CUE CARD – Describe an interesting song

Speaking -Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an interesting song
You should say:

    • Who the song is ?
    • What story does the song tell ? / What it is about ?
    • Whether the song is popular ?
    • And, explain why you think it is interesting ?
Sample Answer

Music is one of the most beautiful forms of art, and I listen to it whenever I am feeling the blues. Today, I am going to talk about a motivational song that I love listening to, whenever I am thrown by failures in life. The song’s name is believers, by the worldwide famous band Imagine Dragons.

The song really helps me get through the impossible days when it is really hard for me to get out of bed and kick off my day. It gives a very inspirational message about the failures of life and urges one to push one’s limits and go beyond them. It empowers me to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and keeps me going even at my worst. This song put forth the never give up attitude in life even when everything appears to be the end of the world.

The song is quite popular across the globe and definitely forms a part of every individual’s playlist, especially the young blood. Like many other youngsters, I also listen to this song to work my way out through the hurtful days of life. Thanks to one of my close friends Niya, who suggested I listen to this song when I was going through some personal mid-life crisis.

I was emotionally tormented by the loss of a family member and felt emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. At the time I also was not able to cope with the work and thus, my work-life balance was not very good as there was a lot on my plate. It was at that time, that I started listening to this song and overcame my demons. This song is meaningful in a lot of ways, as it is inspired by the band’s own personal struggles that they went through before actually gaining popularity in the mainstream.

Thus, this is a song that I found particularly interesting.

 Speaking -Part 3 (Follow up questions)
Here are some examples of follow up questions that examiner may ask during your speaking (part 3) related to cue card ‘Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

Q1. Why are many music competitions popular in India ?

There is a myriad of music competitions that are widely popular as they are really enjoyed by people from across the remotest corners of the country. Singing shows such as the Voice, Indian idol, and Voice Global are some of the very popular music competitions that people like to watch. It is because of these public platforms that a lot of talented individuals are getting an opportunity to display their singing talent.

Q2. What kinds of music do young people like ?

I think young people like listening to a lot of pop and hip-hop music followed by some rap music as well, which is slowly taking over the music industry. Young bloods these days want to listen to something they can relate to and not something that is superficial and fake. Thus, these are the kinds of songs that young people like listening to.

Q3. What kinds of people like to listen to traditional music?

I believe with the advent of western music, we have somehow managed to suppress our traditional music forms, and thus, a very handful of individuals enjoy traditional songs and these are generally the locals of a particular community who are true to their roots and promote their traditional music.

Q4. Why do you think old people like old songs ?

I believe that old person like old songs because they do not relate to the songs that are presently in trend. Moreover, the old songs remind them of their era and their time when life was supposed to be very simple, unlike the modern competitive world. The old songs have slow beats and are full of life with a deep sense of meaning to it. They feel very connected to it. Therefore, old people like to listen to old songs.


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IELTS Cue Card #event when you were congratulated

Describe an occasion or event when you were congratulated.
You should say:

  • what was the occasion
  • when was it
  • who congratulated you and why

and explain how did this make you feel.


Sample Answer :

It’s a common gesture of appreciation that one receives on doing something good and worthy. We get appreciations for the good things we do for others or for our great achievements or personal excellence. One similar occasion when I was congratulated was when my debate team won the district/ county level championship.
It was 2012 and I was in my 10th grade. I was an influential member of my school debate team and had participated in a lot of different solo and team debate competitions. The yearly inter-school division/ county level championship was considered to be the most amazing and prestigious tournament and the in those days the finals was broadcasted on local TV channels as well as on the radio and on the internet.
Our school had a very bad past history as it was not able to win the championship before 2012. They had their last victory in the 90’s and everyone was waiting to hear the winning bells again. Though some of the debate teams participated till the semi-finals of the championship but never made it to the finale.
That year I was heading the debate team and to everyone’s great astonishment, we won the finals. Most of the people of our city watched the finals on TV and were super excited, happy and proud to see me on air and it was an added attraction that we won.
The school arranged an assembly specifically to congratulate us for our achievement and I found more than five hundred students, their guardians and local people who were eagerly waiting for us and were present there to join us in this victory. I was so proud about the whole team and excited about the occasion and when all those people started congratulating me, I felt like I was flying above the sky and my happiness knew no leaps and bounds.
Later I received many congratulations and appreciations as I grew up in my life but none of them mattered as that one occasion. We walked through the gushing crowd towards the stage of the auditorium and people stood up, greeted us and  clapped their hands. Lot of teachers, local political leaders, upper-level government employees and renowned personalities were also present there. The ceremony went on for almost 3 hours and we got many gifts and bouquets as well. Ill always remember that moment.(395 Words)

Follow-Up Questions :

Q1. What kind of people are successful in your country ?
Ans In India, generally movie stars, politicians and business tycoons are the most popular and successful people. Influential people who make social and environmental changes are also considered successful.

Q2. Is the definition of success the same today as it was in the past ?
Ans Success has different meaning to different people. People in the past considered success to be more about respect and dignity and paid more focus on the idea of getting known. The idea of popularity still remains the same but today people evaluate success in terms of money and material possessions acquired.

Q3. Why are some celebrities and movie stars more successful then others ?
Ans Some celebrities are famous because the generation today is bias and they prefer knowing or watching only those  certain celebrities who are more popular and they don’t really prefer quality. They just go with the brand name and they prefer to stick with the passive crowd and go along with fan following.



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IELTS Cue Card #Describe an art/craft activity that you had had at school

IELTS Cue Card #Describe an art/craft activity that you had had at school

Describe an art/craft activity that you had had at school.
You should say:

  • What did you make?
  • When did you make it?
  • How did you make it?

And what were your reactions then.

IELTS Cue Card #Describe an art/craft activity that you had had at school

Sample Answer :

Art and craft constitute the aesthetic aspects of our environment and plays a vital role in spurring the creativity of human beings. It adds an element of beauty in our lives which becomes a source of inspiration and appreciation. For instance, Taj mahal is a marvellous monument of art, which holds a special significance in the hearts of people all around the world. These activities of art and craft are learnt and practiced since an early age and mastered over a period of time. We have a dedicated department of art and craft in our school, that involves the use of several materials like wood, paper, mud etc. to create objects of aesthetic importance. The school conducts competition in art and craft every year, where students exhibit their diversified talents and carve out various objects by using different materials. When I was in tenth standard, I took part in this competition and designed a rectangular wooden box.

I was actively practicing my woodcraft skills, since when I was in eighth standard. Therefore, by the time I took part in competition, I was well averse with all the techniques and specifications involved in woodcraft. I always had a desire to make a wooden box for my little sister, as she frequently complained to me, of the lack of storage space for her things and belongings. Since I was a novice in fixing clips and bolts in the wood initially, it took me some time to learn that. It was in this competition, that I carved out a perfectly smooth finished box affixed with bolts, by my shovel and razor.

At the end of the day, everyone submitted his piece of art to the judges, who announced the results shortly after an hour. Although I was feeling very good about my creation and was quite confident of a rank among the first three, but announcement of my name as the first winner simply turned me mad with joy and delight. Soon after, I rushed to my home screaming with joy; laden with my artefact and trophy of winner. I informed my sister about the event and presented her the box. I was extremely satisfied and happy with my gift to the sister, which I created on my own.

Word Meaning
Aesthetic related to beauty: Poetry constitute the aesthetic part of humans.
Follow-up Questions

Q. 1 What is the use of art and craft in our lives?

Sample Answer: As discussed, art and craft form the crucial aesthetic components in our lives. They are a result of our ever growing creativity and curiosity for novel beautiful creations. These artefacts not only bring delight in our lives by their beauty aspects but are also of immense utilities. For instance, a potter’s pot not only has aesthetic features but also finds its utilities in our homes.

Q. 2 Is there traditional art and culture in your country? What are they and what is the use of them?

Sample Answer: Definitely, we have a wide array of art and craft practiced in our country. We have the different region specific dance, music and craft in different parts of the country. While ceramic pottery and traditional puppetry is practised in Rajasthan, whereas silk sarees and sandalwood products form the craft emblem of south India. On one hand, Madhubani art, all with its natural colours, is taken up in eastern region of Bihar and Bengal while on the other, Mughal and Pahari art flourishes in northern regions. Traditional art and craft not only preserves the rich heritage and culture of our nation but it is also showcased in cosmopolitan fairs to spread the fame of our nation in distant lands. On a commercial scale, export of such traditional art and craft generates the revenue for our country.

Q. 3 Do you consider the depreciation of traditional art and craft with the passage of time? Why?

Sample Answer: Yes, indeed. There has been a significant decline in the extent and quality of art and culture with the passage of time. Traditional art and culture signify the antiquity and over the time, with the breakthroughs in the digital and machine technology, many forms of art have been translated in form of soft products. Designs on fabric, that were done by the skilled craftsmen, have now been replaced with those of them put by machines. Similarly, many handicrafts have, with time, been turned into synthetic crafts. Even the fine arts on canvas is gradually being replaced by sketches and designs created by the software programmes. Therefore, it is the rapid onset of technology that is responsible for the replacement of the skilled workforce and hence the depreciation in traditional art and culture.

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IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card: Describe a plant grown in your country.

IELTS Speaking Task Cue Card:

Describe a plant grown in your country.

  • What is the name of the plant?
  • What does it look like?
  • Where does it grow?

And what are its uses.

neem-tree Best IELTS Band 7 Coaching in dehradun

Sample Answer

There are many different varieties of trees and plants that are specific to our country India. These are highly beneficial due to their practical applications in healthcare, food and other uses. Some plants are rare, while some are very common, and are found all over the country and in other countries as well, such as the tulsi plant.

One such commonly found plant is Azadirachta indica, commonly known as neem plant or Indian lilac. Neem is a fast-growing, evergreen tree, and reaches a height of 20 meters. The branches are long and wide, with toothed, pinnate leaves. It has white and fragrant flowers, and small, olive-like, drupe shaped fruits that are bittersweet in taste.

The neem plant is native to the Indian subcontinent, and not only does it survive, but also thrives in less water. Furthermore, it can grow in different kinds of soil and is a tropical or subtropical tree. This plant can resist high temperatures, but not very low temperatures. Moreover, it can be found almost everywhere in India, growing in gardens, temples, parks, roadsides, and other public places. Known for its thick foliage, it is grown for its shade in different outdoor seating areas.

A highly versatile plant, it has various uses due to its long list of practical abilities and medicinal benefits. The leaves are used in cooking different vegetables, salads, and pickling. Neem is highly beneficial and possesses many medicinal qualities. Its leaves are used to cure skin diseases, and the oil is used to keep healthy hair, for improving liver function, blood detoxification, along with balancing blood sugar levels. Neem twigs are used as natural toothbrushes and tongue cleaners. It has other applications such as in cosmetics and sanitary products.

(286 Words)

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