IELTS Cue Card # Searched for some information on the internet

IELTS Cue Card #searched for some information on the internet

Describe a time when you searched for some information on the internet.
You should say :

  • What it was?
  • Where did you look?
  • Was it helpful?
  • How did you use the information?


Sample Answer

I am an avid user of the internet. I use it almost on a daily basis. I wouldn’t lie I am quite reliant on the internet. I recently came across the Indian railway website and a special feature of the site is that it allows visitors to check the live status of the train. I was quite awestruck as I wasn’t even aware of this service launched by the Indian railways. It is a very useful website and it came in quite handy during those troublesome times when my mother came to visit me and I didn’t have any information about her coming to visit me.
At first I looked on the website of the Indian railways and a pop up came up asking me to install the app on my phone. I promptly installed the application on my Iphone and proceeded to look for the information. At first it wasn’t quite clear where to look but the help section in the app proved to be quite useful. It guided me step by step and gave me live updates of the train. The information was quite clear and what astonished me the most was that you can make bookings through the app as well.
Well my mother isn’t a frequent traveller and more often than not she is accompanied by someone or the other on her travels. Out of the blue she decided to come and visit me and I was informed about her plans quite late. Her train was meant to arrive at Delhi railway station by 10:30 pm and by the time I got there I was already late by 15 minutes. To my surprise, no information about the train was available and nobody was present in the enquiry booth. I started looking online and came to know that the train was late by 1 hour.
Firstly, I was greatly relieved that I hadn’t missed her and that she is still on board. I came to know of the arrival time and live status of the train through the app. It also gave information about the platform on which the train was meant to arrive and I made my way to the platform instantly. After waiting for almost an hour the train arrived and I picked her up.

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IELTS Speaking 2021 Cue Card: A person who knows a lot about something

IELTS Speaking 2021 Cue Card: A person who knows a lot about something

Describe someone who knows a lot about something

You should say:

  • Who he/she is
  • Where he/she lives
  • What he/she does
  • Explain why you think he knows a lot.
Sample Answer:

I’ve met many knowledgeable people in my life. Today, I’m going to talk about a person who knows a lot about automobiles.

His name is Gagan Agarwal. Originally, he is from a small town in Panjab but his family moved to Delhi 5 years ago. So, now, he lives in Delhi with his parents.

Gagan works as an executive car designer in Suzuki, a renowned automobile company. He is appointed in the head office in Delhi. He completed his Bachelor’s of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Delhi in 2015. Thereafter, he was selected by Suzuki.

I feel that Gagan is a towering intellectual. Despite being a fresh graduate, he was offered a place in a world-class organization. Many senior people struggle for years to join such companies. He made it in the first year of his career. That’s is definitely a remarkable achievement. Unquestionably, the credit for this goes to his in-depth knowledge of various disciplines of mechanical engineering and his creativity.

Another reason why I think he is brilliant is that he is an active learner. Normally, when anyone starts working, they don’t pay attention to improving their knowledge or skills. But, this is not the case with Gagan. He is always willing to expand his knowledge and learn new skills. He often reads magazines and attends seminars to keep him up to date with the latest technology. All these things make him different from others. I can’t stop admiring him. He is a role model for me.


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IELTS Cue Card # Famous Person

IELTS Cue Card # Famous Person

Describe a famous person you would like to meet.
You should say:

  • who is he/ she
  • why do you want to meet him/ her
  • why he is famous
  • and explain what would you do if you meet him/ her.

famous-person, September 4, 2018 Chief Editor Leave a comment Edit Post IELTS BAND7 Cue Card DEHRADUN


There are more than seven billion people on this planet and not everyone is well known. Famous people are all over the world and we all like to follow them and know about them. Although there are quite a few personalities that I follow, one individual that I am a big fan of is Kailash Satyarthi. He is a social activist who has been working against atrocities committed in the society and has pledged his life towards the eradication of child labour.
He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner of the year 2014 and is the founder of the organisation called Bachpan bachao andolan (BBA) which translates to “Save Childhood movement”. He founded the organisation in late 1990’s and has been working as a socialite ever since. As we know committing crime is very easy in our country and due to poverty and lack of education millions of kids are forced to work when they should be at school and enjoying their childhood. A learned man, Satyarthi is a chemical engineer by profession. He left his lucrative career and he has liberated more than 80,000 child labours since he took the initiative.
In these modern times where the world is so selfish it is very difficult to come across a man who has done so much for the society without thinking about himself. It would be a great honour to meet a man of such stature and magnitude who has received so many accolades and awards for his relentless humanitarian work. His approach to life and selfless attitude is something that never fails to amaze me. He is a true hero and an inspiration for millions in my country.


There have been many personalities I have followed but the one that has truly made an impact on my life has to be Oprah Winfrey. I believe she is a true example of how following your dreams can let you live a meaningful life. Being raped as a child and told that it is her duty to do the household work, she did not let these negativities hold her back. The fact that she believed that she is meant to be successful is what amazes me the most. The reason I really want to meet her is because

She signifies to be as a person who does not think of the issues ahead, rather the great work that needs to be done. This makes it so much more intimidating to meet her. And what I have learned about her is that she has actually lived a balanced life. I wish to learn from her the way of balancing the life and making difference in other people’s life.

I think the day I meet her I would ask her five advice for my life because I do trust that they will be great ones!


If there ever is a famous person I would like to meet, it has to be Raghuram Rajan. He has been one of the most successful RBI governors our country had. Even more, he became the Economic Counselor and Director of Research of the International Monetary Fund, the youngest ever. What made all eyes turning to him is his prediction of the 2008 global crisis.

I am not an economist and neither do understand it well. But I really wish to understand what goes inside one of the most brilliant minds of our country. He has been one of those people who has actually allowed the economy of our country to boost. Over time, we all have seen that when his advice was given consideration, there were losses prevented. However, when they were avoided, we have paid the price.

I want to meet him and know his opinion on our country and what he thinks is the right thing for our country. There is something in me that tells that we as young people should definitely do for our country. I would like to interact with him and know how doing what I love can I do something for my country.



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IELTS Cue Card Sample Question # Invention

Curiosity is the mother of all inventions. It is these innovations that help the human race to move forward, make changes and do things differently. For instance, the invention of electricity brought about humongous changes in the life style of human beings. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about an invention that changed the people’s life.

Describe an invention that changed human lives. You should say –

  • what is it?
  • who invented it?
  • when was it invented?

also explain, how did it change human lives?

Innovation IELTS band7


Every big invention always touches upon human lives and brings about changes. Be it, personal computers, wheels, electricity, aeroplane, the history is filled with the stories of great inventions. I would like to talk about the printing press. German Johannes Guttenberg invented it in the fifteenth century. The printing press uses a mechanised way of transferring ink to the movable type. This movable type process exponentially increases the speed of printing books.

It ultimately led to the rapid and widespread dissemination of knowledge for the first time in human history. Bible was the first book to be published using the Guttenberg printing press. It was the mass production of Bible, that actually led a lot of interpretations about it. For the first time in history, a scientist could easily convey their inventions, leading to a scientific revolution. Also, the literacy rate in adults increased leading to a more knowledgeable society in large. Students began to learn better and grasp concepts better than others.

Some people believe that it was the printing press that actually led to the industrial revolution, the rise of nationalism and much more! It actually did change the way people lived.


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