So, let us dive in to some of the words that may sound similar but their meanings are all different!!


It is the situation that causes difficulty and needs to be dealt. You can either talk about problem or problems.
Example-: If you don’t pay your fee on time, you may face some problem in your exam.
Tell me what the problem is.


It refers to ‘problems, difficulties or worries’ and is used to talk about problems in a more general way.
Example-: A low self-esteem may trouble you throughout your life.
Troubles can always be your friend, if you know how to accept them.
REMEMBER-: Trouble is uncountable so don’t use the determiner “a” with it.


It is a verb which means ‘to cause a change’. So, whenever you want to refer to the factors that cause the change, use affect.
Example-: Millions of lives were affected after the terrorist attack.
Explanation-: We have used affect here because lives were changed because of the terrorist attack.


It is used when we talk about the change, reaction or result caused by something.
Example-: Global warming is one of the effect of pollution.
Explanation-: we have used effect since we are talking about the change that has come because of pollution.

Affect is a verb, effect is a noun!

Make a point to use the words correctly. Because it is good that you know a word, but it is better if you use it correctly.

Global Opportunities For Indians

You won’t become Steve Jobs in a night. Nor will you be the next Raghuram Rajan on your arrival. Don’t even expect people asking your autograph when you arrive. So the point is if you think you will be some kind of celebrity once you arrive from the abroad study. This is not happening. So what should you do next? Cancel the plan!! Wait. Don’t be so fast. Although abroad study doesn’t make you a celebrity over night but it can always be the first step to becoming one. Here’s how !

Opens new doors and windows

Doing the same thing at the same place again and again can end up making you like a machine that does the same thing and hence loses importance. Abroad study increases your horizons. You start approaching things in a new way, in a different way. May be you don’t become famous but surely you now have a wider friend circle. And it is this circle that usually becomes your network. The network that plays a vital role in your career. Remember, once you leave your comfort zone you never remain the same.

Learn a new language

Why do we speak so fluent Hindi? It is not because we are Indians but because as we grow up we hear it. And then we pick it up. So we speak it. Not to impress someone but to communicate. We never go to some kind of coaching to learn it. And this is exactly what happens when you go to abroad. You need their language. Because it is the only way you can communicate. So you grasp it. Both the language and the way it is spoken. But why is it important? Because the world is a global village now. We want people who can interact with more people. And knowing a language can always be an advantage.


You must be aware that now an organization is not opened at one place. It is all global. So it be possible that you have to interact with a client who is in Singapore or may be Africa. Abroad study makes you understand and respect cultures. How to adjust with people who look different, talk different and think different. And this, acceptance is what is required.
So, don’t contemplate more. “study abroad” is not about studying alone. It is an experience that you hold and that makes you different.

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