Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

Few IELTS Essay Tips

•Work on your vocabulary and learn new words, to make sure you will be able to understand the topic or at least take a very good guess.

•Read as many IELTS essays as you can. Reading other people’s essays helps with the ideas, if you don’t have any of your own – “borrow” from others.

•Read as much IELTS essay topics, as possible.
Important! Don’t try to memorize essays. IELTS examiners are trained to look for memorized essays and they will disqualify your work on the spot.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

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Essay Tips

Let’s take a look at how to write these cohesive phrases.

Essay Tips

Cohesion refers to words and phrases that help ideas link together. Cohesive phrases include wordings like…

Because of this, …
As this shows, …
As can clearly be seen from this example, …
It is clear that…
Thus, the idea that…
To illustrate this, …
After analyzing both points of view, …
To provide a summary, …
Without a doubt, this causes…

Use these phrases with confidence, which will not only save you time but also reduce the chances of grammatical mistakes.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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Importance Of Marketing # Essay For IELTS

Success in business can be assured if you have great marketing and promotion. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


We are living in an era which is marked by digital revolution. From the daily routines to business digital world has impacted everything. With this change, some people believe that for a business to be successful, it must have excellent marketing and promotion. In my opinion, advertising is always the second most important thing, primary being focusing on the main product/ service.

Marketing a business has great benefits. Firstly, a large group of people get to know about it. Obviously, the more the awareness,  more will be your customers. Secondly, it brings customers on the right side. A customer is able to make more knowledge able guess of the product after seeing an advertisement. Thirdly, a market space gets created for the business. For instance, when android phones came, they were not the utmost priority of everyone. It was because of their promotion that they got noticed and their need was felt.

However, simply having promoted a product is not enough. One surely gets to know about the business but after a certain time, it all depends on how good the product/service is. Even more, if the marketing team promotes a product in a way that is different from the actual product, it leads to distrust among consumers about the business.

Overall, in my opinion, we as individuals are quick to make decisions and the marketing of a product surely plays a very important role. However, it is not the only deciding factor. The final success of a business depends both on the efficiency of product and its marketing.


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IELTS Band 7 Dehradun
Near Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun

email: info at ieltsband7.com

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