IELTS Cue Card #building with architectural interest

Describe a building/structure with architectural interest.
You should say:

  • What is it?
  • What is the historical significance of it?
  • Why should we preserve it?

and describe the building/structure in details.


Sample Answer :

The Leaning Tower of Pisa also popularly known as Tower of Pisa is an interesting and amazing  structure situated in the Pisa city of Italy.  It is the third oldest structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square and very famous for its unintended tilt to one side. The site is flocked by tourists all over the world and is considered a major attraction.

The height of the tower is around 183 feet. The width of the tower is higher in the lower part. The tower has 296 steps and offers a great architectural and artistic value to the world. The tilt of this tower was never planned. It occurred unintentionally. During the construction phase, the tilt was created due to the inadequate foundation on the soft ground. Later this tilt increased until the structure was stabilised. Around 200 years were taken to build this greatest structure.

There are some debates about the real architect of this world famous structure and it has been credited to Guglielmo and Bonanno Pisano who are considered to be the architects of this structure. But recent studies imply this credit to Diotisalvi as the original architect. This is still a never ending debate.

This structure has many historic significance and was one of the seven medieval wonder of the world. The structure was built initially by the people of Pisa to show the value and importance of the Pisa city and justify their place in the world. The plan included a cathedral, a baptistery, a bell tower and a cemetery. The construction began at around 1173 and completed in the middle of 1300.

This famous tower is not known only for the great beauty of its Romanesque architecture but also for its historical significance. It is of great cultural and social importance to its people. The famous astronomer Galileo Galilei is said to have dropped a cannon ball and a musket ball bot hat a time from the Tower of Pisa to prove that weight does not affect the dropping speed of an object. This place has scientific importance too.

This structure was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 and had been very famous as one of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World. I will surely like to visit it some day.

Follow-Up Questions :

Q1. Why are historical places considered famous?
Ans Historical places are a gateway for the curios souls. They give us an insight about the ancient rites and rituals and act as a bridging agent between the past and the present. Historical places describe the art and culture of the old times and its super fascinating.

Q2. How has architecture  developed over the years ?
Ans The buildings made in the past were generally large area structures that had lot of minimal and stones that were used in their making. The architecture today is more about glamourous and fashionable looking structures. People use variety of iron and glasses for the same purpose.

Q3. Tell us something about the historical places or places of architectural interest in your city.
Ans I currently reside in Dehradun. The city is truly a heaven’s abode and it holds lot of tourist attractions. The famous places are robber’s cave, forest research institute, Indian Military Academy and the list goes on. It is a place which I will surely recommend to people to visit.

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IELTS CUE CARD # Modern Technology You Own

Describe a piece of modern technology that you own.
You should say:

  • What it is?
  • What you use it for?
  • How long you have owned it?

And explain why it is important for you.




Sample Answer :

I’m a gadget freak and I personally enjoy buying and collecting several pieces of modern technology and electronic gadgets that I often use and amongst all of them, I would like to talk about my laptop. I own a MacBook Air which is manufactured by Apple Inc. The laptop has an amazing configuration and it supports most of the latest software. It came with its upgraded IOS operating system and it was a bit expensive for me to buy but I can say that it was definitely worth it. I bought it approximately a year ago when I replaced my old Dell laptop with this new one.

It is used for a variety of official purposes as well as personal use. I use the internet to find information for several projects, communicate with my friends, listen to music using this laptop. I sometimes prepare some documents and play games in it as well. This laptop serves as a source of entertainment too. In fact, I use my laptop more frequently than any other electronic device I have including my mobile.

I’ve been using laptop for more than 10 years now. Since the technology changes with every passing day and the use of latest software which demands faster performances, we need to upgrade our computers and laptops very regularly to ensure good performance, I replaced my old laptop with this new one for the same reason.

As I have previously mentioned, I use this laptop for a list of reasons like sorting and writing documents, to keep in contact with my friends, maintain my blogs, watch movies, listen to music and for many other important purposes. It has definitely become an unavoidable technology for me that I use almost every day.

Follow-Up Questions:

Q1. How can technology make our life easier?
Ans Technology has made a very powerful impact in our lives in many ways and so far technological advancement has made our life easier than ever. The internet has contributed to this to a large extent. It has also made the day to day communication faster and easier. Communication and shopping have improved as well.

Technology has made it possible to cure diseases that were incurable in the past. It has improved the way we travel, cook, play, make a relationship, spend our leisure time. The space exploration has enhanced our perspective of life and universe while we can better fight the natural disasters with the help of technology. Technology has turned out as a blessing to us.

Q2. What are some greatest inventions you know about?
Ans There are many remarkable and creative inventions that has changed our lives and humankind. According to me, the cars and light bulb are two of the most important things that were ever invented. The first device helps people commute whenever they want and wherever they are and the second has made working in dark places and at night feasible. I should probably mention the wheel, printing press, paper, Penicillin, Integrated Circuit and camera are also necessarily important.

Q3. Can you do without your mobile phone?
Ans The answer to this is a straight cut no. Due to the fact that it’s multifunctional, it constitutes an integral part of my life. I use it constantly every day to make calls and talk to my friends and family, send messages, access the internet, take pictures, surf for information, listen to music. I think I’ll have a very difficult time even if I lose it for a while. Its such a nightmare.

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IELTS CUE CARD #Job / Career you hope to have

Describe the job/ career you have or hope to have.
You should say:

  • What the job is?
  • What it involves?
  • Why you chose it?

and explain why you are interested in this job.

Sample Answer:

It’s a childhood dream to become an internationally acclaimed writer and the job as an author is something I hope to have in the future. The job responsibilities of an author are rather casual. One is thy own master. It mainly involves collecting and writing the authentic facts and ideas that would be important for people. This is a great, exciting and noble profession. As a writer, the person has many responsibilities towards the mass people and towards the society.

She is a true soldier of the society whose responsibility is to represent the truth and help people break open from prejudices and create a better place to live. Time to time, she/he has to take many risks to keep certain ideas to public with can be treated with both applaud and criticism and it is then published for further evolution.

I like the idea of getting involved in a challenging job that will enable me to use my determination, creativity, integrity, honesty and curiosity to do something worthy and influential for the people and for the society. The career as a distinguished writer seems to me the perfect opportunity to fulfil my vision, aspiration and goodwill to serve the ordinary people of the society and to leave an ever lasting impression.

The challenges, excitement, the commitments, opportunity and the thought of doing and exploring something new everyday are the main reasons I am interested in having my career in the field of literature. The job of a writer also demands the person to travel a lot and take lots of challenges and I have great passion for both of these two things. I look forward to making a career in this field of interest and prove as a worthy example.

Follow-Up Questions:

Q1. What are the most popular career options according to you in the modern times?
Ans The modern times are obsessed with the idea of more money, bigger house, more things to show off and that has in turned shaped the career choices people take. The engineering and doctor field of study seems to be pretty popular in recent times while subjects like art and humanity are looked as inferior.

Q2. On what basis does one look for a suitable job?
Ans While searching for a job, one considers lot of options. One generally looks for a good pay scale, suitable work environment, good staff and definitely an understanding boss.

Q3. Which is better – following your passion or going along with normality ?
Ans  According to me, one should always follow their passion. One who does this is likely to succeed and develop a great sense of self achievement. Doing something different is what brings innovation and in turn develops the society.

Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

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Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions # Dictionary

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions #Dictionary, IELTSBAND7 DEHRADUN
Q1:Do you often use a dictionary?
ANS:Even though I am a big fan of the English lexicon, it has been a long while since I used the dictionary. I remember having one during school time and using one on quite regular basis during college years, especially the last semester when I had to write my dissertation. Once in a blue moon I come across a new word that I struggle to find the meaning and then in that moment I turn towards my old friend for some help and to find the meaning of that particular word.

Q2:Do you prefer to use an electronic dictionary or a dictionary made out of paper?
ANS:In this digital age where all the facilities are available on the touch screen of your Smartphone that provides you wealth of information it’s quite hard to overlook these benefits. I used to own an oxford paper dictionary at school times, I lost it after my college days and with the ease of using digital media and thanks to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc it has become so much convenient and easy to get meaning of any word in any language not only in English that the thought of buying a dictionary never crossed my mind.

Q3:If someone gave you a dictionary as a gift, how would you feel?
ANS:I’d love to own a dictionary again. I’d be over the moon if one fine day someone gifts me a dictionary. There are some things that feel right the old school way and getting a dictionary as a gift would make me feel ecstatic. I have recently joined an institute as an English teacher and having a dictionary in my bag will make me ready to simplify any word in the English language on that very moment. As I take a cab back home from the institute which is around ten miles from my place so I can use that time to learn some new words.

Q4:Do you think it would be interesting to write a dictionary?
ANS:It will be wonderful to write one. The joy of simplifying difficult and complex words that even some native speaker might not know of will be quite a challenging and daunting task but at the same time one that will take my interest in the English language to the next level. It will also test my knowledge of the language and challenge me to get one on the previous versions as with every new edition new words are added and some of the previous words are explained with a better understanding. It will be a lot more than just interesting as seeing my name on the back of either Oxford or Cambridge official dictionary.

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