IELTS Speaking Sample Answers # The Internet

The widespread use of the internet has truly metamorphosed our lives. We are living in an era where people are connected like never before and learning new things in the most innovative ways no one can imagine off! With so much happening and changing in our world, because of the internet, let us today have a look at some of the questions related to the internet.

Do you use the internet much during the day?

My living depends on the internet. Being a travel blogger, for the most part, I am either posting on my blogs or searching for places to travel. Or otherwise, use the internet for handling my social media accounts. With a busload of people on the internet, it becomes quite difficult to grasp the attention of your audience. A writer knows this, so the basic step is writing a good piece of article and then making sure it gets publicized and reaches out to a larger and more connected audience. Also, the internet has a certain level of addiction I cannot resist. Mostly I am responding to the reviews and the comments. So, for me, the internet is my bread and butter.

What are some of the advantages of the internet?

The Internet offers a varied range of benefits to its users. The best I can think off is free communication to far off people. Gone are the days when one had to pay good money for making ISD calls. The world is connected and is connected at a far cheaper price than one can think off! In a globalized way, the world surely has shrunken down with the best from everywhere available on the Internet. From online education to transactions, life is happening at the click of a button.

Do people in your country use the internet a lot?

smartphones have immensely increased the use of the internet. With the world being accessible on a click, people are glued up to their smart phones. People in my country are using the internet for almost everything, right from education, online transactions, communication and so much more. Even elderly people are learning to use it for conversing with their kids. It is a common sight for the older generation of our country to sit down together and talk about WhatsApp chats. The younger gen has grown up with it, so for them, it is just a part of their lives, like electricity.

Do you do any shopping on the internet?

Shopping on the internet is one thing I do not prefer much but the availability of great discounts do make me go back. For items like electronics and bags, I have come to prefer online shopping as compared to going to market as the product quality can be easily checked and there are a lot of offers available while shopping online. But, for clothes, I still prefer the traditional way of shopping where I can try on clothes.

Who do you usually communicate with?

Communication has a lot of channels in the present times. On email, most of the times the people I communicate with are either my managers or for the best part, the people who like my blog and comment and give suggestions. Also, I interact with my official clients via official emails. But, for personal preferences, I use WhatsApp or messenger for communicating with my friends and family.

How often do you check your email?

Probably, once in every two hours. There are a lot of things happening in the world and emails are one way of getting connected with all of them so it is important. Apart from the Gmail account, I have my office account wherein I get the emails related to work. This account I usually check thrice a day, at the start of work and then probably midway and finally before leaving.

Do you think writing emails has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?

I would say, it has strengthened people’s writing skills. There is a conscious effort that people put in writing as the email gets stored and can be used as proof, they make sure that the language was written properly. It has resulted in improved formal writing skills. But, I would agree to a certain extent that too much formal writing has killed the creativity in individuals.


IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Workplace

Steve Jobs once said, ” Do what you love” and “Don’t settle”. Your work life is going to occupy a major part of your lives and so make sure that you are doing what you love. However, it is sometimes not just about the work that you do but also about the place in which it is done. This time we are looking at IELTS speaking sample questions asked in a recent exam related to the workplace.

What things make an office comfortable to work in?

There are a lot of things that help in making work easier at a workplace. But, I believe the people around are the most important role takers to make the workplace amazing. Being with people who motivate you to do better work, brings a person back to the place. Having people who criticize or carry negative energy along with them take away the interests in the work place. Apart from this, I believe, the policies of a company and the facilities provide help with an individual.

Why do some people prefer to work outdoors?

Interests vary for every person and there are people who are outgoing and so do prefer an outdoor job. The most interesting thing about working outdoors is every day seems a new day because the people
around change, the place changes, and the experiences vary. When working indoors it is mostly the same place and the same set of people, which often make life seem monotonous.

Do you agree that the building people work in, is more important than the colleagues they work with?

I move in the opposite direction in regard with this. I believe the colleagues we work with is more important than the building we work in. A person can be in a state of the art architecture but surrounded with negative people and would not be able to bring out the best in himself or herself. But, competitive and yet supportive people do help in making work better. The building a person works in is important as well, but I believe it is more about the people.

What would life be like if people didn’t have to work?

Life would have been boring for sure if people did not work at all. Humans are designed as such that until and unless they do creative things, or build things it does satisfy them. Curiosity has always been the mother of all inventions and it takes work to execute things. Having said that, surely if people did not have to do work simply for money and could do the work that they love, it would have made life more beautiful for every body.

Are all jobs of equal importance?

Definitely yes. If we look at it from the perspective of the society, all of them are important. Imagine if all the sweepers go on strike, the world would be a dirty place. But, from the outlook of an individual, I believe a person must always give priority to a job that helps them boost their creativity. For example, having to choose between coding and cooking, I’d prefer coding because it not only makes me happier but also allows me to bring in the creative side of me.

Why do you think some people become workaholics?

I believe, like depression, Workaholics are people who do need attention. Most people often turn towards work with a coffee or a cigarette in their hand and it is mostly to run away from reality. Working on your dreams is good and one must do it, but not having even a single person to your side often could lead to frustration.

IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086

IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Art Lessons

Art is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It means being able to express oneself. So, a person who expresses themselves through music or through paintings or even through codes is called an artist. This time we are looking at some sample questions that were recently asked in the IELTS speaking section related to art lessons but particularly about art. These questions have been asked in PART I of the IELTS speaking.

Did you enjoy art lessons at school when you were a child? [Why/Why not?]

Art has never been my forte and so the colours and stencils never excited me. Naturally, art lessons were the ones I avoided the most My art book usually had an unfinished drawing or dirty paintings. THe ones where colours were used were not properly done or the strokes of the brushes were not cleanly used. I remember, during my art lessons I would fiddle around in the class or create a mess with my colours. There was no particular reason for it, just that art never struck me.

Do you ever draw or paint pictures nowadays? [Why/Why not?]

I usually don’t. Even if I am using colours it is either for making posters or colouring a furniture or a wall. There is no one reason for why I don’t draw. It is just that I find more peace when I am writing or reading so there is very less time left for drawing or colouring. It is just a matter of priorities.

When was the last time when you went to an art gallery or exhibition?

Ages, I would say. Thinking of it, I think the last time I went to an exhibition was probably a year back. I was visiting my home town last summer when a national exhibition on art and culture was held in my city. People from across the nation had come to showcase their art. Some did it through spectacular furniture, other with textiles or with the help of breath taking paintings. I visited the exhibition with my friend and we bought few paintings along with some regional sarees from the exhibition.

What type of art or paintings do you like to have in your home? [ Why/Why not?]

I am a naive individual when it comes to the technicalities of art and paintings. But, there are a few things when you look at them, you just feel connected to them. Like, I remember visiting an exhibition in Delhi two years back and while wandering across the ground, I went to a shop where the woman was selling self-made paintings on mud. There I found one with a woman having a pot in her hand, looking at the sky. I could relate to it and even now when I look at it, it gives me the motivation to achieve my goals and keep dreaming. But, also to remember the responsibilities that I have.


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Questions # Living Healthily

Health is one of the most important aspects of our lives and although we tend to ignore it more often, it still remains the backbone of everything we achieve in our lives. This time we are talking about some recent questions asked in Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking about living healthily.

  • Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?

Times have changed, I believe. There was a time when people stopped caring about their health but I believe in recent times, people have again become more aware of their health. Most people prefer doing some sort of physical activity in their lives to make sure they are healthy. When making small decisions like the food they prefer, people are going for, much healthier foods.

  • What costs are involved when you are ill in your country?

It depends on the kind of hospital we go for. The government hospitals are way too cheaper than the private ones. Also, having medical insurance and things in place, cost does become less. However, for the daily workers, the cost of getting ill is usually high.

  • Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?

Definitely yes. I think as the person starts getting old, they start getting the signs of bad health. It is during that time that people realise the importance of health. So, one can see a lot of old people going out for walks or jogging.

  • How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?

The best way a person can be encouraged to stay healthy is by talk and promotion using advertisements. So, if there are few who get motivated by it, then there are others who start following. Also, one can motivate others to be healthy by adopting a healthy lifestyle for themselves.

  • What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

The ways by which people stay healthy in my country is usually divided into age groups and sometimes their income as well. So, the younger group is usually found in the gym or playing a sport. With age, the older generation prefers walking or jogging along with nature. With different income groups, the higher ones usually have their personal trainers, while the middle of the lower finds out ways for themselves.

  • Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

The only reason that people have for continuing their bad habits is that they have become their habit and as they say bad habits die hard. So, even when people know that it is harming them it is quite tough to stop doing things that they have inculcated in their routines for a long period of time.

  • Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

In my country, women are always more concerned about their men and their family more than they are about themselves. But as an individual, I think yes, a woman make sure that she does not indulge herself into the habits that are not good for her health.

  • Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?

In my opinion, yes people have become more health conscious. It could be because of the influence of their favourite stars or the images that are being portrayed. Even more, with advancement in technology people have very less to do physically, so there has a sense of consciousness among people for their health.

  • How can children learn to have a healthy lifestyle?

The best way a child can be taught to have a healthy lifestyle is by showing them how to have one. If we as a society in large, will try to be healthy, every child will adapt to it. Like, a child learns about cigarette only when he or she sees someone lighting a cigarette and likewise if he or she sees someone leading a healthy life, he or she will lead one for himself or herself.

  • Do you think the government should promote a healthy lifestyle among the citizens?

I think yes there should be campaigns by the government for a healthy lifestyle but I also believe that government can only do a certain part to it. It always boils down to the individuals if they want to go for it or not.

  • Would you say modern science and technology has more of a positive or a negative influence on people’s health?

There are many ways in which modern science and technology have helped, like in curing diseases and making operations better and more successful. However, there have been some negative impacts as well, I believe if we keep focusing on the positive impacts, the negative will surely become minimal.


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