IELTS Grammar and Vocabulary

IELTS has four sections-: reading, writing, listening and speaking. So, what is the use of grammar and vocabulary in IELTS. Why do you need to improve it. You can easily get a high score with basic knowlede. If you think this way, I say, change it. Given below are the reasons why grammar and Vocabulary are important for IELTS?

IELTS Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar and Vocabulary

IELTS Grammar And Vocabulary

It is important that you use correct English, appropriate grammar, and a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures!

Grammar and vocabulary make up half of your speaking and writing scores! They both form 25% of your writing AND your speaking score.

In the listening and reading tests you need to have accurate spelling (so you need to know a lot of words!) and you also need good grammar so you can make sure the sentences make sense!
We at IELTS BAND 7 make sure that our students concentrate on their grammar and vocabulary each and every time they write, read and speak.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar and Vocabulary matter!

It is important that you use correct English, appropriate grammar, and a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures!

Grammar and vocabulary make up half of your speaking and writing scores! They both form 25% of your writing AND your speaking score.

In the listening and reading tests you need to have accurate spelling (so you need to know a lot of words!) and you also need good grammar so you can make sure the sentences make sense!
We at IELTSBAND7 make sure that our students concentrate on their grammar and vocabulary each and every time they write, read and speak.


Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at

IELTS online simulator

IELTS BAND 7 Home page

Grammar Tips for IELTS Preparation

Grammar Tips

***** GRAMMAR TIPS *****

In both the IELTS Speaking and the IELTS Writing test, grammar is part of the marking criteria. Poor grammar means only one thing – a lower score. Ironically, making mistakes with more complex structures won’t harm you as much as making errors with more simple grammar structures.

Present Simple and Past Simple are often not so “simple” in languages other than English, and often “L1 Interference” takes place. That’s when you speak English, but using the grammar of your native language.

For example, in many languages verbs don’t change to indicate time – sentences simply end “today”, “yesterday” or “tomorrow”. Many IELTS candidates who speak such languages automatically do this in English. So, “I went to the market” becomes “I go to the market yesterday”.


Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at

IELTS online simulator

IELTS BAND 7 Home page

Understanding IELTS Passage

what the passage is about?

what the IELTS passage is about?

You need not to read the entire passage to answer the IELTS questions. Let us see if not by entirely reading it, how can we do it.

Understanding IELTS Passage

Reading passages are not only text, they also have other things included.

These things can be:

  1. Titles
  2. Paragraph headings
  3. Sub-headings
  4. Italicized or bold type
  5. Pictures
  6. Diagrams & other visual information
  7. Tables & charts


We can use these things to help you to intelligently guess or “predict” what the passages are going to be about and what kind of information you might expect to find in them. You can do this even if you don’t really know anything about the topic because you will always find that you have some ideas about the topic and, even if those ideas may not be correct, they will help a lot in predicting.


Feel free to call for suggestions and queries.

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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at

IELTS online simulator

IELTS BAND 7 Home page

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