IELTS Speaking Sample Questions # Art Lessons

Art is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It means being able to express oneself. So, a person who expresses themselves through music or through paintings or even through codes is called an artist. This time we are looking at some sample questions that were recently asked in the IELTS speaking section related to art lessons but particularly about art. These questions have been asked in PART I of the IELTS speaking.

Did you enjoy art lessons at school when you were a child? [Why/Why not?]

Art has never been my forte and so the colours and stencils never excited me. Naturally, art lessons were the ones I avoided the most My art book usually had an unfinished drawing or dirty paintings. THe ones where colours were used were not properly done or the strokes of the brushes were not cleanly used. I remember, during my art lessons I would fiddle around in the class or create a mess with my colours. There was no particular reason for it, just that art never struck me.

Do you ever draw or paint pictures nowadays? [Why/Why not?]

I usually don’t. Even if I am using colours it is either for making posters or colouring a furniture or a wall. There is no one reason for why I don’t draw. It is just that I find more peace when I am writing or reading so there is very less time left for drawing or colouring. It is just a matter of priorities.

When was the last time when you went to an art gallery or exhibition?

Ages, I would say. Thinking of it, I think the last time I went to an exhibition was probably a year back. I was visiting my home town last summer when a national exhibition on art and culture was held in my city. People from across the nation had come to showcase their art. Some did it through spectacular furniture, other with textiles or with the help of breath taking paintings. I visited the exhibition with my friend and we bought few paintings along with some regional sarees from the exhibition.

What type of art or paintings do you like to have in your home? [ Why/Why not?]

I am a naive individual when it comes to the technicalities of art and paintings. But, there are a few things when you look at them, you just feel connected to them. Like, I remember visiting an exhibition in Delhi two years back and while wandering across the ground, I went to a shop where the woman was selling self-made paintings on mud. There I found one with a woman having a pot in her hand, looking at the sky. I could relate to it and even now when I look at it, it gives me the motivation to achieve my goals and keep dreaming. But, also to remember the responsibilities that I have.